求知热情,intellectual passions
1)intellectual passions求知热情

1.He shows great zeal for knowledge.他表现出极大的求知热情
2.Her acquisitive spirit, her tenacity and the firmness of her political maneuvers in the past have warranted this charge.她有求知热情,坚韧和坚定的政治思想,这使得她这次控诉成功。
3.Students showed great enthusiasm in pursuing the new learning.在寻求新知识方面,学生们表现出极大热情。
4.For details, dial hotline欲知详情,请拨热线
5.Zeal without knowledge is the sister of folly.无知的热情近乎愚蠢
6.Zeal without knowledge be fire without light .无知的热情如无光之火。
7.In his passionate insistence upon the need of experiment and of collecting knowledge, the spirit of Aristotle lives again.在他坚决要求实验和收集知识的热情中,亚里斯多德的精神获得了新生。
8.avid for adventure; an avid ambition to succeed; fierce devouring affection; the esurient eyes of an avid curiosity; greedy for fame.渴望冒险;对成功的贪婪野心;热烈、贪婪的爱情;贪婪的眼睛和渴望的求知欲;贪名逐利。
9.Curious, thirsty, passionate, and longing.求知的,渴望的,热烈的,憧憬的。
10.was unresponsive to her passionate advances.对她的热情的求爱表现冷淡。
11.To begin with, there was Bethune's overwhelming sense of dedication.首先是白求恩惊人的献身事业的热情。
12.The violinist got an enthusiastic encore.听众热情要求小提琴手再演奏一曲.
13.They energetically claimed celestial blessing.他们热情地祈求上苍的保佑。
14.She was swept off her feet by a whirlwind courtship.狂热的求爱使她控制不住自己的感情。
15.He was driven by a corroding rage for "perfection".他受追求“完美境界”的极端热情所驱策。
16.When I am burned out, infuse me with the light of Holy Spirit.当我失去热情,求祢用圣灵的光注入我。
17.They did not tell, they catalyzed a burning desire to know.他们并不灌输知识,而是激起学生求知的热望。
18.He that burns most shines most.闪闪发光的知识起源于火热的求知之心。

learn with enthusiasm热情求知
1.The key points of Experienced learning are to face the complexity,to employ a holistic learning approach,and to learn with enthusiasm.体验学习的基本精神是由学生"面向复杂本身"、"整体学习"、"热情求知"。
3)a thirst for knowledge求知的热望
1.One becomes wise through study; Loving instead of being loved makes one feel happier; one has ones own personality through play and relaxation.而教师的生活是否幸福,取决于教师是否拥有求知的快乐、爱的快乐和游戏的快乐。
5)Seeking Knowledge求知
1.Compare with our music education nowadays, the pragmatism option of value is very common that it respect aesthetic education while neglect the seeking knowledge, the final result is absence of the.然而对照现今我们的音乐教育 ,却普遍存在着一种重“美育”、轻“求知”的实用主义价值取向 ,最终导致“求知”(认知 )的不足。
6)knowing the fact知情
1.Status quo of knowing the fact and consent of cancer patients and its strategies;癌症病人知情同意的现状与对策

求知1.探求知识。 2.谓希求被人了解。