超文本理念,super-text Idea
1)super-text Idea超文本理念
2)basic cultural conception基本文化理念
1.Therefore it is necessary for these corporations to construct a core cultural conception including operation culture, management culture and system culture, clarify the chief content of the basic cultural conception and transform the cultural conception, both interiorly and exteriorly, into the common value for all the railway passenger transport corporations.我国铁路客运企业企业文化建设尚处于起步阶段 ,因此 ,铁路客运企业应着力建设包括经营性企业文化、管理性企业文化以及体制性企业文化在内的企业核心文化理念 ,明确企业基本文化理念建设的核心内容 ,并从内部和外部两个环节 ,将企业理念转化为客运企业共同价值
3)data management / hypertext数据管理/超文本
4)Information processing / hypertext信息处理/超文本
1.Several approaches based on PHP (hypertext preprocessor) under LAMP (Linux+ Apache+ Mysql+ PHP) platform for encrypting and decrypting files, which need to be downloaded, are discussed.讨论了多种在LAMP(Linux+Apache+Mysql+PHP)平台下,使用PHP(超文本预处理器)实现对待下载的文件进行加密并在下载后解密的方法。
6)idea of text文本观念
1.But the traditional Chinese idea of text is different from the western s.从传统上看 ,中国与西方的文本观念有着种种不同。

1.A discussion of the “original idea” of the author of Dream of the Red Chamber and the difficulty of translation from the western textual point of view;从西方文本观念看《红楼梦》的“作者本意”和“跨文化翻译”难题
2.Text Understanding in Hermeneutic and Teacher Idea Change;解释学的文本理解观与教师观念变革
3.Discussion About the Essence of Shen Cong-wen s "Country Folk";探析沈从文“乡下人”观念的基本特质
4.Development of Capital Market of Cultrual Industry;论文化产业资本市场拓展的九大观念
5.Ideas of “Family” and Structure in Japanese Traditional Culture;日本传统文化中的“家”观念和结构形态
6.The New Cultural May Fourth Movement and the Radical Turn of Confucius' Notions五四新文化运动与孔子观念的根本转折
7.Corporate Culture of Confucian Concept of Family and Japanese Family Business;儒家家族观念与日本家族企业的企业文化
8.An Investigation on the Housing Marketing Concept of Ningbo Based on Advertising Texts;从广告文本探析宁波地区住房营销观念
9.Novel concept and artistic feature of Tan Hai of Japan written in classical Chinese;日本汉文言小说《谭海》的小说观念及艺术特色
10.Development toward the Main Body of Literature--Analysis of the Novel Concept during the Six Dynasties of Wei and Jin;走向文学的本体——魏晋六朝小说观念解析
11.The Concept of Autonomy in Literary Semiotics of Western Poetics and its Nature of Humanity;西方诗学中的文学符号自律观念及其人学本质
12.A Talk on the Essential Traits of the“Beijing”School of Literature;从自由看“京派”——论“京派”文学观念的本质特征
13.Return to Origins:the New Approach to the Teaching of Chinese under the New Curriculum Reformation Ideas;本源归返:新课改理念观照下语文教学的新选择
14.Liu Xie s Literary Conception;刘勰的文学观念——兼论所谓杂文学观念
15.Text Education Molding on the Idea of Structure: Investigating to the Entrants of Huazhong University of Science and Technology文本教育对结构观念的塑造研究——华中科技大学本科新生结构观念调查
16.Humanism idea is the base in the enterprise culture, and is a sort of value as well.企业文化的根本是人本理念,是人们意识层次中的价值观。
17.Higher education should adapt to the social need and establish the new education idea of paying closer attention to the public relations.本文阐述了高等学校为适应当今社会需要 ,必须树立新的教育观念。
18.Still life conveys the authors' feelings, consciousness & concept.静物成了作者传达自身的情感和意识、观念的一种载体 ,一种“文本”。

basic cultural conception基本文化理念
1.Therefore it is necessary for these corporations to construct a core cultural conception including operation culture, management culture and system culture, clarify the chief content of the basic cultural conception and transform the cultural conception, both interiorly and exteriorly, into the common value for all the railway passenger transport corporations.我国铁路客运企业企业文化建设尚处于起步阶段 ,因此 ,铁路客运企业应着力建设包括经营性企业文化、管理性企业文化以及体制性企业文化在内的企业核心文化理念 ,明确企业基本文化理念建设的核心内容 ,并从内部和外部两个环节 ,将企业理念转化为客运企业共同价值
3)data management / hypertext数据管理/超文本
4)Information processing / hypertext信息处理/超文本
1.Several approaches based on PHP (hypertext preprocessor) under LAMP (Linux+ Apache+ Mysql+ PHP) platform for encrypting and decrypting files, which need to be downloaded, are discussed.讨论了多种在LAMP(Linux+Apache+Mysql+PHP)平台下,使用PHP(超文本预处理器)实现对待下载的文件进行加密并在下载后解密的方法。
6)idea of text文本观念
1.But the traditional Chinese idea of text is different from the western s.从传统上看 ,中国与西方的文本观念有着种种不同。

善的理念(见理念)善的理念(见理念)idea of good  s卜an deljnian善的理念(idea of good)见理念。