类内自我价值,self-worth of human species
1)self-worth of human species类内自我价值
2)implicit self-worth内隐自我价值感
1.This study was designed to test the implicit self-worth and explicit self-worth of junior and senior high school students in Macao by applying the IAT and “Adolescent Self-Worth Questionnaire”.应用经过修订的内隐联想测验技术和青少年自我价值感量表对230名初中一年级至高中三年级中学生的内隐自我价值感与外显自我价值感的发展水平进行测试与分析。

1.A Study on Middle School Students Implicit Self-worth;中学生内隐自我价值感特征的实验研究
2.Investigation on the Self-Worth of Inner Mongolia Higher Vocational-technical College Students;内蒙古高等职业技术院校学生自我价值感研究
3.The Correlation between Locus of Control and Self-worth of College Students;大学生自我价值感水平对内—外控制观的影响
4.Explicit self-esteem, implicit self-esteem and general self-efficacy;外显自尊、内隐自尊与一般自我效能感的关系
5.Relation Between Physical Self and Self-worth of University Students;大学生身体自我与自我价值感的关系
6.The Relationship between Self-worth and Egotism of High School Students高中生自我中心与自我价值感的关系
7.Pretentiously or self-consciously artistic.自负地或自我感觉有艺术价值的
8.A Research on the Implicit Self-Evaluation of Drug Criminals涉毒青年男性罪犯内隐自我评价的研究
9.The Relationship Between Self-worth and Anxiety Among College Students;大学生自我价值感水平对焦虑的影响
10.Exploring the Relationship Between Self-worth and Loneliness of Undergraduates;大学生孤独与自我价值感的关系初探
11.A Study on the Characteristics of Self-esteem among College Students of Different Nationalities;不同民族大学生自我价值感特点研究
12.The Function of the Sense of Self-value and its Inspiration for Education;自我价值感的功能及其对教育的启示
13.The Characteristics of Achievement Motivation of People with Low Feeling of Self worth;试论低自我价值感者成就动机的特点
14.A Comparative Study of Higher Vocational School Students' and College Undergraduates' Self-worth高职与本科学生自我价值感比较研究
15.The Correlation Between Self-Worth and Self-Consistency and Congruence of College Students大学生自我价值感与自我和谐的相关研究
16.Contingency of Self-Worth and Self-Regulation:Logistic Regression Analysis;自我价值感的权变性与自我调控:Logistic回归分析
17.The Negative Effects of High Feeling of Self worth: Threatened Egotism and Aggression;高自我价值感的负效应:自我危机与攻击
18.The Effects of Self-Esteem and Self-Concept on Subject Well-Being with the Approach of Implicit Social Cogniton;自尊、自我概念对主观幸福感影响的内隐社会认知研究

implicit self-worth内隐自我价值感
1.This study was designed to test the implicit self-worth and explicit self-worth of junior and senior high school students in Macao by applying the IAT and “Adolescent Self-Worth Questionnaire”.应用经过修订的内隐联想测验技术和青少年自我价值感量表对230名初中一年级至高中三年级中学生的内隐自我价值感与外显自我价值感的发展水平进行测试与分析。
1.Exploration and pursuit of ideal of life and self-value in intellectual youth novels;知青小说对人生理想和自我价值的探索与追求
2.The practice contents should be in line with students professional level and make them fully display their self-value.口腔社会实践活动应与未来职业相协调,适应学生的学习目的,发挥动机的作用;活动方式应与学生特点相结合,激发学生参与活动的兴趣;活动内容与学生的专业水平相统一,使学生充分展示自我价值。
3.They hold a better collective spirit, and emphasize the achievement of self-value and the development of individual character.当代大学生的思想、心态呈现多元化趋势 ,其主流是积极的 ,他们具有较强的集体观念 ,注重自我价值的实现和个性发展。
1.Self-handicapping strategies can be used for the purposes of self-worth protection and impression management.自我设限的动机有自我价值和印象管理两种理论解释。
2.Self-handicapping is such a strategy as deliberately reducing effort or exaggerating the difficulty to success before the performance by which the self-handicapping can protect their self-worth.自我妨碍是个体在成败情境中,有意地减少努力或人为地夸大取得成功的困难,避免其能力与可能失败相联系,以保护自我价值的一种策略。
5)self value自我价值
1.To the view of the present paper,it is a fatal mistake because economic agents often do not choose what they really want to choose in order to maintain their"self value".在本文看来,这样理解是重大的错误,因为经济主体经常为了维持"自我价值"不选择他真正想选择的标的。
2.In terms of women s consciousness, this paper divides modern women literature into three development stages: the stage of pursuing ideal love; the stage of pursuing women self value; and the stage of probing the deep consciousness of women world.以“女性意识”为观照基点,将当代女性文学分为三个发展阶段,即追求理想爱情;追寻女性自我价值;探求女性世界深层意识。
3.Human value is the unification of power and obligation, the unification of contribution and demand, meaning the unification of self value and social value.人的价值是权利与义务的统一 ,贡献与索取的统一 ,即自我价值与社会价值的统一。
1.Relationship between Anxiety and Self-worth of the Poor College Students;贫困大学生的自我价值感与焦虑的关系研究
2.Exploring the Relationship Between Self-worth and Loneliness of Undergraduates;大学生孤独与自我价值感的关系初探
3.Survey and Analysis on Current Status of Self-worth Among Senior High School Students in Hunan Urban,Suburb and Rural Areas;湖南城乡高中生自我价值感现状调查与研究

价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VA  jiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分