生活本体论,ontology of life-world
1)ontology of life-world生活本体论
1.Society remains an organizational structure built for man\'s life and living activities,so it forms the ontology of life-world while the living takes society as its territory and embodiment.基于生活本体是人类社会的自然形态和基本事实,我们要树立的社会观、发展观和认识感知世界的方式应是"生活本体论"的。
2)life ontology生命本体论
1.And also there were a lot of heated arguments about the literature ontology and many different theory schools,such as formal ontology,life ontology,practical ontology,active ontology,anthropology ontology,practical and ontological ontology,and so on.关于"文学本体"的论争非常活跃,出现了诸如"形式本体论"、"生命本体论"、"实践本体论"、"人类学本体论"、"实践存在论"等主张。
2.His life ontology used to have great influence in Taiwan and Hong Kong.他会通中西哲学创立的“生命本体论”,在台港地区发生过重要影响。
3.Life ontology philosophy has an integration progress in the development,through the impact of the philosophy of Schopenhauer and Bergson,the infiltration of Taoist cosmology,and the final combination with the"Yi Chuan"philosophy.宗白华先生的建筑美学思想来自于其深刻的生命本体论哲学,生命本体论的融合和发展有个进展的过程,经过叔本华和柏格森哲学的影响,道家宇宙观的渗入,最后在《易传》哲学上圆成。

1.On Noumenon of Marxism Humanism Rational Philosophy--Noumenon of Human Individualistic Life论马克思人本理性哲学的本体论——人的个体生命本体论
2.Vitalizing Endlessly with Passion and Reason--On Fang Dongmei s life ontology;生生不已而“含情契理”——方东美的生命本体论探微
3.Searching and Discovery;发现与寻找——现代哲学文化中的生命本体论
4.The Flower is in Your Heart--Relationship of Man and the World in Artistic Activies From the Perspective of Life Ontology;此花不在你的心外——从生命本体论看艺术活动中的人与世界
5.Remarks on Dong Fangmei s Life Ontology and Its Assimilation with Western Philosophy;方东美的生命本体论及其会通中西哲学的兼综导向述评
6.Existentialism s Revolution to Ontology--The Significance of Kierkegaard s Individual Existentialism on Ontology;本体论的生存论革命——克尔凯郭尔个体生存论中的本体论意蕴
7.On the Co- Coostructure of Life and Language in the Third - Generation Poetry;论“第三代诗”生命与语言的本体同构性
8.The Evolution of Education s Functions:from Concentration on Knowledge to Respect for Life;论教育本体功能的嬗变——从注重知识到尊重生命
9.Confrontation or Dialogue: Analysis of the Argument about Ontology between Practical Aesthetics and Life Aesthetics;对抗?对话?——实践美学与生命美学本体论之争辨析
10.As a primary form of life existence, the life experience is a course of seeking for life meaning.生命体验是生命个体追寻生命意义的过程,是生命存在的基本方式。
11.The attribution of conscious life to natural objects or to nature itself.泛灵论,万物有灵论自然界物体或自然本身是有意识生命的属性
12.Discussious about the Noumenon of “Three Principles of the People” by the Theorists of Kuomintang: A Study on the New Life;从《新生命》月刊看国民党理论界对三民主义本体的讨论
13.On the Environmental Cost Analysis in the Context of Life Cycle Costing;论生命周期成本法下的环境成本分析
14.animism: The attribution of conscious life to natural objects or to nature itself.泛灵论: 自然界物体或自然本身是有意识生命的属性。
15.Publication of Sex Language of Female s Life Noumenon--On Poetic Theory of Female s Voice;张扬女性生命本体的性别语言——论“女性声音的诗学”
16.Humanism and Academic Independence--On Wang Guowei s Quest for Meaning of Individual Life;人本自觉与学术独立——论青年王国维的个体生命意识
17.Life Themes Model --Artistic Manifestation of Shi Ji s Life Theme;生命主题的范本──试论《史记》生命主题的艺术表现
18.ChuangTze's death concept concentrates on three aspects: life relativity, natural ontology and spiritual transcent.庄子的死亡观集中体现在生命相对论,自然本体论和精神超越论三个层面。

life ontology生命本体论
1.And also there were a lot of heated arguments about the literature ontology and many different theory schools,such as formal ontology,life ontology,practical ontology,active ontology,anthropology ontology,practical and ontological ontology,and so on.关于"文学本体"的论争非常活跃,出现了诸如"形式本体论"、"生命本体论"、"实践本体论"、"人类学本体论"、"实践存在论"等主张。
2.His life ontology used to have great influence in Taiwan and Hong Kong.他会通中西哲学创立的“生命本体论”,在台港地区发生过重要影响。
3.Life ontology philosophy has an integration progress in the development,through the impact of the philosophy of Schopenhauer and Bergson,the infiltration of Taoist cosmology,and the final combination with the"Yi Chuan"philosophy.宗白华先生的建筑美学思想来自于其深刻的生命本体论哲学,生命本体论的融合和发展有个进展的过程,经过叔本华和柏格森哲学的影响,道家宇宙观的渗入,最后在《易传》哲学上圆成。
3)existential ontology生存本体论
1.The existential ontology implied in narrative psychotherapy;叙事心理治疗的生存本体论含义
2.Real ontology holds in high esteem of logical thinking,while existential ontology has a close relation with intuition.实在本体论推重逻辑思维,直觉则与生存本体论相联系。
4)regenerating ontology再生本体论
5)Ontology life本体论生命
6)generative ontology生成本体论
