1.Technology of membrane-sterilization applied in industrialized production of tea drinks;膜除菌技术在饮料工业化生产中的应用
2.Analysis of Popularization of Tea in England;在英国的普及时间辨析
3.Wine and tea in Chinese culture;谈酒与在中国文化中的意蕴及精神

1.China, lemon, iced tea中国、 柠檬、 加冰的
2.a cup/mug/pot of tea一杯[缸子/壶]
3.We serve Wu Long tea, black tea, green tea, jasmine tea and chrysanthemum tea.餐厅有乌龙、红、绿、茉莉花和菊花
4.Camellia oil (Latin name,Camellia oleifera seed oil) is also called camellia seed oil.山油(又名山油,野山油,籽油,油籽油)。
5.Would you rather have tea than coffee?和咖啡,你更喜欢吗?
6.Brick tea--Hua zhuan teaGB/T9833.1-1988紧压花砖
7.Isn't there some tea in the teapot ?壶里不是有点吗?
8.Give me a teaspoon and a teacup.给我一个匙和杯。
9.Oolong tea or jasmine tea?乌龙还是茉莉花
10.Tea--Determination of tea polyphenols contentGB/T8313-1987多酚测定
11.Would you like Black tea or green tea?你喜欢红还是绿?
12.Do you like green tea or black tea?你是要绿还是红
13.We've got green tea and black tea.我们有绿和红两种。
14.Do you prefer green or black tea?你是喝绿还是喝红
15.others were drinking tea in small teahouses;有的钻进小馆去喝
16.Longjing tea is the best of green teas.龙井是最好的绿
17."Some tea, please." "I'm sorry, there isn't any."“请来杯。”“对不起,没有。”
18.The tea slopped into the saucer.溢出流到托里了.

Tea, tea, water and tea,茶,茶,水和茶。
3)Tea catechin茶儿茶素
1.Tea catechin is a high effective and low toxic scavenger of free radical and has various pharmacological and healthy functions Its absorption,distribution,biologic transformation and excretion were summarized in this paper,so as to provide some theoretical reference for further study of tea catechi素是一种高效低毒的自由基清除剂 ,具有多种药理和保健功能。
4)black tea infusion红茶茶汤
1.The results of the present experiments indicate that the soluble solid content and tea polyphenols concentration of black tea infusion can increase greatly after cellulase treatment.结果表明,纤维素酶能有效提高红汤可溶性固形物含量和多酚含量。
5)tea catechins茶儿茶素
1.Studies on effects of tea catechins on neuron and Ca~(2+) concentration in the brain of cerebral ischemia and reperfusion rats;素抗大鼠脑缺血再灌注损伤与对脑细胞内Ca~(2+)的作用
2.The antioxidant activity of tea catechins′ oxy polymers(TCOP) was investigated in both soy liposomes and lard oil systems by Na 2S 2O 3 I 2 titrimetric method.用Na2 S2 O3 I2 滴定法测定了素氧化聚合物对猪油和豆油的抗氧化作用 ,并以多酚作比较。
3.object: The protective effects of tea catechins on the injury of cerebral ischemia and reperfusion in rats were observed with rat cerebral ischemia and reperfusion model produced by bilaterally clamping the common carotid arteries and vagus nerves for 60 min and then removing the occlusion for 30 min.目的 :观察素对脑缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用。
6)tea fanningss茶屑, 茶末

【药物名称】茶 【别名】茶树叶,茶树,家茶,吃树,茗。 【科属】山茶科 【植物形态】植物形态:常绿灌木或乔木,高可达5米,多分枝,嫩枝有茸毛。叶互生革质,椭圆状披针形至长椭圆形,或倒卵状披针形,长4~10厘米,宽2~4厘米,基部楔形,先端短尖,边缘有锯齿,表面光滑无毛,背面幼时有短柔毛,叶柄短。花白色,腋生1~3朵,微有芳香;花萼、花瓣均5枚,雄蕊多数,子房上位,3室。蒴果木质化,扁圆三角形,室背开裂。 生态分布:产我国长江以南至南部各省。 药用部分:根、叶入药,全年可采。 用途:叶性味苦、甘、微寒。茶子性苦味、寒、有毒。根性味苦、平,均无毒。能清热,解酒毒,兴奋,止泻,利小便。用量:叶1~3钱,根3~6钱,子2~3钱。