真理科学性,scientific quality of truth
1)scientific quality of truth真理科学性
2)On the Scientificity of Truth论真理的科学性
3)scientific truth科学真理

1.Scientific truths are pvoved by experiment.科学真理是通过实验来证实的。
2.On the Value Truth and Its Relation with Scientific Truth--Systematic Value Studies (Ⅰ);论价值真理及其与科学真理的关系——《系统价值学》之一
3.Marxism is scientific truth and fears no criticism.马克思主义是一种科学真理,它是不怕批评的。
4.Discussion of Theory Framework for Simulation Science and Technology Discipline仿真科学与技术学科的理论体系探讨
5.universal, scientific, moral, etc verities普遍的真理、 科学的真谛、 道德的准则.
6.A probing study of the complexity of science verification--concurrently discussing"whether science is truth or not";科学检验的复杂性探析——兼谈科学是否是真理
7.The scientific outlook on development:a scientific theory presenting truth,goodness and beauty科学发展观是真善美相统一的科学理论
8.The Study of the Strategy for Delieving Image of Authentic Science upon the Perspective of the Philosophy of Science科学哲学视域下反映真实科学的理科教学策略研究
9.In the realm of the scientific, it became "findable" by anyone.在科学领域,任何人都可以“发现”真理。
10.He emphasized that Marxism was scientific truth.他强调指出马克思主义是科学的真理。
11.Experiment is the sole judge of scientific "truth".实验是科学“真理”的唯一鉴定者。
12.The social scientist may be striving to find the truth.社会科学家也许正在努力发现真理。
13.The Research and Design of "High School Science Virtual Experiment System";《中学理科仿真实验系统》的研究与设计
14.On Truth in the Field of Vision between Scientific Realism and Anti-realism;科学实在论和反实在论视野中的真理
15.Discrimination of the Conception: Science Differs from Truth;“科学”不等于“真理”的概念辨析
16.a Simplicity Principle in Theory:the Unity of Truth,Good and Beauty in Science;理论简单性原则:科学真善美的统一
17.The Truth Makes Us Free真理令人获得自由——谈家桢的科学人生
18.The Road to Objective Truth of Scientific Theories--From the Argument between the Scientific Realism and Antirealisms;通向科学理论真理性的道路——源自科学实在论与反实在论之争

On the Scientificity of Truth论真理的科学性
3)scientific truth科学真理
4)scientific outlook on truth科学真理观
5)scientific ration科学理性
1.It holds that the mainstream economics is a darling brewed by modern scientific rationalism, and is inevitably marked by it.本文从时代历史思潮的深层境域对经济学演变发展的特征与趋势进行追踪分析,认为主流经济学是现代科学理性主义孕生的宠儿,因此不可避免被打上科学理性主义的胎记。
2.However, it began to alienate towards political struggle because of the restriction of the idea of 揂n organic whole? In mid-late 1950s? the scientific rational spirits were disseminated, and at the same time trampled wantonly.新中国成立初期,文艺整体环境较为宽松,文艺批评寻求着科学理性精神,但受“一体”文艺思想制约,批评开始向政治斗争异化。
6)scientific reason科学理性
1.The paper grasps the connotation of the rational planning from the aspects of the scientific reason and the value rationality,and analyzes the developmental course,describes the influence of the rational planning on the practice of the urban planning in China for your reference.从科学理性和价值理性两个方面把握理性规划的内涵,并展开对其发展脉络的分析,最后阐述了理性规划对中国城市规划实践的影响,以供参考。
2.Analysis of form should be combined with content, architectural substance and its environment, and should adopt a scientific reason attitude towards architectural issues.要用科学理性的态度对待建筑问题。
3.The differentiation between scientific reason and humanistic reason has been existing for a long time.科学理性和人文理性的分歧由来已久,"交恶说"和"融合论"都同样把它们看成为相互外在的两极。

气化真理气化真理  运气著作。《新中医五种》之一。王仁叟著。此书主要介绍阴阳气血水火离合论、天地人生成自然说、五行生化以气论、中气与升降之关系、标本中深浅说等内容。其所谓气化,乃云气血水火合而为一则为真阴真阳、主生;离而为二则为孤阴独阳、主死。不惟合于阴阳之理,犹且与中气息息相关。凡水火之升降与五志之动莫不皆然。医者明乎此理则五脏六腑十二经脉之生理功能、病理变化等均可了然。1930年由王氏印行。