公平正义观,view of equity and justice
1)view of equity and justice公平正义观
1.Marx’s view of equity and justice,as a theory of the Chinese communist party members pursing equity and justice and promoting the harmony of society,is a developing course.马克思的公平正义观作为中国共产党人追求公平正义、促进社会和谐的理论指导,有一个形成发展的过程。

2.Philological Analysis and Methodological Meaning of the Development of Marx’s View of Equity and Justice马克思公平正义观发展过程的文本解读及方法论意义
3.An Analysis of Interrelationship between Fairness,Impartiality,Justice and Equality论公平、公正、正义与平等的相互关系
4.To Guarantee the Realization of Equity and Justice by Equal and Just System;以公平正义的制度保障公平正义的实现
5.The Rawle Justice Theory and China s Social Justice;罗尔斯正义理论与中国社会公平正义
6.The Viewpoint of Justice and Fairness of the New Contractualism:Constitutional Economists Versus John Rowls新契约论者的正义公平观:宪政经济学派与罗尔斯的比较
7.Consideration of Equality between Men and Women from Feminist Viewpoint权利、自由与公正——对女性主义“男女平等”观念的思考
8.The Institutional Justice - A "Unified Justice";制度主义的公平观:一种“统合公平”
9.Desert and Justice-Detailed Analysis of Desert Concept of Radical Egalitarianism应得与正义——激进平等主义应得观发微
10.The state, quality, or ideal of being just, impartial, and fair.公正公平、不偏袒、公正的状态、性质或理想、观念
11.If children live with fairness, they learn justice.在公平中长大的孩子,懂得正直正义。
12.Justice and Righteousness:the Core Value of Chinese Socialism公平、正义:中国特色社会主义核心价值
13.On the Fairness and Justice of China s Civil Evidential Burden;我国民事举证责任的形式公平正义与实质公平正义问题
14.Fairness and justice are synonymous with socialism in a sense.从一定意义上讲,公平正义是社会主义的代名词。
15.In the application of the concept of fair play, there must be real flexibility.公正平等的观念,必须加以灵活运用。
16.Constructing Just Idea of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics;中国特色社会主义公正观的理论建构
17.The implication of rights concept and institution justice concept in the Marxist thought of labor justice马克思主义劳动正义思想中的权利观与制度公正观意蕴
18.Whatever Can Justice Be: Equity、 Right or Virtue?正义究竟是什么:公平、利还是美德?

1.The law principle is the basic principle in building the harmonious socialist society,while to realize justice in law principle is the basic requirement for building the harmonious socialist society.法治原则是构建社会主义和谐社会的基本原则,在法治原则下实现公平正义是构建社会主义和谐社会的基本要求。
2.It contains ruling the country by law;enforce law for the people,devoting oneself to the country,justice,leading by the Party,etc.社会主义法治理念具体内容是多元的,包括依法治国、执法为民、服务大局、公平正义、党的领导,等等。
3.The socialist harmonious society must be a society of justice.社会的和谐发展从根本上取决于它是否具有公平正义的制度和体制。
3)fairness and justice公平正义
1.The Construction of a Harmonious Society——based on a fairness and justice angle;从公平正义的视角看和谐社会的构建
2.Institutional Environment for Realizing Fairness and Justice and Government s Functions;论实现公平正义的制度环境及其政府职能
3.The Legal Protection on Drinking-Water Safety in Rural Area Under the Vision of Safety,Fairness and Justice安全与公平正义的视野下我国农村饮用水安全问题探究
4)equity and justice公平正义
1.To Grasp the"Knot" Effects of"Equity and Justice" of Connection in the Law and Moral;把握“公平正义”在联系法律与道德中的“纽结”作用
2.System economics analysis on social equity and justice;社会公平正义的制度经济学分析
3.The Rationality of Cost and Equity and Justice;代价的合理性与公平正义
5)Fair and Justice公平正义
1.Early Chinese Marxist inherited the basic theory of Marx and Engels about realizing social fair and justice.中国早期马克思主义者继承了马克思、恩格斯关于实现社会公平正义的基本思想,结合中国社会的实际,认为只有建立社会主义社会才能解决中国当时社会的不公正问题。
2.Realizing fair and justice is the basic task for building harmonious society.实现公平正义是人类社会永恒的价值追求。
6)fair justice公平正义
1.The fair justice is the value of the socialism rule of law to pursue,judicatory fair is the fair justice that appears from the judicial practices;judicatory fair is opposite;the judicatory carries out fair justice to face new situations,new issues and new requires;practicing the fair justice has to work well a society theories of,law system of and judicial professional persons of preparation.公平正义是社会主义法治的价值追求,司法公正是司法活动体现出来的公平正义;司法公正是相对的;司法实现公平正义面临新的形势、新的问题、新的要求和新的课题;实践公平正义必须做好社会理论的、法律制度的和司法人才的准备。
