1.The Effects of Trunk Injection of REEs on the Growth and Fruits Qualities of Kumquat;茎部注射稀土元素对金柑生长及果实品质的影响

1.Effect of chitosan coating package on postharvest physiology of kumquat壳聚糖涂膜保鲜对金柑采后生理的影响
2.He often paced up and down the veranda, muttering to himself.他亲身给她到街上去买橘子,又托便人买了金柑来。
3.Observation of Pollen Development Characteristics and Flowering and Bearing Habits of Rongan Kumquat融安滑皮金柑花粉发育特性及开花结果习性观察
4.A Case Study on A Farmer Specialized Cooperative Institue--Take the Youxi Caret-shaped Melon and Gold Citrus Fruitsspecialized Cooperative as Case;对一个农民专业合作社的个案研究——以尤溪县八字桥金柑佛手瓜专业合作社为个案
5.The paper analyzes the favorable and unfavorable conditions of tangerine production in Leibo County, Jinsha River Valley and brings forth some developing measures in a bid to speed up high-quality tangerine production in Jinsha River Valley.分析金沙江流域雷波柑桔生产的有利和不利条件,提出发展对策,加快金沙江流域优质柑桔生产。
6.Preliminary Study on Dry Fruit Wine by Mixed Fermentation of Gold Pear Juice and Orange Juice黄金梨汁和柑橘汁混合发酵干型酒的初步研究
7.Favorable Conditions of Tangerine Production in Leibo County金沙江流域雷波柑桔生产的优势及发展对策
8.Studies on the Heavy Metal Ecological Behaviors of Soil--Citrus System in the Three Gorge Reservoir Region in Chongqing重庆三峡库区土壤——柑桔系统重金属生态行为研究
9.Rapid Detection of Xanthomonas Axonopodis pv. Citri by Colloidal Gold Immunochromatographic Assay;利用胶体金免疫层析技术快速检测柑橘溃疡病菌
10.The fruit of these plants, having an acid pulp and a thin, edible rind. It is the smallest of the citrus fruits.金桔这些植物的果实,有酸的果肉和薄而可食的果皮。它是柑橘果中最小的一种
11.The pillars of the Saint Lucian economy are banking and tourism, and exports include bananas, coconuts and citrus fruits.圣露西亚的经济支柱为金融业与旅游业,并出口香蕉、子与柑橘等水果。
12.This Chardonnay is characterised by its golden yellow colour with green tones, intense aromas of papayas and citrus fruit.色泽金黄,间有绿色调,浓郁的番木瓜和柑橘类的味道是这款酒的特色。
13.juice bearing body (=juice sac)(柑桔果实的)汁囊
14.International Society of Citriculture国际柑桔栽培学会(柑桔学会)
16.Citrus nematodiasis is one of major diseases on citrus plants.柑桔线虫病是柑桔类果树的重要病害。
17.Ingredients: Spearmint, Orange, Lime top, Bergamot.成份:欧洲薄荷,柑橘,莱姆,佛手柑.
18.Preliminary Study on Huarong Rough-peel Mandarin;柑桔地方良种华容皱皮柑的初步研究

fortunella swingle金柑
1.Preparation of two kinds of fortunella swingle beverage;两种新型金柑饮品的研制
2.The processing technology of fortunella swingle jam is studied in this paper.研究了以金柑和白砂糖为主要原料制作金柑酱的加工工艺。
3)Fortunella Crassifolia Swingle金弹金柑
1.Phylogenetic relationships among Fortunella and its relatives as revealed by SSR markers;金柑属及其近缘属植物亲缘关系的SSR分析
2.Phylogenetic Relationships among Fortunella Swingle and Its Relatives as Revealed by ISSR and SSR Markers;金柑属(Fortunella Swingle)及其近缘属植物的ISSR及SSR分析
5)Fortunella Hindsii Swingle山金柑
1.The Study on the Young Period of the Seedling Tree of Fortunella Hindsii Swingle;山金柑实生苗童期的研究
6)Jinshui Ponkan金水柑
1.Effects of Pretreatment Temperature on the Storage Qualities of Jinshui Ponkan Fruit;预处理温度对金水柑贮藏品质的影响

柑【通用名称】柑【其他名称】柑 (《本草拾遗》) 【异名】金实(马琬《食经》),柑子(《开宝本草》),木奴(《纲目》),瑞金奴(《群芳谱》)。 【来源】为芸香科植物茶枝柑、瓯柑等多种柑类的成熟果实。 【植物形态】①茶枝柑,又名:新会柑、江门柑。 小乔木,高2~3米。枝条密集,针刺极少。叶互生,长椭圆形,长6~6.5厘米,宽2~2.3厘米,先端渐尖,基部楔形,叶缘锯齿不明显,叶质略硬;叶柄长0.6厘米左右,翼叶小而不明显。花小,白色,径约2厘米;萼片黄绿色,5裂,裂片尖锐;花瓣5;雄蕊彼此连合,长短不一。柑果扁圆形或馒头形,纵径4.5~6厘米,横径6.5~7厘米,表面橙黄色,有光泽,油点凹入,少数平生,基部平或隆起,上有浅放射沟4~8条,顶部微凹入:果皮易剥离,质松脆,白内层如棉絮状,有特异的香气;瓤囊11~12瓣;中心柱空虚;味酸甜。种子20余粒,卵圆形,淡黄褐色。花期3月中旬。果熟期12月中旬。 主要分布珠江三角洲一带,以新会栽培最多,其次广州近郊四会、化县、濂江等地也有栽培。 ②瓯柑(《随息居饮食谱》),又名:乳柑(《本草拾遗》),真柑(《橘录》),春橘(《随息居饮食谱》)。 常绿灌木或小乔木,高1.5~2米。枝疏生,披张,无刺。叶片椭圆形,短枝上的叶边缘无锯齿,长枝上的叶则有波状齿。花小,白色。柑果扁圆形或长圆形,高6厘米,阔7厘米,先端微凹,基部有尖圆或截圆两种;果皮粗而皱襞,橙黄色,油腺多,凹入,果皮易剥离;橘络多,柔软,白色;瓤囊10瓣,中心柱小,充实。种子甚少,仅4颗,卵圆形,子叶白色或淡绿色。果熟期11月。 分布浙江等地。 此外,尚有以下同属植物均供药用:①四会柑,分布广东、广西;②冇柑,分布广东、福建;③蕉柑,分布广东、福建、台湾。 以上植物的叶(柑叶)、果皮(柑皮)、种子(柑核)亦供药用,各详专条。 【化学成分】蕉柑果实含橙皮甙、川陈皮素和挥发油。根中含豆甾醇、β-谷甾醇和花椒树皮素甲。 【性味】甘酸、凉。 ①崔禹锡《食经》:"味甘酸,小冷,无毒。" ②《开宝本草》:"味甘,大寒。" ③《日用本草》:"味甘酸,平,无毒。" 【功用主治】生津止渴,醒酒利尿。 ①崔禹锡《食经》:"食之下气,主胸热烦满。" ②《开宝本草》:"利肠胃中热毒,止暴渴,利小便。" ③《医林纂要》:"除烦,醒酒。" 【宜忌】脾胃虚寒者忌服。 ①《本草衍义》:"脾肾冷人食其肉,多致藏寒或泄利。" ②《医林纂要》:"多食生寒痰。" ③《随息居饮食谱》:"风寒为病忌之。"