认识方法论,recognition methodology
1)recognition methodology认识方法论
1.Researching on recognition methodology of China's characteristics socialism中国特色社会主义认识方法论思考

1.A Framework of Cognitive Rules and Methodology Rooted in the Basic Cognitive Rules;一个围绕认识基本规律展开的认识规律与认识方法论体系的构想
2.Epistemological and methodological significances of Pound s theory of translation;庞德翻译理论的认识论、方法论意义
3.On the Epistemological and Methodological Problems in the Probability Theory浅谈概率论中的认识论及方法论问题
4.The Epistemological and Methodological Comparison of Science and Technology in Contemporary Times;科学与技术认识论、方法论的当代比较
5.A study on sustainable forestry by epistemology and methodology;从认识论、方法论角度探讨可持续林业
6.Paradigm of Teacher Appraises:Scanning on the Epistemology and Methodology;教师评价范式:认识论与方法论的审视
7.Recognize the Theory of Act in China Criminal Acts--Also on Methodology about Recognizing the Theory of Act关于我国刑法中行为理论的再认识——谈认识行为理论的方法论问题
8.Individualistic Methodology in Hybrid Epistemology: a Critique of Philip Kitcher s Minimal Social Epistemology;混合型认识论中的个人主义方法论——评基切尔的最小化社会认识论
9.Analyzing "Proceeding from the Actual Situation" from the Perspective of Epistemology;用认识论的方法剖析“从实际出发”
10.A Rethink on Androgyny: Criticism. Theory. Approach;双性同体的重新认识:批评·理论·方法
11.On Epistemology, Methodology & Research Approach in Translation Studies from Review of UT Studies in China over the Past Decades;译论研究中应确立的认识论、方法论和研究态度
12.Historical Epistemology of Engels: the World Outlook, Epistemology, Methodology and Knowledge Theory;恩格斯的历史认识论——兼论唯物史观是世界观、认识论、方法论、知识论的统一
13.Practical Historiology-The Questions of Epistemology and Methodology of Historiology Study;实践历史学——历史学研究的认识论、方法论问题
14.Complexity Research Practice and Some Considerations on Theory of Knowledge and Methodology;复杂性问题研究实践与认识论、方法论反思
15.An Recognition Of Popper s Logics and Methodology in the Monograph Entitled‘Poverty Of Historic Determinism’;波普《历史决定论的贫困》的逻辑与方法论认识
16.On Voltaire s Rational Conception of History and the Origin of His Methodology for History Research;论伏尔泰的理性史观及历史认识的方法论根源
17.Empirical Science and Philosophy: Comparative Analysis of the Characteristics of Epistemology and Methodology实证科学与哲学:认识论、方法论特点的比较分析
18.Earthquake Prediction and Forecast on the Question of Epistemology and Methodology关于地震预测预报的认识论和方法论问题

epistemological methodology认识论方法论
3)epistemology and methodology认识论与方法论
4)methodology of social cognition社会认识方法论
1.Studying of Deng Xiaoping s methodology of social cognition has great theoretic and practical significance to our socialism modernization construction today.邓小平社会认识方法论所蕴涵的具体性、系统性、客观性、辩证性和自觉性等社会认识论理论品格是我们今天进行社会认识、实现社会发展合理性的重要思想武器。
5)scientific epistemology and methodology科学认识论与方法论
6)technological epistemology and methodology技术认识论与方法论

辩证唯物主义认识论(见认识论)辩证唯物主义认识论(见认识论)theory of knowledge of dialectical materialism  blanZhengweiwOZ卜U丫1 rens卜jlUn辩证唯物主义认识论(t heory ofkn。wle此eofd坛lectical mater认价皿)见认识论。