早期西方马克思主义,the early Western Marxism
1)the early Western Marxism早期西方马克思主义
1.The social and historical viewpoint of the early Western Marxism manifests the following theoretical commonality: to pay close attention to practice and regard practice as its theoretical basis; to emphasize totality and regard totality as its methodology support; to publicize subjectivity and regard subjectivity as its destination of value.早期西方马克思主义社会历史观在对实践、总体性、主体性的阐释与张扬中,基本承传了马克思哲学所蕴涵的实践品格、批判品格、人本关怀品格及辩证品格。

1.On the Modern Significance of Early Western Marxist Philosophy;论早期西方马克思主义哲学的当代意义
2.The Inheritance to the Character of Marx’s Philosophy in the Social and Historical Viewpoint of the Early Western Marxism早期西方马克思主义社会历史观对马克思哲学品格的承传
3.Historical Formation & Philosophical Trend of the Social and Historical Viewpoint of the Early Western Marxism;早期西方马克思主义社会历史观的历史生成及哲学向度
4.From Classical Maxism to Western Marxism;从经典马克思主义到西方马克思主义
5.Early Marxists' understanding of Marxism早期马克思主义者对马克思主义的理解和认识
6.Productivity Analysis Method and Early Marxism s Sinicization;生产力分析方法与早期马克思主义中国化
7.Fascism in the Western Marxist View;西方马克思主义视域下的“法西斯主义”
8.The Analysis of the Relationship between Western Marxism and Marxist Philosophy;“西方马克思主义”与马克思主义哲学之关系探微
9.Seeing Marxist philosophy utilized in China from West Marxism;马克思主义哲学中国化的“西方马克思主义”视域
10.The Analysis of the Departure of Western Marxism from Marxist Philosophy;“西方马克思主义”对马克思主义哲学的偏离
11.Studying Sinalization of Marxist Philosophy from the Western Marxism马克思主义哲学中国化的“西方马克思主义”维度
12.Early Translation and Promulgation of Marxism in China;马克思主义在中国的早期翻译及传播
13.Early Marxist Newspapers in Zhejiang Province;试论浙江早期传播马克思主义的报刊
14.Early Marxists Exploration of the Issue of Women;早期马克思主义者对妇女问题的探索
15.Further Discussion on the Topic of Li Dazhao Disseminated Marxism in Early Times李大钊早期传播马克思主义的再探讨
16.Strengthening the Study of the Early Marxism Used in China加强早期马克思主义中国化整体研究
17.The Debate and Enlightenment of Western Marxist Aesthetics in the New Period新时期关于西方马克思主义美学的论争及启示
18.The paper is to discuss Benjamin’s theory of Art Production.本论文集中地探讨了“西方马克思主义”早期重要理论家本雅明的“艺术生产”理论。

early Western Marxist philosophy早期西方马克思主义哲学
1.However, We have studied on early Western Marxist philosophy superficially and phenomenonally, and even judged subjectivel.早期西方马克思主义哲学的重要性在于,它既规定了西方马克思主义理论的起源、理论宗旨,奠定了西方马克思主义的理论主题,规定了西方马克思主义理论发展的轨迹,同时它也提出了一系列关系到如何理解和发展马克思主义哲学的重大理论问题。
3)Marxism in the early period早期马克思主义
4)Western Marxism西方马克思主义
1.On the Independent Thought in Paris Manuscript and its Influence to Western Marxism;论《巴黎手稿》中的主体性思想及其对西方马克思主义的影响
2.New Insights into Western Marxism;对“西方马克思主义”的新认识
3.Challenge of Consumerism Culture and Breakout of Western Marxism;消费主义文化的挑战与西方马克思主义的突围
5)West Marxism西方马克思主义
1.Seeing Marxist philosophy utilized in China from West Marxism;马克思主义哲学中国化的“西方马克思主义”视域
2.Slightly Discussion about West Marxism and Legal Science Methodology;略论西方马克思主义与法学方法论
3.In past 30 years,our study of Marxism abroad has two kinds of paradigm: one is West Marxism,the other is Neo Marxism,but the main paradigm is West Marxism.过去30年中,我国的"国外马克思主义研究"主要采取了两种范式:"西方马克思主义"和"新马克思主义",其中以"西方马克思主义"为主。
6)early Marxists早期马克思主义者
1.Such early Marxists as Li Da-zhao,Chen Du-xiu,Mao ze-dong and so on argued the important position of a country s sovereignty,and the relationship between national sovereignty and anti-imperialism,and anti-feudalism commencing with national sovereignty.以李大钊、陈独秀、毛泽东等为代表的早期马克思主义者从国家主权的含义入手,深刻论述了国家主权的重要地位以及国家主权和反帝、反封建的关系。
2.They were called early Marxists, represented by Li Dazhao, Chen Duxiu and Mao Zedong .十月革命和五四运动后,中国的一些激进民主主义者接受并宣传马克思主义,他们以李大钊、陈独秀、毛泽东等人为代表,被称为早期马克思主义者。
