潜在思想,hidden idea
1)hidden idea潜在思想
2)The discussion about hidden idea潜在思想论略
3)thought existing思想存在

1.But non-Marxist and, what is more, anti-Marxist ideologies exist even in these countries.但是就是在社会主义国家,还是有非马克思主义的思想存在,也有反马克思主义的思想存在
2.something that exists only as an idea.仅存在于思想中的东西。
3.The idea of long-term coexistence had been there for a long time.长期共存的思想已经存在很久了。
4.relating to or existing in the mind or thoughts.与头脑或者思想相关,存在于头脑或者思想之中。
5.His actions lag far behind his thinking .在他的思想和行动之间存在很大差异。
6.On the Status of "Human Perceptual Activities" in Marx s Philosophical Theory;“人的感性活动”在马克思存在思想中的地位
7.His thought is still in existence though he has died.他虽然逝去了,他的思想仍然存在。
8.It is man's social being that determines his thinking.人们的社会存在,决定人们的思想。
9.It is man's social being that determines his thinking [consciousness].人们的社会存在,决定人们的思想[意识]。
10.It is man's social being that determines his thinking (consciousness).人们的社会存在,决定人们的思想(意识)。
11.aware of one's own existence,thoughts and actions(对自己的存在、思想和行为)自觉的.
12.A Study of R.D. Laing s Existential Psychiatrical Thought;R.D.莱因的存在精神病学思想研究
13.Metaphor and Being;隐喻与存在—利科的诠释学思想研究
14.Existence,sensibility and Ambit--An Analysis upon Meng Pei-yuan s Thinking;存在·情感·境界——对蒙培元思想的解读
15.Cleaning up the Misunderstanding of Ideological and Political Education;走出思想政治教育中存在的几个误区
16.Literature Interpretation of Sartre s Existentialism Principles;萨特存在主义哲学思想的文学化阐释
17.On Heidegger s Thought of Aesthetics;“存在”与“无蔽”——论海德格尔的美学思想
18.On the Organic Whole of Social Being: An Important Idea in Lukacs Later Philosophy;论卢卡奇社会存在整体性思想的新意

The discussion about hidden idea潜在思想论略
3)thought existing思想存在
4)thinking of Being存在思想
1.But we have not seen any relevant papers that are from the perspective of "thinking of Being".“存在思想”(Denken des Seins)即“言说存在之真理”,它包括“存在”、“真理”和“言说”三“要素”。
5)unconscious thoughts潜意识思想
6)think-bank of potential science潜科学思想库
