唯物主义形态,the forms of materialism
1)the forms of materialism唯物主义形态

1.Inquiring into the Forms of Materialism唯物主义形态探析——兼论马克思主义哲学的性质
2.in a materialistic manner.采取唯物主义的态度。
3.The Outlook of Scientific Development and the Contemporary Shape of Historical Materialism;科学发展观和历史唯物主义的当代形态
4.View on Contemporary Pattern of Marxist Philosophy from the Argument Between Practical Materialism and Dialectical Materialism;从实践唯物主义和辩证唯物主义之争看马克思主义哲学的当代形态
5.Cultural Materialism belongs to the form of the American Marxist philosophy of Culture.“文化的唯物主义”是美国的马克思主义文化哲学形态。
6.The Significance of World Outlook of Practice from the Historical Evolution and Formation of Materialism;从唯物主义历史形态的演变看实践的世界观意义
7.In Marx's historical materialism, ideology is a key concept.在马克思的历史唯物主义中,意识形态是一个极其关键的概念。
8.Personal Reality:the Starting Point for the Interpretation of Historical Materialism--Exploration on German Theory;现实的个人:历史唯物主义的起点——对《德意志意识形态》的解读
9.Ideological Criticism of the World History Concept and Reconstruction of the Practical Materialism;“世界历史”概念的意识形态批判与实践唯物主义重建
10.New Materialism and Its Origin--These on Feuerbach and German Ideology;新唯物主义的诞生地——《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》和《德意志意识形态》研究
11.Pragmatism Centralization:the New shape of Egotism;唯实践主义:“自我中心困境”的新形态
12.Comment on the Reconstruction of Historical Materialism from an Eco-socialism Perspective;评生态社会主义对历史唯物主义的解读
13.The Restructuring of Historical Materialism by North America Ecological Marxism;北美生态学马克思主义对历史唯物主义的重构
14.The Contributions of Flourishing Ecologilism to the Historical Materialism;论生态主义勃兴对历史唯物主义的若干贡献
15.communist materialism共产主义的唯物主义
16.The Oldness of Old Materialism and the Novelty of New Materialism旧唯物主义之“旧”与新唯物主义之“新”
17.Comment and Analysis on the Scientistic Western Marxists Conception of Social Formation;唯科学的西方马克思主义社会形态观评析
18.They preach idealism whereas we advocate meterilsm.他们讲唯心主义,我们讲唯物主义。

Ecological Materialism生态唯物主义
1.The materialism tendency of Bacon philosophy;培根哲学的唯物主义倾向
2.On the Eve of a Turn for Materialism and Communism:Rethinking the Thought Development of Marx in the Period of Rheinische Zeitung;在转向唯物主义和共产主义的前夜——《莱茵报》时期马克思哲学思想发展的再考察
3.Progressing with the times:a requirement and a realization of the world s view in dialectic materialism;与时俱进是辩证唯物主义世界观的要求和体现
4)metaphysical materialism形而上学唯物主义
1.It is by no means "nonsense" as denounced by metaphysical materialism.哲学唯心主义把意识说成是物质的本原,并不是就时间先在性而言的,而是就逻辑先在性而言的,不存在形而上学唯物主义所指斥的"胡说"。
2.Feuerbach is considered as a philosopher of metaphysical materialism in the traditional textbooks of Marxist philosophy, but Feuerbach s materialism is not metaphysical materialism.传统的马克思主义哲学教科书将费尔巴哈看作是形而上学唯物主义哲学家。
5)the alteration of the form of materialism唯物主义形式的改变
6)new materialism新唯物主义
1.On the Novelty of New Materialism from the Angle of Thinking Way;从思维方式看“新唯物主义”之“新”
2.The new materialism of Marx is a practice materialism——summing up about Marxist philosophy appellation;马克思新唯物主义是实践唯物主义——关于马克思主义哲学称谓的综述
3.Capital: the Fourth Development Stage of Marxist Philosophy of New Materialism;《资本论》:马克思新唯物主义哲学发展的第四个阶段

经济唯物论(见历史唯物主义)经济唯物论(见历史唯物主义)economical materialism  J ing只w翻w以un「经济唯物论(econQmi呱l二at盯认li“m)见历史唯物主义。-