系统自然观,System naturalism
1)System naturalism系统自然观
2)system of natural landscape自然景观系统
3)natural outlook of dual systematic structure两系统结构论的自然观
1.Changeology contains a natural outlook of dual systematic structure,saying that "these ten thousand creatures cannot turn their.依据两系统结构论的自然观 ,正可以讨论变与不变的问题 ,所以两系统结构论的自然观极有可能成为物理学哲学的基本构成。
4)traditional natural viewpoint传统自然观
1.This paper points out that the relationship between human and nature has been in a contradictory and opposite state in a traditional natural viewpoint by going back through the history of the viewpoint about human and nature.本文旨在通过对人类自然观演进的历史梳理,指出在传统自然观下,人与自然的关系一直处于矛盾和对立的状态。

1.Transitional Change from Traditional Nature View to Environment Philosophy;浅议从传统自然观到环境哲学的变迁
2.Inheriting and Passing on the Traditional Concept of Nature "the Unity of Man and Nature" in the Teaching of Chinese Ancient Poems and Essays in Middle Schools;中学古诗文教学中“天人合一”传统自然观的传承
3.On Marx's Criticism and Surpass of Traditional Natural View论马克思对西方传统自然观的批判与超越
4.About the Ecology of the Natural Environment of the Traditional Folk Houses of Guizhou Province;贵州传统民居建筑的环境自然生态观
5.People s Natural Source--On the Confucianists Traditional Ecological Ethic View;人的自然之源——论儒家传统生态伦理观
6.The View of Nature and the Eco-concept of Architecture in Ancient China中国古代的自然观与传统建筑的“绿色”理念
7.Of course, all of the above ideas are based on the traditional idea of a physical time capsule,当然,以上所有想法基于自然时代文物密藏器的传统观念,
8.The View of the Nature by the Theory of Qi in Chinas Traditional Philosophy and the Theoretical System of Chinese Traditional Medicine--Also on the Basis of View of the Nature in the Differences between Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine;中国传统哲学的气论自然观与中医理论体系——兼论中西医学差异的自然观基础
9.On the Natural Concept and Economic Concept of Folklores in the Yangtze Gorges Region;论三峡民间传说中的自然观与经济观
10.Transition of Traditional Environment Ethics towards Marxism Ecology Natural View传统环境伦理思想的马克思主义生态自然观转向
11.Mankind and Nature Originate from the Same Source and Should Exist in Harmony--The influence of the natural view of "mankind and nature originating from the same source" in the Chinese traditional philosophy on the design of Suzhou classical gardens;“人天同源 和谐一致”——中国传统哲学中的自然观对苏州传统园林设计的影响
12."The Dragon Palace Legend":A Comparative Study of the Chinese and Japanese Concept of Nature;中日自然观比较初探——以“龙宫传奇”为例
13.The Ethic Concerns with Relationship between Man and Nature in Social Development--Surpassing of Sustainable View on Development over Traditional View on Development;社会发展中人与自然关系的伦理关注——可持续发展观对传统发展观的超越
14.The Concept of natural law comes from the west.自然法之概念来源于西方,它所蕴涵的正义、等与自由等观念造就了西方的法治思想和法治传统。
15.Consummating the Nature in the Process of Consummating Oneself's Virtue--the Enlightenment of Traditional Chinese Confucian Philosophy 'Consummating Oneself and the Nature' Makes on the Ecological Ethies Research在成就自己的美德中成就自然万物——中国传统儒家成己成物观对生态伦理研究的启示
16.Dialectical Natural Laws in Physics--Control、Information、System and Dialectical Natural Laws;物理学中的辩证自然观——控制、信息、系统与辩证自然观
17.The traditional ideas which think that only part of natural person have capacity for civil liability is conflicted with capacity for civil rights.传统观点认为只有部分自然人有民事责任能力,和民事权利能力相冲突。
18.The simple and honorable folk custom character and style and the ancient workshop cultural inside story, called on is the paradise which the natural landscape and the cultural tradition enhances one another's beauty.淳朴的民俗风情和古老作坊的文化共存,称得上是自然景观与文化传统交相辉映的世外桃源。

system of natural landscape自然景观系统
3)natural outlook of dual systematic structure两系统结构论的自然观
1.Changeology contains a natural outlook of dual systematic structure,saying that "these ten thousand creatures cannot turn their.依据两系统结构论的自然观 ,正可以讨论变与不变的问题 ,所以两系统结构论的自然观极有可能成为物理学哲学的基本构成。
4)traditional natural viewpoint传统自然观
1.This paper points out that the relationship between human and nature has been in a contradictory and opposite state in a traditional natural viewpoint by going back through the history of the viewpoint about human and nature.本文旨在通过对人类自然观演进的历史梳理,指出在传统自然观下,人与自然的关系一直处于矛盾和对立的状态。
5)nature system自然系统
1.The nature system has two main inherent qualities, the integral inherent quality of complement of diversities and the dialectical inherent quality of unity of opposites.自然系统有两个主要本性,即差异相辅的整体本性和对立统一的辩证本性,前者为自然系统的显在本质,后者为自然系统的潜在本质,两者在相互渗透中发挥作用。
2.The occurrence,forming and development of National Musical Aesthetic Psychology is influenced and effected by the factors of mountain range,river system,climate of geographic environment in nature system,mode of production,political structure,philosophic thinking,patriarchal clan system in social system,and collective unconsciousness as deep psychological structure.民族的音乐审美心理之发生、形成与发展受到自然系统中地理环境的山脉水系、气候因素,社会系统中生产方式、社会政治结构、哲学伦理思想、宗教宗法思想以及作为深层心理结构的“集体无意识”的影响与制约。
6)natural system自然系统
1.Having introduced the relations of value appraisal in natural system,Holmes Rolston attempted to draw relations of value from the creative relations of nature, and he regarded the most important property of value as creativity.罗尔斯顿把价值评价关系引入了自然系统,想从自然的创造性关系引出价值的关系,并把价值最重要的属性看作是创造性,因而,他也就偏离了主体设定的价值取向,把价值的生成看成是自然本身的事情了。
