意识机,conscious machines
1)conscious machines意识机
1.Many scholars believe that we will ultimately be able to make conscious machines.因此,第三人称原则不能成立,更不能被用来证明我们最终能造出意识机

1.Unconscious Mechanisms of Chinese Characters in Subliminal Semantic Activation汉语阈下语义启动无意识机制研究
2.Reflections on the Sense of Anxiety and Superior Consciousness under the Current Financial Crisis金融危机背景下对忧患意识和超前意识的思考
3.I sensed that something have go wrong with the video camera.我意识到这台摄像机出故障了。
4.Something told him that this was a crisis in their lives.他意识到这是他们生活中的一次危机。
5.Something tell him that this are a crisis In their lives他意识到这是他们生活中的一次危机
6.They were aware of a budding crisis.他们意识到萌发中的危机。
7.concerning mental functioning that is not represented in consciousness.关于不表现在意识中的心理机能。
8.Mechanized energy can be equated with non-consciousness as a result.故而,机械化能量可被等同于无意识。
9.Chief Executive Apologized for the Failure-Governmental Consciousness of “Crisis PR”从“市长道歉”看政府的“危机公关”意识
10.A Clockwork Orange and Burgess Sense of Religious Crisis;《发条橙》与伯吉斯的宗教危机意识
11.Constructing Long-term Efficiency Mechanism of the Party Member Consciousness;构建增强党员意识的长效机制的思考
12.On the Consciousness of Cultural Crises in E.L.Doctorow s Fictions;评E.L.多克特罗作品中的文化危机意识
13.The Influence of Ideology and Patronage to Novels Translated by Lin Shu;“林译小说”与意识形态、出版机构的关系
14.On Modern Legal Consciousness, Safeguard System and Constitutional Right;现代法律意识、保障机制与宪法权利
15.On the vigilant consciousness in Thought of "Three Represents;论“三个代表”重要思想中的危机性意识
16.On the Application and Training of Chosing the Right Moment in the Wrestling;论自由式摔跤战机意识的培养与应用
17.Strengthening the Research about the Environmental Protect Wareness in Organic Chemical Experiment;加强有机化学实验中环保意识的探讨
18.Crisis Awareness of Jews and Peace Process in the Middle East;犹太民族的危机意识与中东和平进程

Conjuncture consciousness危机意识
1.The strategic target and the way of realizing it are deeply influenced by Japanese culture such as seeking for grading system,collectivization culture and conjuncture consciousness.这一战略目标与目标实现手段的确定深受对等级制度的追求、集团主义文化意识与危机意识等日本文化特点的影响。
3)crisis consciousness危机意识
1.This explains that all enterprises having in cutthroat competition need having brand crisis consciousness;working out brand crisis answers mechanism.”这一点很好的说明了处在激烈竞争中的现代企业(即使是世界知名企业也概不例外)都必须要有品牌危机意识、制订危机防范及危机应对机制。
2.This article emphatically expounds the connotation and denotation of the five consciousness embodied in the development of the library cause,those are,human oriented consciousness,service consciousness,standard consciousness,brand consciousness and crisis consciousness.文章着重对我国图书馆发展建设中体现的五个意识,即人本意识、服务意识、标准意识、品牌意识、危机意识的内涵和外在表现做出阐述。
4)machine consciousness机器意识
5)sense of crisis危机意识
1.On the sense of crisis and emergency measures of the modern Japan;论近代日本民族的危机意识及应对措施
2.Such an illustration lays a foundation for the explication of the sense of crisis and the ethnic responses of Taiwan s Hakkas facing their cultural crisis.本文着重探讨台湾客家人"隐而不显"形成的复杂的社会历史原因,并透过这一"隐性"特质来阐述台湾客家人所兴起的危机意识及其族群在这一危机中的反应,同时就客家运动的发展历程进行深刻反思,目的是增进我们对台湾客家族群现状的了解,更好地把握和认识客家运动发展的脉络与趋势。
3.Therefore,enterprises shou ld have strong sense of crisis,set up early warning system,further more bring up management personnel o f good quality constantly to realize the strategy of talents.为此,企业要树立强烈的危机意识,实施危机预警,在人才战略方面不断培养造就高素质的骨干队伍。
6)crisis awareness危机意识
1.The management of crisis awareness is one of the most important contents in business management of crisis.危机意识管理是企业危机管理的重要内容,适当的危机意识管理既能使企业及时发现和规避危机,也能增强企业化解危机的能力。
2.The crisis awareness offers a psychological support to the long-run Ameri.危机意识贯穿美国历史的全过程,主要表现为早期对民族国家生存的关怀、二战前社会危机治理和战后以来应对种种内忧外患的民族情结。
3.Wei Zheng s thought in power about person in power who must have responsibility consciousness, just consciousness and thought of in power of crisis awareness in the Tang Dynasty, instructed Tang Taizong Li Shimin to be in power for 23 years, and led to "the managing of loyal view" of the history.唐代魏征关于执政者必须具有责任意识、公正意识和危机意识的执政思想,曾指导唐太宗李世民执政23年,成就了其功载史册的“贞观之治”。

《活动 意识 个性》  Α.Н.列昂节夫著。它是作者晚期的理论著作。苏联政治出版社1975年出版。全书仅10余万字,分5章:①马克思主义和心理学;②心理反映;③心理学中的活动问题;④活动与意识;⑤活动与个性。1980年上海译文出版社出版李沂等的中译本。列昂节夫多年研究活动问题,包括物质的感性-对象活动的结构和发生,对个体心理过程形成的作用;心理、意识的产生对生活活动、劳动活动的依从性;根据主导活动形式划分个体心理发展年龄阶段;提出主体的物质活动和精神活动在发生、结构和功能上的联系,彼此相互过渡理论等。他以多年的研究为基础,于1972~1974年的苏联《哲学问题》杂志上连续发表长篇论文:"心理学中的活动问题","活动和意识","活动和个性"。最后改写成此书,出版后获罗蒙诺索夫一等奖。本书是关于心理学方法论问题的专著,书中全面地阐述了作者的活动观点,在苏联心理学界有较大影响。作者在书中谈到,心理学是一门关于对现实的心理反映(它中介着个体的生活)的产生、功能和结构的具体科学。而要建立这样一门科学的完整体系,最重要的是 3个范畴:对象活动、人的意识、个性。因而,他写这本书的任务不是阐述一些具体的心理学观点和理论,而是根据历史唯物主义关于人的本性、人的活动、意识、个性的学说去寻求获取这些具体的观点和理论的方法与途径。