1.Effect of different food conditions on population increase of Asian corn borer;不同食料对亚洲玉米螟种群增长的影响
2.The stores of Culex tritaenior hynchus Giles eggs at different temperatures and effect of different foods on the development of their larvae;不同温度对三带喙库蚊卵的保存及不同食料对幼虫发育的影响
3.Bionomics of Bactrocera tau(Walker) (Diptera: Tephritidae) and the Effect of Foods on Population Dynamics;南亚实蝇生物学特性及不同食料对其种群增长的影响

1.The monkeys strip the bark for food.猴子撕裂树皮来作食料
2.It was also the term they used for "bee bread", or pollen, which was considered the food of the immortals.他们还把“蜜蜂的食料”,即花粉,也当作长寿食品。
3.Feed passes through the esophagus and into a temporary storage organ, the crop.食料经食道进入一个暂时的贮存器官,即嗉囊。
4.a sufficiency of food [fuel]充足的食物 [燃料]
5.A food or beverage designed for quick preparation.速食食品,即溶饮料经过简短准备就可食用的食品或饮料
6.food color made from vegetable dyes.食品色来源于植物染料。
7.Arla Foods Ingredients amba阿拉食品原料有限公司
8.raw materials to produce food and fiber生产食品和纤维的原料
9.arms, food, fuel supplies武器、 食物、 燃料贮备
10.small quantity of food or drink taken as a sample(品尝的)少量食物或饮料
11.have a drink after eating sth吃食物后再用饮料送下
12.fine food, clothes, material上好的食品、 衣服、 材料.
13.food, fuel, housing shortages食物、 燃料、 住房短缺
14.scavenged the garbage cans for food scraps.从垃圾筐中捡食品废料
15.Garbage from food can be changed into fertilizer.食物下脚可以变成肥料。
16.Blend all the ingredients in the recipe.掺拌所有食谱上的佐料。
17.white-rooted beet grown as a source of sugar.白根的甜菜,食糖的原料。
18.a delicious drink, a complete food鲜美饮料,全能营养食品

1.The Effects of Different Sugar Diets on the Metabolite Concentrations in Campoletis chorideae Uchida (Ichneumonidae: Hymenoptera);不同食料对棉铃虫齿唇姬蜂体内主要代谢物质的影响
2.Effects of different diets on the ovary and oogenesis development of Telenomus theophilae;不同食料对野蚕黑卵蜂卵巢发育和卵子发生的影响
3.In this thesis, we studied the structure and development of female internal reproductive organs in Telenomus theophilae, and effects of several facters including diet, temperature on the ovarian development of Telemomus theophilae, and the growth and development of larval, and changes of nutritive matter of parasitized host eggs.本文研究了野蚕黑卵蜂雌性成虫生殖系统的结构及其发育动态,以及食料和温度等因子对野蚕黑卵蜂卵巢发育的影响,并对野蚕黑卵蜂幼虫发育状况及寄生卵营养物质的变化进行了研究。
3)food raw material食品原料
1.Application of PCR in detection of food raw material category and its original habitat;食品原料种类及原产地PCR检测技术应用
2.The enrichment technology of γ-aminobutyric acid in food raw materials was also summarized.综述了GABA的生理功能、形成机理及影响其富集的因素,并介绍了食品原料中GABA富集技术最新研究进展。
3.Food safety depends on safety control of food raw materials in the production process.食品安全问题依赖于食品原料生产过程中的安全控制。
1.The general situation of flavor from turpentine oil;从松节油制得的食用香料概况
2.Studies on catalytic synthesis of the flavor ethyl benzonate under microwave irradiation;微波辐射催化合成食用香料苯甲酸乙酯的研究
5)instant soup flavouring即食汤料
6)waste food materials食品废料
