后形而上学现代性,post-metaphysical modernity
1)post-metaphysical modernity后形而上学现代性
1.in the perspective of "post-metaphysical modernity".现代性逻辑所蕴含的形而上学思维方式在解决这一矛盾问题上存在根本缺陷,要克服这一缺陷,就必须超越"形而上学的现代性",在"后形而上学现代性"的视域中寻求"个人自由"与"普遍自由"矛盾的重新理解和解决。

1.From Metaphysical Modernity to Post-metaphysical Modernity:A Philosophical Reflection on Liberty and a Proposal for a Paradigmatic Shift从“形而上学现代性”到“后形而上学现代性”——自由观的哲学反省与范式转换
2.The Study on Karl R.Popper s Metaphysics Turning and Its Consequences of Modernization;波普尔的形而上学转向及其现代性后果研究
3.the Fate and Value of the Metaphysics;形而上学的命运及其建设性后现代价值
4.Reason and Democracy in Post-metaphysical Times--On Wellmer s Theory of Modernity;后形而上学时代的理性与民主——论韦默尔的现代性理论
5.Metaphysics Crisis and Postmodernist Thinking Mode;形而上学危机与后现代主义思维方式
6.Light:From History of Philosophy to Art --On the Metaphysics of Modern Art;光:从哲学史到艺术史——现代艺术的形而上学本性
7.The Thought Process of Marx Subverting Tradition Metaphysics--Criticizing and Reviewing to Post-modernism;马克思颠覆形而上学的思想历程——兼对后现代哲学的一个批判性考察
8.On Deep Concern of Metaphysics;论形而上学的深层关怀——对后现代主义哲学拒斥形而上学的一种回答
9.A Myth in Post-Modernist Philosophy Context;一个后现代哲学语境中的神话——评“马克思颠覆了形而上学”
11.Social Solidarity:Utopia at Post-metaphysical Times社会团结:后形而上学时代的乌托邦
12.The Transformation and the Significance of Western Metaphysics in Modern Times and Present Day;西方近现代形而上学的转型及其意义
13.Modern Reflection on Traditional Metaphysics and Its Impact传统形而上学的近现代反思及其影响
14.The Metaphysical Basis for Modern Technology--The correspondence thinking about subject-object dichotomy;现代技术的形而上学基础——理性与主客二分之对象性思维
15.Art as the Existence of Life in a Godless World: Nietzschean Metaphysics of Arts and the Modernity Issues艺术:无神世界的生命存在——尼采的艺术形而上学与现代性问题
16.Vindication for "Metaphysics"--A Survey on "Metaphysics" and Its Significance during the Period of Culture Reconstruction;为“形而上学”辩护——“形而上学”在中国现代文化重建过程中的意义考察
17.The “Post-metaphysical Horizon” and the Nature of Critique of Dialectics;“后形而上学”视域与辩证法的批判本性
18.The Reflection to "Sex as the First" in the Chinese Literature Since 1990s;1990年代文学中“性而上”现象反思

metaphysical modernity形而上学现代性
1.This paper argues that the metaphysical mode of thinking inherent in the logic of modernity has a fundamental defect in tackling this contradiction and that in order to overcome this defect it is necessary to transcend "metaphysical modernity" in pursuit of a new understanding of and solution to the contradiction between "individual liberty" and "universal liberty" through a new paradigm,i.现代性逻辑所蕴含的形而上学思维方式在解决这一矛盾问题上存在根本缺陷,要克服这一缺陷,就必须超越"形而上学的现代性",在"后形而上学现代性"的视域中寻求"个人自由"与"普遍自由"矛盾的重新理解和解决。
3)modern metaphysics现代形而上学
1.And it manages to indicate the concept of Heidegger and denmenstrats how he argues about the essensial link between modern science and modern metaphysics,through the interpretation toward the original meaning of "das Mathematische" metaphysically and interpretively.本文以海德格尔对"数学因素"的形而上分析为基点,力图通过海德格尔对"数学因素"的形而上与诠释学解释,以说明海德格尔在"数学因素"的本已规定上是如何界辨现代科学与现代形而上学的本质关联的观点。
2.The meaning of modernity critique of Lukac′s “reification” thought embodies in two aspects: the one is in the critique of dual dimension to the “reification” phenomenon and the modern metaphysics; the other is that the critique was develope.卢卡奇“物化”思想的现代性批判意蕴体现在两个层面:一是对物化现象和现代形而上学的双重维度的批判;二是这一批判是在现代形而上学范围内即知识论路向上展开的,其最终结果只能陷入革命的“乌托邦”的理论困境。
1.Counter reflections of post-metaphysics in the west——On the deconstruction and construction of the interactive human rhythm;西方“后形而上学”之反思——兼谈“解构”与“建构”双向律动的人文变奏
2.Anti-Metaphysics or Post-Metaphysics?;反形而上学还是后形而上学
3.Reality sense of habermas post-metaphysics;哈贝马斯后形而上学的现实意义
5)Metaphysics and Contemporary Age形而上学与现时代

形而上1.亦省作"形上"。 2.无形;抽象。 3.指精神方面﹐心理上。