1.Identification of Phytophthora palmivora from imported Thailand Durian.进口泰国榴莲上棕榈疫霉的分离和鉴定

1.A tree(Durio zibethinus)of southeast Asia, bearing edible fruit.榴莲树东南亚的一种树(榴莲榴莲属),果实可食用
2.The durian tree can grow to be very tall.榴莲树可以长到非常高。
3.You may like to eat durian but never realize the smell of durian can affect people around you.你可能爱吃榴莲,但从未想到过榴莲的气味会影响到你周围的人。
4.The durian is famous for its strong smell.榴莲以其味道强烈而著称,
5.When durians are ready to be eaten, they just fall from the trees;榴莲长到可以吃时,就会从树上掉下来,
6.Durian is a fruit that grows from trees in Southeast Asia.榴莲是长在东南亚树木上的一种果实,
7.Mmm... durian ice cream. Anyone for a bowl?嗯……榴莲冰淇淋,有没有人要来一碗?
8.I don't like durians especially their strong odd smell.我不喜欢榴莲,特别是 那股浓烈的怪味.
9.The fruit of this plant, having a hard, prickly rind and soft pulp with an offensive odor but a pleasant taste.榴莲榴莲树的果实,果皮有硬刺,果肉柔软,有刺激性气味,但味道可口
10.It is a large, round, spiny fruit unlike any other.榴莲和其他的水果不一样,它又大又圆且多刺。
11.Before you see the durian, you know it is there.你还没看到榴莲时,你就会知道它在那里了。
12.They can be quite big. Sometimes they weigh as much as several kilograms.榴莲可以长得很大,有时它们会重达好几公斤。
13.An investigation of the genesis of typhoon Durian(2001) from a monsoon trough.台风榴莲(2001)在季风槽中生成的机制探讨
14.Identification of Phytophthora palmivora from imported Thailand Durian.进口泰国榴莲上棕榈疫霉的分离和鉴定
15.When i first saw you, i knew your mother must have eaten a lot of durian when she was pregnant.当我第一眼看见你,就可以判断你妈妈怀着你的时候吃过很多榴莲
16.Mr. Li: Oh… would you kindly allow me to bring in the civet durian? It is the favorite of my sister.李先生:喔……您能允许我带些榴莲吗?它是我姐姐最喜欢的水果。
17.Durian has been downgraded to a tropical storm and is heading west across the Gulf of Thailand.榴莲已经降级为热带风暴,正穿过泰国湾向西移动。
18.I have a sweet tooth, so anything with durian is my favourite.我爱吃甜的,所以,任何用榴莲做的食品,都是我的最爱。

Durio zibethinus Murr榴莲果
1.Analysis of Trace Element in Frait of Durio zibethinus Murr;榴莲果中微量元素的分析
3)Crispy Durian Pastry榴莲酥
4)Durians can be eaten fresh.榴莲可以生吃,
1.Study on the Lotus Flavonoids Content from Different Spot Extracted with Microwave Method;微波提取莲不同部位黄酮含量的探讨
2.Study on the ABA Content and SOD Activity in Ancient Lotus and Modern Lotus Seeds;古莲子与现代莲子ABA含量和SOD活性的比较研究
3.The exploration of Chinese Han nationality s lotus culture in metaphorical thought;隐喻性思维中汉民族“莲”文化探析
