第三人称原则,third person principle
1)third person principle第三人称原则
2)the third person第三人称
1.Taking the "omniscient point of view" of the third person as dominant perspective,it shapes a group of national heroic sculptures in its magnificent narration.它以第三人称“全知视角”为叙事的主导视角,于宏大叙事中塑造了民族史诗英雄群像,它所蕴含的悲剧意识、崇高格调,达到了历史和审美的双重超越,显示出高超的审美品位和艺术追求。

1.Classification of the Third-person Pronoun anaphors in Russian and Chinese;俄汉第三人称代词照应语的指称类型
2.Questioning the Utilization of the-Third-Person Pronoun as the-Second-Person One;第三人称代词“之”活用为第二人称代词说质疑
3.On the Difference of the Narrative Perspective of the First Person and the Third Person;论第一人称与第三人称叙述角度上的差异
4.There are three choices of the visual angle when a speaker refers to another person: the first- pronoun visual angle, the second-pronoun visual angle and the third-pronoun visual angle.说话者指称第三者时有三个视点可供选择,即第一人称视点、二人称视点和第三人称视点。
5.Use3 rd person or plural instead1 st person singular in your summary.在你的总结中使用第三人称或者复数人称而不是第一人称但数。
6.On the Reference and Number of the Third Personal Pronouns in the Western Zhou Chinese;西周汉语第三人称代词及所指与称数考察
7.A Typological Perspective: Means for Referring to the Third Person in Guanzhong Dialect;关中方言第三人称指称形式的类型学研究
8.stop talking about yourself in the third person.不要用第三人称谈论你自己。
9.`it' is the third-person singular neuter pronoun.'it'是单数第三人称的中性代名词。
10.It should contain an abundance of visuals and be written in the third person.它包含大量的图标,并以第三人称书写。
11.A Contrastive Analysis of the Use of the Third Person in Chinese and Uyghur Texts;汉维篇章中第三人称代词的对比分析
12.On the Syntactic function of the third personal pronouns in Western Zhou Chinese;论西周汉语第三人称代词的句法功能
13.So,“ I, We” are pronouns of the First Person;“ he, she, they” are pronouns of the Third Person.因此“我,我们”是第一人称的代词;“他,她,他们”是第三人称的代词.
14.The reference of third person pronoun and its contextual constraints in Mandarin Chinese;现代汉语第三人称代词指称及其语境制约——兼与日语第三人称代词比较
15.To review and reinforce the use of “third person”& gerund.巩固动词单数第三人称的用法和动名词的用法。
16.Formal invitations are usually issued and accepted in the third person.正式邀请书通常以第三人称的身分发出和接受。
17.Interpreting Third-Person Anaphora in English and Chinese Conversations: A Cognitive Approach;英汉语会话中第三人称回指现象的认知阐释
18.Cognitive Analysis for English and Chinese 3rd Person Pronouns’ Reference Function;英汉第三人称代词照应功能的认知解析

the third person第三人称
1.Taking the "omniscient point of view" of the third person as dominant perspective,it shapes a group of national heroic sculptures in its magnificent narration.它以第三人称“全知视角”为叙事的主导视角,于宏大叙事中塑造了民族史诗英雄群像,它所蕴含的悲剧意识、崇高格调,达到了历史和审美的双重超越,显示出高超的审美品位和艺术追求。
3)third person第三人称
1.This paper applies the schema theory to the implicit reference of the third person which is classified into two categories.通过对四篇小说的分析 ,把第三人称隐性指称分为两大类 ,并运用图式理论阐述第三人称隐性指称的性质及其理解模式 ,以及第三人称隐性指称与小说风格的关系。
4)the third person narrator第三人称叙述者
5)third person pronouns第三人称代词
1.Cognitive Inference and Designating of Third Person Pronouns in Deep Anaphora;认知推理与深层回指中第三人称代词指代的确定
2.It is held that contrary to the common traditional belief that anaphora is regarded as a syntacticallycontrolled co-referential relationship on surface level of language and the stereotyped 3-step approach put forward by Norman et al,the designating of third person pronouns in ambiguous anaphora is a dynamic and complicated cognitive process,which is attained via the readers cognitive inference.第三人称代词在歧义回指中的推导不是简单运用语言知识在语篇中找出形式上与之对应的词项,也不像Norman等提出的三步法那样进行程序化推导,而是一个复杂、动态的认知心理过程;指代的确认在很大程度上依赖读者对语篇信息进行认知推理。
6)third-person pronoun第三人称代词
1.Based on LU Shu-xiang s study,the paper studies the third-person pronouns and reflexive pronouns in Chinese by means of a denotation theory in contemporary Chinese,concrete samplings employed to illustrate the flexibility of these words.在吕叔湘先生对近代汉语三身代词研究的基础上,借鉴现代汉语代词语义所指分析理论和方法,对近代汉语第三人称代词和反身代词,进行了分析和研究。
2.The paper analyzes the Europeanization of Chinese third-person pronouns and makes some comparison between Chinese and English third-person pronouns.本文试图通过分析汉语第三人称代词的变化并跟英语第三人称代词进行对比来看待这种欧化现象。
3.Japanese honnin inclines toward the meaning of the person concerned and therefore exhibits the properties of the third-person pronoun,while Chinese benren leans on the meaning of "self" and therefore exhibits the properties of the reflexive pronoun.日语"本人"偏重于"当事人"义,呈现出第三人称代词的特点,而汉语"本人"则偏重于"自身"义,呈现出反身代词的特点。
