唯物主义分类,classification of materialism
1)classification of materialism唯物主义分类
2)anthropological materialism人类学唯物主义
1.As for how to summarize Marx s philosophy,this paper proposes the idea of anthropological materialism which has covered all the di.如何概括马克思哲学,本文提出了人类学唯物主义,认为这一提法可以把以上哲学所强调的辩证性、历史性、实践性等概括在人类性中,因为它们都不过是人类世界的特性。
3)Materialistic view on humankind唯物主义人类观

1.On the Deep Essence of Historical Materialism: Marx s Materialistic View on Humankind;论唯物史观的深层实质:唯物主义人类观——从表面理解马克思到深入理解马克思
2.From Alienation View of Humanistic to Alienation View of Historical Materialism从人本主义异化观到历史唯物主义异化观
3.Marx s Transformation from Humanitarianism to Historical Materialism;马克思从人道主义到唯物史观的转变
4.Marxism Historical Materialism and the Human Integrated Development;马克思主义唯物史观与人的全面发展
5.dialectical materialist view of nature辩证唯物主义自然观
6.Remarkable view of plain materialism of natural philosophy --On achievements of Chinese classic ontology,cosmology and the human evolution;卓越的朴素唯物主义自然哲学观——论中国古代本体论、宇宙论与人类进化史观的成就
7.The standpoint of the old materialism is civil society; the standpoint of the new is human society, or social humanity.旧唯物主义的立场是市民社会,新唯物主义的立场是人类社会或者社会化人类。
8.one should not approach life materialistically.任何人都不应该用唯物主义的观点来对待生活。
9.People-oriented the fundamental principles of world outlook of dialectical materialism;以人为本——辩证唯物主义世界观的根本原则
10.The Materialism Coinciding with Humanism: On the Essential Character of Marx’s Philosophy from the Perspective of Praxis-Hominologic View of Matter;和人道主义相吻合的唯物主义——从物质观看马克思哲学的基本性质
11.On the philosophical foundation of Marxist materialism, it has transcended traditional practical esthetics and human-centeredness.它以马克思主义唯物实践观为哲学前提,是对传统实践美学和人类中心的一种超越。
12.The Development of Particle Physics and Material Theory in Materialism;粒子物理学与唯物主义物质观的发展
13.Materialism of History Based on the Meaning of World Outlook;论“世界观”意义上的历史唯物主义
14.Marxist Viewpoint on Philosophy and Historical Materialism in a Broad Sense;马克思主义哲学观与广义历史唯物主义
15.Both of them believed in Marxism and materialism.两人都信仰马克思主义和唯物主义。
16.Qualities of Practical Materialism of Marxist Anthropology;马克思主义人学的实践唯物主义品格
17."Practical Humanitarian "to" Practical Materialism"“实践的人道主义”到“实践的唯物主义”
18.Under the guidance of the Party he has rejected the idealist view of history in favor of the materialist.在党的教导下,他已经抛弃唯心主义历史观,接受了唯物主义历史观。

anthropological materialism人类学唯物主义
1.As for how to summarize Marx s philosophy,this paper proposes the idea of anthropological materialism which has covered all the di.如何概括马克思哲学,本文提出了人类学唯物主义,认为这一提法可以把以上哲学所强调的辩证性、历史性、实践性等概括在人类性中,因为它们都不过是人类世界的特性。
3)Materialistic view on humankind唯物主义人类观
1.The materialism tendency of Bacon philosophy;培根哲学的唯物主义倾向
2.On the Eve of a Turn for Materialism and Communism:Rethinking the Thought Development of Marx in the Period of Rheinische Zeitung;在转向唯物主义和共产主义的前夜——《莱茵报》时期马克思哲学思想发展的再考察
3.Progressing with the times:a requirement and a realization of the world s view in dialectic materialism;与时俱进是辩证唯物主义世界观的要求和体现
5)new materialism新唯物主义
1.On the Novelty of New Materialism from the Angle of Thinking Way;从思维方式看“新唯物主义”之“新”
2.The new materialism of Marx is a practice materialism——summing up about Marxist philosophy appellation;马克思新唯物主义是实践唯物主义——关于马克思主义哲学称谓的综述
3.Capital: the Fourth Development Stage of Marxist Philosophy of New Materialism;《资本论》:马克思新唯物主义哲学发展的第四个阶段
6)old materialism旧唯物主义
1.The differences of their theories were not new and old materialism,but division of the work in philosophi.认为马克思和恩格斯哲学研究的出发点存在原则性差异,并由此推论出马克思把自己的哲学理解为实践唯物主义,恩格斯则退回到直观的旧唯物主义立场上去了,这样的"差异论"缺少文本依据。
2.Based on the revision of the mistaken thing-oriented idea of old materialism,it adopts a mode of understanding and reforming "things" of a practical nature so that it has succeeded in restoring the human-oriented and people-oriented power to a leading power and value standard in the world of life.它基于对旧唯物主义偏执物本力量误区的修正,对"物"采取实践的理解方式和改造方式,才真正把人本、民本的力量还原为生活世界的主导力量和价值标准。
3.There is a lot of dialectics in the old materialism.旧唯物主义哲学中有许多辩证法观点,费尔巴哈哲学中同样也充盈着大量的辩证法,从运动观、联系观、矛盾观、认识论等视域均可揭示费尔巴哈哲学中的辩证法成分。

经济唯物论(见历史唯物主义)经济唯物论(见历史唯物主义)economical materialism  J ing只w翻w以un「经济唯物论(econQmi呱l二at盯认li“m)见历史唯物主义。-