生活习性,life habit
1)life habit生活习性
1.Dynamic change of some life habits among personnel on a reef in South China Sea;南海某礁作业人员部分生活习性的动态变化
2.Elementary study on the life habits of Dysmicoccus neobrevipes(Beardsley);新菠萝灰粉蚧生活习性初探
3.Morphological and life habit of Axinoscymnus cadilobus;烟粉虱捕食性天敌淡色斧瓢虫的形态特征及生活习性

1.They carefully observed the behavior of deer.他们仔细观察了鹿的生活习性
2.Study on the Morphostructure and Life Habits of Vermipsylla Alakurt花蠕形蚤形态结构与生活习性的研究
3.The Life Habit of Bufo Bufo Gargarizans and the Choice of Artificial Breeding Site;中华大蟾蜍生活习性及人工养殖场地选择
4.Influence of Beauveria bassiana to the life habits of Monochamus alternatus larvae球孢白僵菌对松墨天牛成虫生活习性的影响
5.Observation on Conopomorpha sinensis Bladley living habits impacted by night light夜晚光照影响荔枝蒂蛀虫生活习性的观察
6.Living Habits of Drosicha corpulenta and Experiment on the Methods to Control in the North Region of Qinling Mountains秦岭北麓地区草履蚧生活习性及防治试验
7.On the Female s Living Customs and Destiny in Li Bai s Poems;李白诗中的女性生活习俗和命运新探
8.Key words: Learn English by practice and experience; intercourse naturally in habit; teach through activities; application of language.关键词:生活化的学习;习惯性的交际;活动教学;英语语言交际应用。
9.The Comparative Research on the Studying and Living Adaptation of Zang Nationality Middle School Students in Jianxi;在赣藏族中学生学习生活适应性比较研究
10.Comparative Analysis of Negative Life Events in Different Stages of Study among Students in Tongxiang;桐乡市不同学习阶段学生负性生活事件比较
11.Possession and Production--The Analyses of Students Subjectivity in the Study Activity;占有与生产——学生学习活动中的主体性分析
13.The loss of "baby teeth" is one of the few other non-holiday occasions in a child's tire when customs are followed.更换乳牙是孩子生活中非节日性的习俗之一。
14.The Investigation on Students Flexible Evaluation Study Process in Vocational School;职业学校学生学习过程活性评价的探索
15.The Case Design of Research Study Related to Chemistry and Life;有关“化学与生活”的研究性学习案例设计
16.The Strategy of the Activating the Self-conscious an Independence of the Student s English Study;激活学生外语学习自觉性与自主感的策略
17.Flowering Behavior and Identification on Pollen Vitality of 11 Kidney Bean Varieties不同菜豆品种的开花习性和花粉生活力的鉴定
18.Effects of dietary and lifestyle on bone mineral density of elderly man饮食及生活习惯对中老年男性骨密度影响

