1.Studies on the root-invading fungi of Astragalus adsurgens;沙打旺根部入侵真菌的研究
2.Study on the relationship between the anatomical structure of roots and the growing of Juglans regia;核桃根部解剖结构与生长势的关系
3.Components and Concentration of Glucosinolates in Shoots and Roots of Different Turnip Cultivars不同品种芜菁地上部和根部硫代葡萄糖苷组分及含量

1.The part of a plant embryo that develops into a root.胚根,小根能长成根部的植物胚部分
2.arising from or going to the root.源自根部或去往根本。
3.roots of teeth [circular saw]锯齿的根部〔圆锯〕
4.To cover(a plant)with a mound of soil.(在植物根部)培土
5.The edible root of the beet.甜菜根甜菜的可食的根部
6.The roots are more tender than the tops.根部比树冠更柔嫩。
7.But the sugar comes from the root.产的糖来自其根部?
8.disease characterized by root decay; caused by various fungi.根部腐烂的一种植物
9.tread the earth down around the roots把根部周围的泥土踩实
10.Earth up the roots of a newly-planted tree壅土覆盖新栽树的根部
11.Place the bottom of one hand over the upper part of the stomach.将手掌根部放到患者胃的上半部,
12.bottom or rooted member of a graft嫁接作物的基部生根部
13.Effects of Drought Stress on Rhizosphere Enzyme, N, P, K and Root Organic Acid干旱对根际土壤酶、氮磷钾及根部有机酸的影响
14.The root of this plant or the red dye extracted from the root.紫朱草根,紫朱草素该种植物的根或从其根部提取的染料
15.Identification of Nematodes in Rice Root and Pathogenicity of Rice-root Nematode and Root-knot Nematode to Rice;水稻根部线虫鉴定及潜根线虫根结线虫对水稻的致病性
16.small genus of bitter-rooted herbs of eastern North America and Asia; sometimes placed in family Melanthiaceae.北美洲东部和亚洲的根部苦味的一个草本小属。
17.Some plants keep all of the medically important ingredients in their roots.有些植物的根部保有全部的重要医用成分。
18.human hair arranged so that the root ends and tips are respectively together人发,经整理以便让根部和梢部分别排在一起

roots of transverse ribs横肋根部
1.Through study of chemical composition,mechanical properties,grades of inclusions,fractographs and microstructure of the products,it was found that dendritic structures is observed in large ribbed bar with cracks along roots of transverse ribs.对外形尺寸合格、表面质量达标的热轧带肋钢筋取样进行化学成分、力学性能、夹杂物级别、断口和组织形貌等检测后发现,冷弯时沿横肋根部开裂钢筋的组织为树枝状组织。
1.There have been two growing mechanisms: ″tip-growth″ and ″base-growth″.目前提出的生长机理主要有“尖端生长”和“根部生长”两种。
4)flange at bottom根部法兰
5)internal concave at root根部内凹
6)root gap根部间隙
1.Vision-based detection of root gap and deviation between torch and gap centerline in GMAW;GMAW根部间隙及焊枪对中信息的视觉检测

季肋季肋 季肋   人体部位名。见《灵枢·经筋》。即季胁。参见该条。