先验的"同一",transcendental "identity"
1)transcendental "identity"先验的"同一"
2)descended from the same ancestor,but by a different line同一祖先而不同支的;旁系的

1.in a transcendental way or to a transcendental extent.以先验的方式或者到了先验的程度。
2.Concerned with the a priori or intuitive basis of knowledge as independent of experience.先验的有关独立于经验之外的知识的,先在的或以直觉为基础的
3.Experiment,Transcendent or Practice?--on Trace to the Source of Time Thought and Analysis经验的先验的还是实践的?——时间思想溯源及评析
4.advocate of Transcendentalism.先验论的提倡和鼓吹者。
5.A priori or a posteriori estimates of random and systematic errors随机和系统误差的先验和后验估计数
6.The Fusion Method for Prior Distribution in Multi-sources of Prior Information多源验前信息下先验分布的融合方法
7.On the Value of Information by Discussing Anterior Probability & Posterior Probability;由先验概率和后验概率谈信息的价值
8.On the Methodological Meaning of theTranscendental Reduction in Husserl s Philosophy;先验还原:在本质心理学和先验现象学之间——论胡塞尔先验还原的方法论意义
9.Apel's Philosophy of Transcendental Pragmatics先验符号学中的语用思维——论阿佩尔的先验语用哲学观
10.The Transcendentality of Language Communication Community --The Study of Karl-Otto Apel s Transcendental Pragmatics;语言交往共同体的先验性——卡尔·奥托-阿佩尔先验语用学研究
11.Time,Space and A Priori Categories--Some Amendments to Kant's System of A Priori Categories时间、空间与先验范畴——对康德先验范畴体系的修正
12.Pragmatism agrees with empiricism in its emphasis on the priority of experience over a priori reasoning.经验主义在先验推理上重视经验的优先性,实用主义在这点上是和经验主义一致的。
13.Strong knowledge the machining; the experience of inspecting is preferred.较强的机械知识;有此方面检验经验者优先考虑。
14.It is the mixture of the politics between transcendentalism and experientialism.政治理念本身是一个先验性和经验性的混合体。
15.The Analysis of the Tradition of the English and American Women’s Experimental Fiction;英美女性实验小说传统及其先验创作的特征
16.The Experience--Oriented Design thought at the Age of Experience Economy;以体验为先导——体验经济时代设计的新思维
17.Between Transcendent and Experience--the Dilthey s Critique of Historic Reason;先验与经验之间——狄尔泰的历史理性批判
18.A Claim Frequency Model of Automobile Insurance Combined with Priori Probabilities and Posteriori Probabilities Methods;先验与后验相结合的汽车保险索赔模型

descended from the same ancestor,but by a different line同一祖先而不同支的;旁系的
6)transcendental freedom先验的自由

同一1.共一,合一;统一。 2.相同;同样。