living habit生活习性
1.Primary study on the living habits and EAG responses of Vespa in Xianyang area;咸阳地区墨胸胡蜂的生活习性及其触角电位生理反应初探
2.This present paper reported the primary observation and description of the morphology,living habits and parasitic features of the two newly found Isopods in rivers in China.对国内新发现的江河等足类寄生虫病病原的外部形态、生活习性及寄生特性进行了初步观察与描述。
3.The symptom of infection,morphological characters and living habits of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus were described.红棕象甲(Rhynchophorus ferrugineus)是对棕榈科植物危害较大的外来入侵害虫,文章介绍该虫的为害症状、形态特征、生活习性以及厦门地区加拿利海枣的受害情况,并提出防治措施。
3)living habits生活习性
1.To remove white-ants thoroughly,it is important for us to know white-ants living habits very well and grasp their growth law of nests systems.因此,熟知白蚁的生活习性及其与环境的依存关系,掌握蚁穴系统的分布发育规律,是合理地采取早期防治措施,从根本上消除蚁害损失的重要保证。
2.This paper reviews the progress of firefly,which includes living habits,luminant mechanism and fuction,and firefly luciferase.介绍了萤火虫生活史和生活习性、发光机制和发光的作用以及萤火虫荧光素酶的性质、结构和特点,并阐述了萤火虫的应用领域,指出萤火虫是一种非常有利用价值的资源昆虫,人们应该珍惜并保护这种昆虫。
3.The paper expounds the morphological characteristics,living habits and destructive symptom of Polyphagotarsonemus Latus(Banks),and the main protection and control methods.本文主要描述了茶黄螨PolyphagotarsonemusLatus(Banks)对蔬菜生长的为害症状、形态特征、生活习性以及目前主要防治方法。
4)life habits生活习性
1.The morphological characters, life habits and parasitizing behavior of Encarsia bimaculata.;双斑恩蚜小蜂形态学特征、生活习性及其寄生行为
2.The investigation was conducted on the larvae life habits of Zamacra excavate Dyar and their daily body-length,body-weight,food-consumption,excrement-weight,head-width were measured.系统观察了桑褶翅尺蛾幼虫的生活习性,测量了该幼虫每天的体长、体重、摄食量、粪重及头宽,建立了该幼虫体长、体重、摄食量、粪重随时间变化的关系方程,以及该幼虫的体长、体重、粪重、摄食量、头宽与龄期的关系方程。
3.Primary observation of life habits and measurement of body ruler index of bamboo partridge(Bumbusicola thoracica) reared in the shed was conducted and compared to supply references for the birds to be reared artificially.对野生灰胸竹鸡(Bambusicola thoracica)的笼养生活习性进行了初步观察,并对竹鸡的体尺指标进行了测定和比较,以便为人工饲养竹鸡提供参考依据。
1.Habit and Control of Pests in Santalum album;檀香主要害虫的生活习性与防治
2.Habit and Ecological Investigation of the Brown-eared Pheasant;褐马鸡的生活习性和生态调查
6)Life history and habit生活史与习性

金边瑞香的生活习性  瑞香又叫蓬来花、千里香,属瑞香科常绿灌木,原产我国,以芳香而闻名,其变种金边瑞香,是瑞香中的佳品。故有“牡丹花国色天香,瑞香花金边最良”之说。金边瑞香叶绿金黄色,花淡紫,花瓣先端5裂,白色,其基部紫红,香味浓烈。喜半阴或向阳地,忌烈日曝晒、暴雨淋,耐寒性较差,不耐水涝,适生于肥沃疏松、排水性良好的微酸性土壤,平时管理较为粗放。  盆栽金边瑞香,盆土宜用疏松、富含腐殖质带微酸性的腐叶或山泥(或冻酥的塘土),掺拌适量的河砂和腐熟的饼肥。金边瑞香根为肉质,平时养护管理要特别注意控制浇水,如浇水过多,盆土长期过湿,易引起烂根。下雨过后,须及时将盆内积水倒掉。  金边瑞香虽然喜半阴,但冬、春季应放在有阳光照到的环境中,生长期间如光照充足,肥效相宜,能使枝柔叶黛,花艳香浓,夏季应放在通风良好的阴凉处,炎热时要喷水降温。金边瑞香较喜肥,生长季应每隔10天左右浇一次稀薄液肥。开花前后宜各追施一次稀薄饼肥水或腐熟的鸡、鸭粪肥水。霜降后,移入室内向阳处,室温保持在5度右,控制浇水;盆土含水量应控制在45%左右,方能安全过冬。此外,金边瑞香枝干丛生,萌发力较强,耐修剪,花后进行整枝。  危害金边瑞香的主要害虫有蚜虫和介壳虫,多在干热气候时出现,应及早防治。病害主要是病毒引起的花叶病,染病植株叶面出现色斑及畸形,开花不良和生长停滞,发现后应连根挖除并用火烧毁。