矛盾信念,contradictory beliefs
1)contradictory beliefs矛盾信念
2)contradictory concept矛盾概念
1.Then it show that somtimes we can recive new thought about solving problems when discussing the contradictory conception.讨论了复函数f(z)沿有向曲线C可积的矛盾概念———不可积概念,给出了不可积的分析定义。

1.A Talk On the Teaching of the Basic Con cepts and Their Contradic-ti on Concepts in Higher Mathematics;浅谈《高等数学》中基本概念及其矛盾概念的教学
2.Thinking of Teaching on Some Contradictory Concepts in Medical Advanced Mathematics对医用高等数学中一些矛盾概念的教学思考
3.A Historical Interpretation of Contradictions among the People and Its New Theoretical Value;人民内部矛盾概念的历史解读及在新时期的理论价值
4.Contradiction and "True":A Study on Priest's "True Contradiction"矛盾与“真”——普利斯特“真矛盾”概念解析
5.Unmarried Couple not Being a Self-contradictory Concept;“未婚夫妻”等并非是自相矛盾的概念
6.A Review of the Development of Research on Ambivalent Attitude;矛盾态度的概念、测量及其相关因素
7.An analysis of the conceptual contradiction of the study on Chinese civil organization;中国民间组织研究中的概念矛盾分析
8.View on the Concept of "Contradiction" as Self-paradox in Social Theories;论社会理论中作为自悖谬的“矛盾”概念
9.The Crisis of Public Administration in China:Conceptual Conflict and Research Puzzle Dom;我国公共行政学的危机:概念矛盾与研究困境
10.Review the concept of "ethnic group" and solutions to conflicts between ethnic groups;再论“族群”概念与解决民族内部矛盾的路径
11.An Analysis of Fang Yizhi s Idea of Dialectical Contradiction and Its Historical Status;试析方以智辩证“矛盾”概念的内涵及历史地位
12.Contradiction between the term and practice of "sport" as well as argumentation about the concept of sport“体育”术语与实践的矛盾及体育概念的争论
13.The Contradiction of Zhuangzi s Values;庄子价值观念的矛盾——对庄子哲学的价值观念背景的一种概括
14.Bohr developed his theory using three concepts, all of which were at variance with the classical theories.玻尔在发展他的学说时用了三个概念,都是与经典理论相矛盾的。
15.Avogadro disposed of this discrepancy by introducing a new conception: the molecule.为了处理这个矛盾,阿伏德罗提出一新的概念:分子。
16.One day he would read a book of antiquated philosophy, and the next day one that was ultra-modern, so that his head would be whirling with the conflict and contradiction of ideas.今天读过时无用的哲学,明天读超前时髦的哲学,脑子里的概念矛盾抵触,弄得他晕头转向。
17.Enriching the Country and Enriching the People--A Modern Reflection of Two Contradictive Concepts in Ancient Chinese thought of Economy;跳出“富国”与“富民”矛盾的怪圈——中国古代经济思想中一对冲突概念的现代审视
18.New Exploration on Unity--Commemorating On Contradiction in Publication for 70 Years;统一性新探——纪念《矛盾论》发表70周年

contradictory concept矛盾概念
1.Then it show that somtimes we can recive new thought about solving problems when discussing the contradictory conception.讨论了复函数f(z)沿有向曲线C可积的矛盾概念———不可积概念,给出了不可积的分析定义。
3)idea contradiction理念矛盾
4)conceptual contradiction概念矛盾
1.An analysis of the conceptual contradiction of the study on Chinese civil organization;中国民间组织研究中的概念矛盾分析
5)Self-contradict idea矛盾观念
6)Petition contradictions信访矛盾
