历史合力论,theory of synthesized historical forces
1)theory of synthesized historical forces历史合力论

1.Return to the Historical Dialectics:Engels s Historical Resultant Theory Reconsidered;回归历史辩证法:重新认识“历史合力论
2.Engels' "Historical Joint Forces Theory" and Its Contemporary Significance恩格斯的“历史合力论”及其当代寓意
3.Study on Engels Thought of "Joint Efforts Theory"--Differentiation and analysis on the misunderstanding about "history joint forces";恩格斯的“合力论”思想研究——对“历史合力论”的误解之辨析
4.On Depth of Metaphor:the Multidimensional Scan to Engels' Theory on Join Forces in History隐喻的深度:对恩格斯“历史合力论”的多维审视
5.On Cultivation of Historical Thinking Ability in History Teaching;试论历史教学中历史思维能力的培养
6.On the Extension of Engles Joint Forces Theory for Two Historical Developing Ways;论恩格斯合力论对历史发展两条合力路径的开辟
7.The Study of the History Debate Influence on the Comprehensive Ablity of Senior High School Student;历史辩论赛对高中学生综合能力影响的研究
8.On Some Philosophical Problems in Historical Researches--Historical Studies and Imagination;论历史研究中一些哲学问题——历史研究与想像力
9.great man theory of history历史伟人论 历史伟人论
10.A Perfect Combination of History and Fabrication--on Gunter Grassps Latest Novel Im Krebsgang;历史与虚构的完美结合——论君特·格拉斯的最新力作《蟹行》
11.Innovation as Dynamics:New Development of Research in Historic Dynamics;创新动力论:历史动力研究的新发展
12.On the Helplessness and Historical Rationality of the "Aphasia" in Chinese Literary Criticism;论中国文论“失语”的无奈与历史合理性
13.Actual Man:the Power of Historical Progress--A new interpretation of Marxist theory on the power for historical development现实的人:历史发展的动力——对马克思历史动力理论的新阐释
14.I have tried hard to make a case in favour of historicism.我已努力提供支持历史决定论的理由。
15.Development of Corporate Competitive Advantages: Historical, Theoretical and Case Study;企业竞争力前移:历史、理论案例研究
16.On the Society Historic Conditions of Jiang Zenming s Pepectives Power;论江泽民权力观形成的社会历史条件
17.On "Honglou Complex" in LING-li s Writing of Historical Novels;试论凌力历史小说创作的“红楼情结”
18.On Historical Cultural Causes of the Existence of Japanese Rightist Forces;论日本右翼势力存在的历史文化原因

history resultant force历史合力
1.It discusses harmonious force and contradiction driving force,prouductivity driving force,history resultant force and intellectual impetus around so.为更好地揭示科学发展观对社会发展动力理论的重大贡献,围绕社会发展的动力问题,探讨了和谐动力思想与矛盾动力论、生产力动力论、历史合力论和精神动力论的关系,强调了和谐动力思想是对马克思主义社会发展动力理论的继承和发展。
3)resultant theory of social historic development社会历史发展合力论
4)pressure history fitting压力历史拟合
5)historical paradox历史悖论
1.With the pressure and challenges of the inner self and the world, man finds himself confronting a historical paradox born of the on-going urbanization.人类面对来自自身和环境的双重压力和挑战, 无法回避城市化进程中的历史悖论, 从城市空间架构的文化维度来审视城市的建设和发展, 将具有重要的现实意义。
6)historical theory历史理论
1.His influential historical theory, on the one hand, was of positive value to incisively exposing the social crisis in the Western capitalist society, but on the other, showed its total denial of capitalism and a preference to the extremes of nationalism.斯本格勒是二十世纪初欧洲著名的历史学家,其影响巨大的历史理论虽有深刻揭示西方资本主义社会危机的积极意义,但也表现出全盘否定资本主义和极端民族主义的倾向,成为近代以来德国学术思想界代表消极和反动方面的主要人物之一,这对二十世纪上半期德国纳粹政权的建立,并由此使德国民族陷入独裁和战争的巨大历史悲剧,在思想和理论上有着一定的推波助澜的作用。
2.Analytical Marxism, one of the new Marxist thoughts that currently rise in the west, advocates a new reconstruction of the Marxist historical theory from analysis of proposition and methodology in terms of science and revolutionary.该学派为了使马克思的历史理论成为既是科学的又是革命的理论,从命题分析和方法论等多种角度对马克思的历史理论进行了重构。

亲合力亲合力 又称"亲和力"。①在化学反应中,指某种成分有易于与其他特定成分结合的特性;②在免疫学中指抗体与抗原结合的强度。抗体与抗原结合紧密;解离缓慢,其亲合力高,反之亲合力低。③毒物对机体的某些器官、组织或特定的细胞具有特异性选择性结合的能力。它与毒物在一定器官或组织内的优先分布,蓄积和产生毒性作用有关。