1.Study on the Variation in Narcissus Aroma Composition during Blossoming;水仙花开放期间香气组分变化的研究
2.Advances in Biotechnological Research on Narcissus;水仙花生物技术研究进展(综述)
3.Effect of Nitrogen Application Rate on Narcissus Growth and Bulb Quality;不同施氮水平对水仙花生长和鳞茎球质量的影响

1.bring forth a spike or spikes, as of flowers, such as hyacinths.花朵长出穗,就像水仙花
2.A host, of golden daffodils,金色的水仙花迎春开放,
3.The daffodils were beginning to flag.黄水仙花开始萎垂。
4.In early English and French poetry, the daffodil.水仙花在早期英国和法国诗歌中,指水仙花
5.Daffodils and crocuses bloom in the spring.水仙花和番红花在春天开放.
6.Daffodils predominate in our garden.在我们的花园中水仙花最多。
7."I am a rose of Sharon, a flower of the valleys."我是沙仑的玫瑰花(或作水仙花),是谷中的百合花。
8.The meadows were beautiful with narcissuses .草地上长着水仙花真美丽。
9.The daffodils were in bloom, stirring in the evening breeze.水仙花开得正盛,在晚风中摇曳。
10.The scent of the narcissi was in the air.空气中散发着水仙花的香味。
11.A few daffodils were already poking up, ie starting to grow.有几棵水仙花已经开始抽芽.
12.The Synergy N9 features a3 mm thick vertical3 D fin.协同N9号水仙花公厘厚的垂直立体翅.
13.He came into my room to admire the full-blown narcissi.他到我房间里来观赏盛开的水仙花
14."I Am a Chinese":Pioneer Chinese American Writer Sui Sin Far;“我是中国人”——美国华裔文学先驱水仙花
15.Cloning of ZDS and LYCE Related to Floral Colour from Narcissus Tazetta L. Var. Chinensis Roem中国水仙花色相关基因ZDS、LYCE的克隆
16.Having floral parts attached to or near the summit of the ovary, as in the flower of the apple, cucumber, or daffodil.有上位的花被的子房顶部有花被的,如苹果花,黄瓜花或水仙花
17.The old man grew many daffodils with yellow flowers in his bedroom那个老人在卧室里养了很多开着黄花的水仙花
18.The flower was something in the nature of a daffodil.这种花有点像黄水仙。

narcissus tazetta var. chinensis水仙花
1.Experiment on scape and flower bud of Narcissus tazetta var.对水仙花进行花葶和花苞处理试验研究,结果表明:花葶完整保留和花苞剪残处理有利于水仙花后期生长, 增加大花球数量;而花葶和花苞完全摘除处理不利于水仙花后期生长,从而降低了大花球数量。
3)Narcissus tazetta var.chinensis多花水仙
4)narcissistic number水仙花数

水仙花【通用名称】水仙花【其他名称】水仙花 (《本草会编》) 【异名】金盏银台(《洛阳花木记》),俪兰(《三余帖》),女史花、姚女儿(《内观日疏》)。 【来源】为石蒜科植物水仙的花。 【植物形态】水仙(《本草会编》),又名:雅蒜(《长物志》),天葱(《南阳诗注》)。 多年生草本。鳞茎卵圆形。叶基生;扁平直立,质厚,长30~45厘米,宽1~1.8厘米,先端钝,全缘,上面粉绿色。花茎扁平,约与叶等长;佛焰苞膜质,披针形,管状;花4~8朵,排列成伞形花序,平伸而下倾,芳香,直径2.5~3厘米,花梗突出苞外;花被高脚碟状,下部呈管状,纤弱,长1.5~2厘米,裂片倒卵形,扩展而外反,白色;副花冠浅杯状,淡黄色;雄蕊6,着生于花被管上;子房下位,3室,每室有胚珠多数,花柱细长,柱头3裂。蒴果胞背开裂,由绿色转至棕色。种子多数,扁平,椭圆形。花期冬季。果期次年4~5月。 多栽培于花圃中。分布广东、福建、江苏、贵州、四川等地。 本植物的鳞茎(水仙根)亦供药用,另详专条。 【功用主治】祛风除热,活血调经。 ①《纲目》:"去风气。" ②《现代实用中药》:"治妇人子宫病,月经不调。" 【用法与用量】内服:煎汤,0.8~1.5钱;或入散剂。外用:捣敷。 【选方】治妇人五心发热:水仙花、干荷叶,赤芍药等分。为末,白汤每服二钱。(《卫生易简方》)