哲学的丧失,the loss of philosophy
1)the loss of philosophy哲学的丧失

1.Lucrum cessatum所丧失的利益(消极损害)
2.Loss of or the Permanent Total Loss of use of Toes丧失或永久完全丧失脚趾的功能
3.She was completely unmanned by the loss of her husband.她因丧夫而整个儿丧魂失魄的。
4."To disable, damage, or impair the functioning of"丧失、损坏或削弱…的功能
5.A life of failure has made her downcast .失败的生活使她沮丧。
6.dashed by the refusal.这次的失败让她很沮丧。
7.an accident which bereaved him of his wife and child使他丧失妻儿的事故
8.His failure pulled down his heart.他的失败使他颇为丧气。
9.blinding anger使人丧失理智的愤怒
10.It would represent a drop of dignity.这意味着尊严的丧失。
11.There goes my chance of winning the award.我丧失了得奖的机会。
12.incapacity pension丧失劳动能力的抚恤金
13.acquisition and loss of ownership所有权的取得和丧失
14.Their equipment was lost.他们的装备丧失了。
15.Interruptions that are a drain on my patience.使我丧失耐心的插话
16.a despondent loser, mood, look沮丧的失败者、 情绪、 神情
17.incapacitated persons丧失劳动能力的人口
18.loss of all ability to communicate.交际的所有能力都丧失。

3)loss of faith信仰的丧失
1.This thesis interprets Long Day s Journey into Night from the perspective of loss of faith, studying how this theme is revealed.本文试图从信仰的丧失这一角度来阐释此剧作,从宗教信仰、艺术信仰、心理支柱的丧失以及生活方向的迷失等四个角度分析信仰的丧失这一主题如何在剧中得以体现。
4)a lapse of confidence信心的丧失
5)nullification of benefit利益的丧失
6)The Loss of Community社区的丧失

丧失丧失loss  丧失(l 055)在心理、社会或生理方面造成不可挽回的损失。如在心理及社会方面,包括失业,失恋,失去家人或偶像;在生理方面,失去身体的部分或全部功能。不管丧失的程度和意义如何,当个人在经历它时,都可能产生悲伤和哀凄的感觉。 (荡慈冲撰梁宝勇审)