法兰西阶级斗争,French class struggle
1)French class struggle法兰西阶级斗争
2)class struggle阶级斗争
1.Moral Preset and "Class Struggle" under the Structure of Planned Economy——Analyzing China s economic operation before 1978 from moral level;计划经济体制下的道德预设和“阶级斗争”——从道德层面对1978年以前中国经济运行的分析
2.The“Theory of Class Struggle” and the Chinese Literature in the First Part of the 20th Century;阶级斗争理论与20世纪上半叶的中国文学
3.New concept of class and class struggle of CPUSA;美国共产党对阶级、阶级斗争概念的新理解

1.They have all been sharp class struggles.这是尖锐的阶级斗争
2.But every class struggle is a political struggle.而一切阶级斗争都是政治斗争。
3.Ih the final analysis, national struggle is a matter of class struggle.民族斗争,说到底,是一个阶级斗争问题。
4.The same is true of the relationship between the class struggle and the national struggle.阶级斗争和民族斗争的关系也是这样。
6.Every class struggle is a political struggle.一切阶级斗争都是政治斗争。
7.1964: The Social Class and the Class Struggle Narration on "People s Literature";1964:《人民文学》的阶级与阶级斗争叙事
8.Mao Tsetung′s Theory That Identifies National Struggle with Class Struggle;毛泽东民族斗争与阶级斗争一致性的理论
9.An Analysis of Current Situation of the Working Classes and the Class Struggles in Developed Countries After the Cold War;冷战后发达国家工人阶级及阶级斗争现状分析
10.New concept of class and class struggle of CPUSA;美国共产党对阶级、阶级斗争概念的新理解
11.Some people ask, "Since the exploiting classes have been abolished, how can there still be class struggle?"有人说,剥削阶级作为阶级消灭了,怎么还会有阶级斗争
12.The class war raged as unions took on the government and business.工会与政府、界间的阶级斗争激烈。
13.the class struggle(also the class war);( esp in Marxist thought)the continuing fight for economic and political power between the capitalist ruling class and the working class(尤指马克思主义思想的)阶级斗争.
14.It is from the October Revolution that we have learned to wage class struggle.我们搞阶级斗争是从十月革命学来的。
15.Marx once said that the theory of class struggle was not his discovery.马克思说,阶级斗争不是他的发现,
16.Transcendence of "Class Struggle"--Rereading Sunny Days;“阶级斗争”背景的超越——重读《艳阳天》
17.Party committees at various levels should simultaneously attend to class struggle, the struggle for production, and scientific experiment without neglecting any one of them.各级党委要真正做到阶级斗争、生产斗争和科学实验一起抓。
18.But classes and the class struggle are facts, and those people who deny the fact of class struggle are wrong.但是阶级和阶级斗争的存在是一个事实;有些人否认这种事实,否认阶级斗争的存在,这是错误的。

class struggle阶级斗争
1.Moral Preset and "Class Struggle" under the Structure of Planned Economy——Analyzing China s economic operation before 1978 from moral level;计划经济体制下的道德预设和“阶级斗争”——从道德层面对1978年以前中国经济运行的分析
2.The“Theory of Class Struggle” and the Chinese Literature in the First Part of the 20th Century;阶级斗争理论与20世纪上半叶的中国文学
3.New concept of class and class struggle of CPUSA;美国共产党对阶级、阶级斗争概念的新理解
3)class and classical battle阶级和阶级斗争
1.At this time,class and classical battle were still the main illogicality.1949年10月——1956年12月,是中国处于新民主主义向社会主义转变时期,中国共产党领导全国人民,一方面要亟需完成民主革命遗留的任务,另一方面又要向社会主义过渡,国内的主要矛盾仍然是阶级和阶级斗争。
4)class struggles weapon阶级斗争的武器
5)motive power of class struggle阶级斗争动力论
1.The motive power of class struggle of the socialist society should be replaced by join" to realize the unity of opposites".从哲学角度审视,社会主义的和谐发展,必须摒弃崇尚对立和斗争的斗争哲学,以同一性为主解决社会主义发展中的矛盾;必须摒弃社会主义社会阶级斗争动力论,用“结合”的方法实现“对立面的统一”,坚持社会主义方向的发展,把发展、和谐和社会主义三个关键词统一在中国现代化的过程中。
6)class struggle theory阶级斗争观点
1.For over half a century Mao Zedong’s class struggle theory has strongly influenced and shaped the destiny of millions of Chinese.毛泽东的阶级斗争观点,影响和左右了中国亿万民众半个多世纪的历史命运,但以往国内对这个重大课题的学术性研究却很不足。
