1.This paper from the sights of chemical treatment,resistance breeding,biotechnology and quarantine,talked about the nearlest researchments around the world,and its improvement and development on traditional treatment methods.本文从玫瑰病害的药物防治、抗性育种、生物技术及检疫检验等方面,介绍分析了其在世界范围内的最新研究成果,及其对传统方法和措施的改善和发展。
2.According to occurrence and characteristics of Sop erdaPopulnea in Norch China,rapid quarantine and moritoring techniques are introd uced.本文依据青杨天牛这一我国北方地区杨柳科植物上的枝梢害虫发生规律和特性 ,提出了该虫现场快速准确检疫检验的技术程序与监控技术措施及模
2)inspection and quarantine检验检疫
1.A Study on the preservative Technique in the Transport and Inspection and Quarantine of the Live Shrimp;出口活虾的检验检疫与运输保存技术
2.Application of molecular marker techniques in the inspection and quarantine of animal & plant as well as in the detection of GMOs;分子标记在动植物检验检疫与GMO产品检测中的应用
3.The Safety Research of the Inspection and Quarantine s Electronic Payment System;检验检疫电子支付系统的安全性方案

1.State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine国家出入境检验检疫
2.To change the inspection, quarantine and supervision model转变检验检疫监管模式。
3.Cement Testing Laboratory of Jiangsu Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of the People's Republic of China江苏检验检疫水泥检测实验室
4.the said administration will be in charge of arranging and implementing the pre-inspection before shipment.由直属检验检疫局负责组织实施装运前预检验。
5.Garment Quality Control and Inspection by Entry and Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau;出入境检验检疫机构对服装质量的控制与检验
6.Study on Mode of Export Commodity Quality Inspection & Supervision of CIO检验检疫机构出口产品质量检验监管模式研究
7.After examination of the Report on Pre-inspection Before Shipment and issue of the Certificate of Pre-inspection Before Shipment,直属检验检疫局审核、发证后,
8.State Administration of Imported and Exported Commodity Inspection and Quarantine [China]国家进出口检验检疫局〔中国〕
9.To intensify and improve the work of entry and exit inspection and quarantine加强和改善出入境检验检疫工作
10.Reform of China Inspection and Quarantine and Big Customs Clearance Policy中国检验检疫工作与大通关制度改革
11.To strengthen the computerized construction of inspection and quarantine加强检验检疫信息化建设。
12.Guangdong Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Association广东出入境检验检疫协会
13.Order of the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine国家质量监督检验检疫总局令
14."General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine"国家质量监督检验检疫总局
15.To Discuss the Legal Environment of Examination and Quarantine after China s Entry of WTO;入世后中国检验检疫的法律环境探讨
16.China s Accession to the WTO and the Systematic Innovation of Inspection and Quarantine in China;“入世”之后的检验检疫机制创新初探
17.A Study on the Perfection of the Responsibility System of Administrative Execution on Inspection & Quarantine完善检验检疫行政执法责任制的研究
18.Reforms in the Teaching Methods of "Plant Testing and Quarantine"植物检验检疫学教学改革的实践探索

inspection and quarantine检验检疫
1.A Study on the preservative Technique in the Transport and Inspection and Quarantine of the Live Shrimp;出口活虾的检验检疫与运输保存技术
2.Application of molecular marker techniques in the inspection and quarantine of animal & plant as well as in the detection of GMOs;分子标记在动植物检验检疫与GMO产品检测中的应用
3.The Safety Research of the Inspection and Quarantine s Electronic Payment System;检验检疫电子支付系统的安全性方案
3)inspection & quarantine检验检疫
1.A Study on the Perfection of the Responsibility System of Administrative Execution on Inspection & Quarantine完善检验检疫行政执法责任制的研究
2.With the improving of the information technology in inspection & quarantine step by step, it has been the topic that work all-around by data.随着检验检疫信息化建设的逐步深入,全面数字化检验检疫工作的建设已经成为目前检验检疫信息化建设的主题。
3.3-94,ΓOCT50474-93,found out the difference of three kinds of determination methods, advanced the unconvenient that is due to the difference of standard for the work of inspection & quarantine, elaborated the important effect of inspection and quarantine trade standard international standardization.3-94、ΓOCT50474-93标准中大肠菌群的检验方法进行了比较;找出了3类标准检验方法的区别,提出了标准不同给检验检疫工作带来的不便,阐述了检验检疫行业标准国际标准化的重要作用。
4)Vaccine Test疫苗检验
5)packaging inspection and quarantine包装检验检疫
6)Inspection and quarantine institution检验检疫机构

出入境检验、检疫出入境检验、检疫import and export inspection and quarantine Chur’UJing JianYOn jio呷i出入境检验、检疫(import and export ins卿ti佣叨d甲叨叮血ine)对进口或出口的产品等进行的检验、检疫。l卯8年,国务院在国家进出口商品检验局、农业部承担的进出境动植物检疫、卫生部承担的国境卫生检疫和进口食品卫生监督检验工作的基础上,组建了国家出人境检验检疫局,由中国海关总署归口管理。 国家出人境检验检疫局是主管出入境卫生检疫、动植物检疫和商品检验的行政执法机构,其主要职责是:①研究拟定有关出入境卫生检疫、动植物检疫及进出口商品检验法律、法规和政策规定的实施细则、办法及工作规程,督促检查出人境检验检疫机构贯彻执行;②组织实施出人境检验检疫、鉴定和监督管理,负责国家实行进口许可制度的民用商品人境验证管理,组织进出口商品检验检疫的前期监督和后续管理;③组织实施出人境卫生检疫、传染病监测和卫生监督,组织实施出人境动植物检疫和监督管理,负责进出口食品卫生、质量的检验、监督和管理工作;④组织实施进出口商品法定检验,组织管理进出口商品鉴定和外商投资财产鉴定,审查批准法定检验商品的免验和组织办理复验;⑤组织对进出口食品及其生产单位的卫生注册登记及对外注册管理,管理出人境检验检疫标志、进口安全质量许可、出口质量许可并负责监督检查,管理和组织实施与进出口有关的质呈认证认可工作;⑥负贵涉外检验检疫和鉴定机构(含中外合资、合作的检验、鉴定机构)的审核认可并依法进行监督;⑦负责商品普惠制原产地证和一般原产地证的签证管理;⑧负责管理出人境检验检疫业务的统计工作和国外疫情的收集、分析、整理,提供信息指导和咨询服务;⑨拟定出人境检验检疫科技发展规划,组织有关科研和技术引进工作;收集和提供检验检疫技术情报;⑩垂直管理出人境检验检疫机构;0开展有关的国际合作与技术交流,按规定承担技术性贸易壁垒和检疫协议的实施工作,执行有关协议;。承办国务院及海关总署交办的其他事项。 转交其下属事业单位承担的职能是:①实验室检验检疫、隔离检疫等技术工作以及与出人境检验检疫业务技术有关的研究、咨询、风险分析;②对认可的检验(鉴定、卫生监价、食品卫生监督检验、动植物检疫)技术人员的培训和考核、实验室资格评审;③健康体检和预防接种;④技术标准的研究制定和技术开发、推广、服务以及计算机信息系统运行、维护、应用开发;⑤非法定检验检疫、鉴定工作,委托检验、鉴定工作,涉外资产评估和卫生检疫、动植物检疫的除害和卫生处理工作。(孙世平)