爱教育,education on love
1)education on love爱教育
1.This paper opines that education on love for nature is a vital part of love education.文章认为爱自然教育是开展爱教育的重要组成部分,通过爱自然教育,普及自然知识,引导人了解自然界中的生物多样性,认识到生态系统的重要性;增强人的生态环境危机意识,提高全民环境保护意识,逐步形成生态环境保护要人人有责、齐抓共管的社会风尚;促使人树立尊重自然,善待自然,珍惜自然,爱护自然,与自然和谐相处的新观念;激发人去探索自然规律,合理改造自然、充分利用自然、有效保护自然,从而实现人与自然达到和谐的境界。

1.Maternal Love Education in Vocational Colleges: A Probe Into Educational Concepts;关于教育思想的探讨——谈高职教学中的母爱教育
2.Jen-Love and Caring--The Comparison between Confucian Jen-Love Education and Noddings Caring Education;仁爱与关怀——儒家的仁爱教育思想与诺丁斯的关怀教育思想之比较
3.Red Ribbon Campaign [AIDS education]红丝带巡礼〔爱滋病教育〕
4.devotion to the cause of education对教育事业的热爱[忠诚].
5.an elementary need for love and nurturing.对爱和教育的基本需求。
6.So it does, the freedom and education are the Eros, are the pursuit of the eternity.教育就是“爱欲”,在“爱欲”中追寻永恒。
7.The state of today s university students love view and the education of their love view;当代大学生恋爱观现状及恋爱观教育
8.Education of love is the basis of education for children.爱的教育是进行儿童教育的基础。
9.On the Cultivation of Aesthetic Feelings and the Education of Love in Art Education;论艺术教育中的美感成长与爱的教育
10.Teaching“Love”and“Beauty”:Li Jinhui s Pedagogy of Music;“爱”和“美”的教育——黎锦晖的音乐教育思想
11.love" Education Illuminated Remarks of Pestalozzi s Moral Education;“爱”的教育——裴斯泰洛齐道德教育启示
12.Solar Love and Lunar Love:Meditation on Two Kinds of Education Love in Enlightenment Discourse日性爱和月性爱:启蒙话语下的两种教育爱
13.Love and Cultivate People, Love the Person:"Chinese Traditional Culture" Teaching Love Educating People to Explore大爱育人,育大爱之人——《中国传统文化》课程教学中大爱育人的探索
14.The Connection between Einstein s Education Concept and Modern P.E Education;爱因斯坦的教育观与现代学校体育教育
15.The Education of "Love" and "Justice"--A New Starting Point of Children Moral Education;“爱”与“公正”教育——儿童德育的“新起点”
16.A Concise Discussion on the Patriotism Education in Biology Teaching;略谈生物教学中的爱国主义教育问题
17.Study on the combination of music teaching and patriotism education音乐教学与爱国主义教育结合的思考
18.Loving School and University for Educating: An Effective Impetus to Collectivism Education for University Students;爱院爱校教育:大学生集体主义教育的有效着力点

Love education爱的教育
1.It is suggested that the Qiang s funeral custom is a process of stirring up emotions and a process of love education.从爱所具有的情感、友谊、审美、欲望等四个特性为出发点,可以清楚地看到:羌族丧葬礼俗过程就是对羌族民众社会情感、道德情感、审美以及友谊情感的激发过程,即是对爱的激发过程,也就是爱的教育过程。
2.This paper will expatiates on his various unique views on love education theory.在长期的教育教学实践中,他创造性地继承和发展了前辈教育家的思想,并批判性地吸收了当代国外进步的教育理论,创建了特色鲜明又洋溢着创新意识爱的教育思想。
3)education of love爱心教育
1.To enhance the education of love for the juveniles is an important mission at modern times,as well as realistic epoch issue needed to be dealt with in ideology and morality construction for juveniles.加强爱心教育是未成年人思想道德建设亟待解决的现实问题与时代重任。
4)patriotic education爱国教育
1.This essay tell us how to give students ideological and patriotic education by physics studying.本文说明了如何结合物理教学对学生进行爱国教育和理想教育。
5)care education关爱教育
1.Measures should be taken to improve children s care education.应该有针对性地采取措施,搞好孩子的关爱教育
2.Based on researching the characteristics of post-graduates and their management,the article deeply analyzes the scientific concept of care education and does the discussion of detailed methods on care education of post-graduates.研究生作为我国高等教育的最高层次教育,有其自身的特殊性,本文在研究研究生与研究生管理工作的特点的基础上,深入分析关爱教育的科学理念,就研究生关爱教育的具体实施方法进行了探讨。
6)education of love爱的教育
1.Education should be full of warm,which is the education of love.教育应当是温暖的,温暖的教育是爱的教育。
2.Contemporary art education must always aim at the cultivation of aesthetic feelings and the education of love.当代的艺术教育,必须始终以受教者的美感成长和爱的教育为根本内容。
3.Therefore,strengthening the soft environment of institutions of higher learning has become a priority,and education of love is one of th.当前,一些大学生的思想、行为不同程度地反映出社会责任感缺失、狭隘自私、心理脆弱等问题,重视和加强软环境建设已成为高校发展的当务之急,而爱的教育则是软环境建设中不可或缺的元素。
