精神生产实践,spiritual production practice
1)spiritual production practice精神生产实践
1.On the other hand,innovative practice coincides with spiritual production practice,which embodies the superior model of existence of human beings.创新实践和常规实践作为整体与全面生产实践(物质生产实践、社会关系生产实践和精神生产实践)构成分析研究实践的两个不同视角。
2)On Practice of Spirit Production精神生产实践论
3)practice spirit实践精神
1.The practice spirit of ideological line of CPC and the practice spirit of Marxist philosophy are of the same view,ideological line of CPC is the particular statement of way of the sinicization of practice spirit of Marxist philosophy.党的思想路线的实践精神与马克思主义哲学的实践精神是一脉相承的,党的思想路线是中国化了的马克思主义哲学实践精神的特殊表达方式。
2.This has founded the internal quality of practice spirit in Chinese traditional philosophy.这一点决定了中国传统哲学实践精神的内在性品格。

1.The Development and Practical Spirit of Marxist Essence;马克思主义精髓的发展及其实践精神
2.The Demon Spirit s Transformation and Practice in the Literature:Lu Xun s Satiric Spirit;摩罗精神的文学转化与实践——鲁迅讽刺精神另探
3.Rational Spirits and Practice Values--The Civil Servants Pursuit under Spiritual Words;理性精神和实践价值——精神话语下的公务员追求
4.Marx s Theory of Practice is the Unification of Scientific Spirit and Humanistic Spirit;马克思的实践观是科学精神和人文精神的统一
5.Talking about Practice and Integration of Humanistic Spirit and Science Spirit浅谈图书馆人文精神和科学精神的实践与融合
6.Understand the Spiritual Essence of "the Course Standard ", Make Great Efforts to Practise Course Reformation;把握《课标》精神实质 努力实践课程改革
7.help them develop practical abilities and a spirit of innovation培养创新精神和实践能力
8.The Theory and Practice of Judging Psychopaths Divorce Cases;精神病人离婚案件审理的理论与实践
9.The View of Practice and the Fundamental Spirit of Marxist Dialectics;实践观点与马克思辩证法的根本精神
10.A Humanistic Return of Scientific Spirit under Paradigm of Practical Reason;实践理性范式下科学精神的人文复归
11.The Realistic Crisis and Realizing Route of Teacher s Spiritual Consciousness;教师“精神自觉”的现实危机与践行路径
12.On the Pioneering Spirit and Practical Ability Development in FLT;外语教学中创新精神与实践能力培养
13.Ethical Sentiment, Moral Sentiment and the Cultivation of the Practical Moral Spirit;伦理感、道德感与“实践道德精神”的培育
14.Spirit of Yimeng-the Specific Embodiment for Fulfillment of Three Representatives;沂蒙精神是实践“三个代表”的具体体现
15.“Work Seeks to be Feasible, Achievement Seeks to be Obtained” --The Spirit of Confucian Practice;“事求可,功求成”——儒家实践的基本精神
16.On Chen Heqin s "Finger Movement" Project;实践“五指活动” 贯彻新《纲要》精神
17.Implementation of the New Curriculum Standards Via the Infiltration of Educational Concepts Related to the Macro Chinese Language;用大语文教育观实践语文新课标精神
18.Innovative Education: The Soul of the Language Education;贯彻“新课标”精神,实践语文创新教育

On Practice of Spirit Production精神生产实践论
3)practice spirit实践精神
1.The practice spirit of ideological line of CPC and the practice spirit of Marxist philosophy are of the same view,ideological line of CPC is the particular statement of way of the sinicization of practice spirit of Marxist philosophy.党的思想路线的实践精神与马克思主义哲学的实践精神是一脉相承的,党的思想路线是中国化了的马克思主义哲学实践精神的特殊表达方式。
2.This has founded the internal quality of practice spirit in Chinese traditional philosophy.这一点决定了中国传统哲学实践精神的内在性品格。
4)practical spirit实践精神
1.The Development and Practical Spirit of Marxist Essence;马克思主义精髓的发展及其实践精神
5)mental practice精神实践
1.Aesthetic activity is the unique mental practice of human being.审美活动是人类的一种独特的精神实践活动。
6)production practice生产实践
1.Technology Equipment and Production Practice for CSP Concasting and Continuous Rolling Process at Lianyuan Steel;涟钢CSP连铸连轧流程的技术装备和生产实践
2.Process feature of CSP line and its preliminary production practice at Lianyuan steel;涟钢CSP生产线的特点及初步生产实践
3.Technology setting and production practice on Model GAMMA rapier loom;GAMMA剑杆织机工艺的配置与生产实践

精神分裂样精神病精神分裂样精神病schizophreniform psychosis  精神分裂样精神病(sehizophren主fo:功psyehosis)1939年兰菲尔德(Langfeldt)首先提出这一概念。他曾在奥斯陆进行过一项随访研究,发现精神分裂症可分为预后不良的过程性精神分裂症(proeess sehizophrenia)和预后良好的精神分裂样精神病。过程性精神分裂症类似克勒佩林(Kraepe一in,E.)提出的早发性痴呆(dementia praecox),病人表现情感淡漠,缺乏主动性,具有原发性妄想。而精神分裂样精神病常有明显诱因,伴有意识模糊和情感症状。后来发现这种区分并不能准确地预断精神分裂症的预后。目前这一术语具有完全不同的含义。美国《精神疾病诊断和统计手册》(第三版)和我国精神疾病分类(1984)规定,“精神分裂样精神病,,分别用于病期不足6个月和3个月的精神分裂症。 (赵亚忠撰刘协和审)