1.The peak of nectar secretion is consistent with the peak of insects visiting flowers.花蜜分泌在开花当日,分泌高峰在9:00~11:00,花蜜分泌与昆虫访花谐调一致。
2.The author studied the relationship between the number of visiting bees and floral features, such as calyx diameter, coronary length, number of flowers per m~2, nectar amount, components of sugar and so on, in ten varieties of alfalfa.作者对 10个不同品种紫花苜蓿的花萼直径、花冠长度、花朵密度、花蜜量及花蜜糖组成等花部特征与访花蜂数的关系进行了研究。
3.Secondary metabolites associated with plant defence to herbivores ubiquitously present in flora nectar.花蜜中广泛地存在一些与植物抗虫相关的次生代谢物质,并阻止了一些访花者的取食。

1.Bees gather nectar and make it into honey.蜂采花蜜制成蜂蜜。
2.The bees spend the summer collecting nectar and turning it into honey.蜜蜂夏天采集花蜜并将它酿成蜂蜜。
3.bee plant:any of numerous plants that attract bees for nectar or pollen.蜜源树:一种吸引蜜蜂采花蜜或花粉的植物。
4.a plant that furnishes nectar suitable for making honey.能够提供花蜜以酿造蜂蜜的植物。
5.A sweet substance, such as nectar.甜汁甜的物质,如花蜜
6.The bees extract honey from flowers.蜜蜂在花中吸取蜜汁。
7.Flowers are often fertilized by bees as they gather nectar.蜜蜂采蜜时常使花受粉.
8.Flower is often fertilize by bee as they gather nectar.蜜蜂采蜜时常使花受粉。
9.Flower be often fertilize by bee as they gather nectar蜜蜂采蜜时常使花受粉
10.store honey or pollen, as of bees.储存蜜或花粉多用于蜜蜂。
11.Bees sip honey from flowers and hum their thanks when they leave.蜜蜂从花中啜蜜,离开时营营地道谢。
12.The bee and the butterfly are collecting nectar from the flowers.蜜蜂和蝴蝶正在从花朵上采蜜。
13.Love is both bee and flower, it gives and it takes honey.爱情是蜂又是花,爱情赠蜜又采蜜。
14.Life is a flower of which love is the honey人生是花,爱情是蜜
15.The bee moved from flower to flower.蜜蜂徘徊于花朵间。
16.the murmur of bees in the garden花园中蜜蜂的嗡嗡声
17.Flowers attract many bees.鲜花招引来许多蜜蜂。
18.Bees fly among flowers.蜜蜂在花丛中飞舞。

osmanthus-scented honey wine桂花蜜酒
1.History, development and innovation of osmanthus-scented honey wine;桂花蜜酒的挖掘、研发和产品创新
3)carved preserved fruit雕花蜜饯
1.The patterns of carved preserved fruit is an encyclopedia reflecting the people's life of Dong and Miao minorities in Jingzhou.雕花蜜饯的一幅幅图案是靖州侗族、苗族人民生活的百科书。
4)vinear-honey peanut醋蜜花生
5)floral nectary花蜜腺
1.Structure and development of floral nectary in Eruca sativa (Gars.);芝麻菜花蜜腺的结构和发育研究
2.Developmental and anatomidal studies on the floral nectary in Leonurus artemisia;益母草花蜜腺发育解剖学研究
6)extrafloral nectaries花外蜜腺
1.With the aid of scanning electron microscopy,paraffin section and histochemical techniques,the form,structure,development and polysaccharides change of extrafloral nectaries in Euphorbia millii Ch.应用扫描电镜、石蜡制片及组织化学技术对虎刺花外蜜腺的形态、结构及发育过程中结构及多糖变化进行了较为系统的研究。

桂花蜜桂花蜜稀有蜜种,采自深山老林冬天开花泌蜜的野桂花花蜜。香气馥郁温馨、清纯优雅,味道清爽鲜洁、甜而不腻,色泽水白透明,结晶细腻。被誉为“蜜中之王”。柃木桂花亦是一种稀有中草药,《中药大辞典》记录:柃木桂花“祛风除湿,治关节疼痛……”其有效成分菊甙已被证明有良好的营养保健作用。桂花蜜同时还有清热补中、解毒润燥等功效,深受国内外人士喜爱,在古代则是皇宫的贡品。========== 小 贴 士 ==========现代医学临床应用证明,蜂蜜可促进消化吸收,增进食欲,镇静安眠,提高机体抵抗力,对促进婴幼儿的生长发育有着积极作用。 蜂蜜几乎含有蔬菜中的全部营养成分。在冬季每天喝上3—4汤匙蜂蜜,既补充营养,又可保证大便通畅。 据《保健时报》报导,古希腊医生希波克拉底和著名科学家德漠克利经常食用蜂蜜,他俩都活到了107岁。俄国教授谬尔巴赫,每天早晚服用蜂蜜,120岁时还精力充沛。有人调查,在130位百岁老人中有80%的人经常服用蜂蜜。蜂蜜可用于体弱多病、病后恢复的辅助治疗。患有高血压的老人,每天早、晚各饮1杯蜂蜜水是非常有益的,因为蜜中的钾进入人体后有排钠的作用,可维持血中电解质平衡;慢性肝炎、肝功能不良患者常吃蜂蜜能改善肝功能;对于肺结核、胃肠道溃疡等慢性病患者,蜂蜜是良好的营养品,能增强体质。此外,还可直接用蜂蜜外敷或涂抹来治疗刀伤、创伤和烧烫伤、冻疮。蜂蜜还是一种天然的美容佳品。作为润肤剂经常外擦,对皮肤的表皮、真皮起直接营养作用,可促进细胞新生,增强皮肤的新陈代谢能力。蜂蜜在治疗方面有以下功效①润肠通便。用于便秘的防治。以油莱蜜、茶花蜜和枇杷蜜为最佳。②润肺止咳。由于肺虚引起的咳嗽,食用蜂蜜有效。③解毒、医疮、止痛。将蜂蜜直接涂擦在皮肤或伤口上,有消炎、止痛、止血、减轻水肿、促进伤口愈合的作用。食用可缓解食物中毒,治疗胃肠溃疡和肚腹疼痛。如果喝酒过多,临睡前喝一汤匙蜜可解酒止头痛。④众中益气。用于体弱多病者(特别是脾胃虚弱者)的辅助治疗、恢复健康以及老年人的保健。⑤调和诸药,提高药性。蜂蜜性平,味甘(甜),常作引药用。