普遍自由,universal liberty
1)universal liberty普遍自由
1."Liberty" is one of the key concepts of modernity and the contradiction between "individual liberty" and "universal liberty" is the fundamental contradiction in modernity."个人自由"与"普遍自由"的矛盾是现代性的一个基本矛盾。

1.True political science, however, regards such a result of universal free trade as a very unnatural one;但是真正的政治科学对于普遍自由贸易这样的结果,认为是极度违反自然的;
2.Glasnost has entered the international vocabulary as a catchword for a general liberalization of Soviet society(Bill Keller)公开性作为苏维埃社会普遍自由化的时髦语已进入国际语汇(比尔 凯勒)
3.An Analysis of Natural Universality and Free Causality of Kant;康德的自然普遍律与自由原因性辨析
4.Free radical metabolism exists widely in many tissues.自由基代谢普遍存在于机体各组织。
5.On the Substitution and Overstep of Liberal Universalism for Christian Universalism论自由主义普遍主义对基督教普遍主义的替代与超越
6.Liberal universalism embodies individualistic basic spirit.自由主义普遍主义体现着个人主义的基本精神。
7.Why Didn't Neo-liberalism Become a Universal Pattern?新自由主义为什么没能成为全球普遍模式
8.Members of the European Parliament shall be elected by direct universal suffrage in a free and secret ballot.欧洲议会议员应经由普遍、直接、无记名之自由选举方式产生。
9.The military government was driven to the last ditch by the universal call for liberty.由于全国人民普遍要求自由权利,军政府已陷于穷途末路。
10.The concept of national self-determination expresses the idea of democracy, according to which, the best qualified governors of people are people themselves.民族自决思想反映了人们对平等、民主、自由和人权的普遍追求。
11.universal realization of the right of peoples to selfdetermination普遍实现人民自决权利
12.Involuntary unemplyment is pervasive.非自愿性失业普遍出现。
13.among a people general corrupt, liberty cannot long exist.在一个普遍腐败的民族里,自由是不可能长期存在的。
14.Among a people general corrupt, liberty cannot long exist.--Edmond Burke, British statesma在一个普遍腐败的民族里,自由不可能长期存在。英国政治家伯克
15.Money can be defined as anything which passes freely from hand to hand and is generally acceptable in the settlement of a debt.货币可以定义为自由流通,并在清算债务时被普遍接受的任何商品。
16.Universal Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court and the International Order of Liberalism;国际刑事法院的普遍管辖权与自由主义国际秩序
17.Value-Pluralism and the Dilemma of Universalism;价值多元论与普遍主义的困境——伯林的自由思想对自由主义政治哲学的挑战
18.Anticycloneanticyclone. widespread deprivation caused by unemployment由失业造成的普遍贫困现象

1.To our questioning,in name of "general",western sports regards all the traditional sports of other countries as "special".西方体育假"普遍"之名将一切非西方国家的民族传统体育视为"特殊",此种普遍性假设很值得我们质疑。
1.People have the conception that “universality” has become a concept of value so that anything that is more popular is thought to be better.在人们的观念中 ,“普遍性”已经成为一种具有价值观念的东西 ,越普遍的东西就被认为越好。
2.This article intends to argue that the theory in Plat s philosophy is as much the wrleynt as "gene"in genetics and accordingly it is of universality and a substance that dues exist before any concrete,individual and perceptual living substance appears As a result,this paper proposes that the injustice to Plato s theory should be righted.柏拉图哲学中的“理式”与生物遗传方面的“基因”是同一个概念 ,从而它既是实体也是普遍 ,是先于任何具体、个别、感性的生命物质而存在的一种形式和质。
1.International Cooperation on the Basis of Universal Interests of States ——Discussing from New Prominent Issues after Cold War;普遍的国家利益基础上的国际合作——从冷战后世界新突出问题谈起
2.Structure"is a category of universal existence in various field of nature,society and thinking.“结构”在自然界、社会、思维各领域是普遍存在的范畴。
5)hierarchical random walk model分层自由遍历模式
1.Study on the Generalization of Creation of Fine as Administrative Punishment;行政处罚罚款设定普遍化研究
2.The social factors accelerating the generalization of these temples include the reforms of taxes and corvée,local rebellion,the monopoly of eunuch,etc.明代生祠主要为地方官员、抚按及平定地方动乱的军事将领而建,正德、嘉靖以后逐渐普遍化。

普遍【普遍】  广泛而全面,谓之“普遍”。如明·陈大声《集贤宾·中秋》套曲:“月有意清光普遍,人幸得此身康健。”又如柳青《铜墙铁壁》第十一章:“村里普遍地点着了灯,上下渠有几道手电光一闪一晃。”“普遍”源出佛经。唐代不空译有《普遍光明焰鬘清净炽盛如意宝印心无能胜大明王大随求陀罗尼经》二卷。这是一部密教的经典,说的是佛在金刚须弥峰,放顶毫之光普照十方一切佛土(“普遍光明”),为大众说的是大神咒。此外,《大阿弥陀经》中讲到“普遍三摩地”(三摩地,三昧,犹言定),谓入此三昧定力中,遍见一切诸佛。(李明权)