1.Research on Endogeneity of Chinese Trade Policy in the Anti-dumping Perspective反倾销视角下的中国贸易政策内生性研究
2.Based on endogeneity of ownership structure, this paper empirically analyzes the factors resulting in presence of multiple large shareholders and its effects on firm value.基于股权结构内生性视角,对形成多个大股东相互制衡的股权结构之影响因素及此类股权结构对公司价值的影响进行了经验检验。
3.Based on the analyses,the authors find that the ownership share of managers and that of foreigners are positively related with the entrepreneurs′ ability,while the ownership share of legal person is negatively related with it,therefore entrepreneurs′ ability has an endogeneity.以广东省72家高新技术企业为样本,分析了企业所有权结构对经营者能力的影响,发现经营者所有权份额以及外资所有权份额对经营者能力有积极影响,而法人所有权份额对经营者能力有消极影响,从而该类企业中,企业经营者能力受企业内部因素如企业所有权结构的影响,具有一定的内生性

1.An Empirical Study on the Endogeneity or Exogeneity of the Money Supply in China;中国货币供给内生性/外生性实证分析
2.The Endogenous,Embedded and Exogenous Defects of China s Industrial Clusters;我国产业集群的外生性、嵌入性与内生性缺陷
3.Ownership,Corporate Diversification and the Endogeneity of Capital Structure of China s Listed Firms;所有权性质、多元化和资本结构内生性
4.The Homogeneity Tentative of the Enterprise and the Inside Origination of Competitive Advantage;企业同质性与竞争优势的内生性解释
5.From Exogencity to Endogencity: the Institutional Variance of Rural Credit Supply;从外生性走向内生性:农村信贷供给制度的变迁
6.The endogenicity and exogenicity of interest rate: dialectical relationship and meaning in policy;利率的内生性、外生性:辩证关系及政策含义
7.Empirical Analysis of Endogeneity or Exogeneity for Chinese Money Supply;中国货币供给内生性或外生性问题的实证
8.Studies on Ineteraction, Endophytism and Antimicrobial Activity of Endophytic Fungi from Tea Plants (Camellia Sinensis);茶树内生真菌的相互作用、内生性及抗菌活性研究
9.introspective diplopia【生理】内省性复视
10.pseudomalignant hyperplasia of endometrium子宫内膜假恶性增生
11.Study on Endophytic Fungi of Melia Azedarch L and Bioactive Element of It;苦楝内生真菌及其生物活性物质研究
12.Produce and Physiological Function of Endogenous CO;内源性一氧化碳的产生及其生理功能
13.Can the Virtue and the Moral Behavior of Students Be Developed by Means of Externalizing?;学生德性或德行能由内而外的生成吗?
14.Grass endophyte research 10--Seedling properties of Neotyphodium endophyte-host complexes禾本科植物内生真菌研究10——内生真菌共生体的苗期生物学特性
15.Study on Diversity and Bioactive Products of Endophytic Fungi;内生真菌多样性及其产活性物质研究
16.Diversity of Endophytic Fungi from Three Aquatic Plants and Their Antagonistic Activities in vitro三种水生植物内生真菌多样性及其抗真菌活性
17.Antibiotic Compositae and Quality Standard in Treating Traumatic Endophthalmitis;外伤性眼内炎眼内抗生素复方及质量标准
18.The Relationship between Endogenous Carbon Monoxide and Intimal Hyperplasia in Autologous Vein Grafts;内源性一氧化碳与移植静脉内膜增生的关系

1.The empirical Analysis on the Endogenous of Money Supply in China;我国货币供给内生性的实证分析
2.The Research on the Endogenous Growth of Enterprise Cluster;企业集群内生性成长研究
3.The empirical studies showed that the effect of growth factor was limit,and the profitability and scale of enterprises were endogenous;meanwhile,the studies proved that,besides the growth factor,other factors,i.通过部分调整自回归模型和联立方程的回归分析,对企业资本结构影响因素进行了实证分析,在经验分析过程中发现成长性因素影响有局限性以及企业的盈利能力和企业规模具有内生性,同时也证明了除生长性因素外的其他因素即盈利能力、企业规模、资产流动性、资产构成、非债务税盾以及资本结构调整成本对资本结构选择的影响及其方向符合我们的假设。
1.Empirical Analysis on the Endogenesis of Ownership Concentration in China Private Listed Companies;中国民营上市公司股权集中度内生性的实证研究
2.An Empirical Test of Endogenesis of Money Supply in China;中国货币供给内生性的实证检验
3.The basic features of current international monetary system determine the characteristic of endogenesis instability, which result from “Theoriphin puzzle”, system limitation, disorderly price signals and concussion of international hot money.现行国际货币体系的基本特征决定了其内生性的不稳定特点 ,这种内生性不稳定缘于“特里芬难题”、制度性缺陷、价格信号紊乱和国际游资的冲击。
1.Based on the aboard and domestic stock market in the past decades,this paper summarizes the detailed empirical evidences between equity ownership structure and firm performance,explains in detail research methods,data and conclusion and specially analyzes the importance of endogenousness.并对已有的研究所存在的问题进行了分析,在对实证结论进行分析时,着重从实证研究方法上分析了股权结构与公司绩效之间所存在的内生性问题对实证研究结果所产生的影响。
6)edogenous nature内生特性

国际贸易的内生性增长新理论长期以来,许多经济学家认为国际贸易的增长可以带动国内生产效率的提高。以哈伯勒代表的经济学家认为国际贸易是新观念、新技术、新管理和其他技能的传播媒介,国际贸易可以充分利用没有开发的国内资源、刺激国内生产者提高效率,同时通过市场规模的扩大,贸易使劳动具有了经济规模性,因此国际贸易可以称为%26ldquo;经济增长的动力%26rdquo;。 为了从国际贸易和经济增长的长期关系角度进一步揭示国际贸易产生的正面作用,经济学家罗莫和卢卡斯提出了内生性增长理论,他们认为一国减少贸易壁垒并促进国际贸易后,将长期取得加快经济增长和发展的效应,这主要因为国际贸易可以使该国加快技术引进、吸收、开发以及创新过程,扩大生产经济规模,减少价格扭曲提高资源利用率等 .