大葱,Welsh onion
1)Welsh onion大葱
1.Relation between different sowing times and occurrence of shallot maggot in welsh onion;大葱不同播期与葱蛆发生的关系
2.Cold tolerance and wintering cultivation effect of different Welsh onion varieties.;不同大葱品种耐寒性鉴定与越冬栽培效果
3.Effect of meristem tip virus-free in the Welsh Onion;热处理对大葱茎尖脱毒效果的影响

1.Cultivation of A New Green Welsh Cultivar in Off-season in Open Field,Pingcong No.1露地反季节大葱新品种平葱一号的选育
2.Trim roots and ends from scallions and discard. Wash well, and dry with paper towel. Cut crosswise into3- inch pieces. Slice pieces lengthwise as thinly as possible.切去大葱的根部。洗净,用纸巾擦干。将大葱斜切成3-英寸长的段。然后将大葱尽可能的切细。
3.Study on the variation of Welsh onion chromosome pioidy in vitro culture组织培养中大葱染色体倍性变异研究
4.The Studies of Germ Plasm Among Some Allium lines and the Analysis of Main Characters;大葱种质资源分类及其主要性状分析
5.A Study of Vitrification on Chinese Onion(Allium Fistulosum L.) in Vitro and Polyploid Induction;大葱试管苗玻璃化研究及多倍体诱导
6.Identification and Physiological Characteristics Studies on Welsh Onion Germplasms;大葱种质资源鉴定与其生理特性研究
7.Male sterile line breeding of premature Welsh onion:603A and 626A;超早熟大葱雄性不育系603A、626A的选育
8.Studies on Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation of Welsh Onion with BT Gene农杆菌介导BT基因转化大葱的研究
9.Studies on Application of Controlled-release Fertilizers in Welsh Onion (Allium Fistulosum L.)控释肥在大葱(Allium fistulosum L.)上的应用研究
10.young onion before the bulb has enlarged.球茎增大前的嫩洋葱。
11.the aroma of garlic and onions.See Synonyms at smell大蒜和洋葱的气味参见
12.smelling of garlic or onions.有大蒜或者洋葱的味道。
13.garlic, parsley, ginger, and green onions for seasoning.大蒜、香菜、姜、葱作佐料。
14.ONIONS!! Eating onions helps ease constriction of bronchial tubes.哮喘?吃洋葱!!洋葱对支气管的收缩有很大的帮助。
15.large genus of perennial and biennial pungent bulbous plants: garlic; leek; onion; chive; sometimes placed in family Alliacea as the type genus.多年生和二年生一个球茎植物大属;大蒜;韭菜;洋葱;细香葱;有时作为模式属放入葱科。
16.Standing at the top of the pagoda, one commands a panoramic view of the ancient city surrounded by no end of green fields through which flows a ribbon-like Yellow River. It is scenery that reminds one of a painting scroll.登塔眺望,古城全景历历在目,中原大地,郁郁葱葱,黄河似带,山川如画。
17.large flat leaves used as chive is used.大而平的叶子,使用方法同细香葱。
18.It contains peas, onions, bacon and rice.它包括碗豆、洋葱、咸肉和大米。

1.Analysis of Volatile Flavor Components of Scallion by Headspace Solid Phase Micro-extraction and GC-MS;顶空固相微萃取与气质联用法分析大葱的挥发性风味成分
2.Effect of different kinds of animal manures and guantity on growth of scallion;不同畜禽粪肥及不同用量对大葱生长的影响
3.Effects of N,P,K balanced application on economical yield and quality of scallion;氮磷钾平衡施用对大葱产量和品质的影响研究
3)Chinese onion大葱
1.Studies on vitrification characteristics of in vitro cultured Chinese onion(Allium fistulosum);大葱组织培养中玻璃苗特性研究
2.Study on the effect of Chinese onion on removing nitrite;大葱清除亚硝酸盐影响因素的研究
3.The effects of the concentration of MS micro salts,2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acd(2,4-D),naphthalene acetic acid(NAA),prolin and adenine on callus formation and embryogenesis were investigated by using orthogonal design with immature cotyledon of Chinese onion.采用正交试验设计方法研究了MS微量元素,2,4-D、萘乙酸、脯氨酸和腺嘌呤的浓度对5种基因型大葱未成熟子叶愈伤形成和体细胞胚胎发生的影响。
4)green Chinese onion大葱
1.Study on the effect of nitrogen on green Chinese onion yield and N supplying target value;氮素对大葱产量影响和氮素供应目标值的研究
2.Spatial dispersion pattern and sampling method of sweet beet (Spodoptera exigua (Hübner)) larva in green Chinese onion fields;甜菜夜蛾幼虫在大葱上空间分布型及抽样方法
3.This paper suggests a process of endowing the monosodium glutamate with fragrant and pungent flavors by using natural fragrant and pungent condiments: ginger, Chinese prickly ash, chilli,green Chinese onion, ect, and gives eight formulas.本文提出了用天然香辛调味料生姜,花椒,辣椒,大葱等,赋于普通味精香辛风味的工艺方法,并给出了八个具体配方。
5)Allium fistulosum L大葱
1.Biological effects of ~(12)C~(6+) heavy ions irradiation on Allium fistulosum L.;~(12)C~(6+)重离子辐照大葱的生物学效应
2.CYTOLOGICAL EFFECTS AND RAPD ANALYSIS OF Allium fistulosum L.IRRADIATED BY ~(12)C~(6+) HEAVY IONS;~(12)C~(6+)重离子辐照大葱的细胞学和RAPD分析
3.The formation of microspore in Allium fistulosum L.;大葱(Allium fistulosum L.)小孢子的形成
6)spring onion大葱
1.A regeneration system of tissue culture from Cotyledons of Spring onion and blood among some Allium lines were learned in this paper.本文主要研究了章丘大葱子叶组织培养的再生体系及利用RAPD技术对葱种质进行亲缘关系鉴定。
2.Zhangqiu spring onion was used as experimental materials.以章丘大葱子叶为材料,研究了不同激素配比对愈伤组织诱导和继代、芽分化、芽点的伸长及根诱导的影响,并对获得的再生植株进行了鉴定。
