1.Effects of Fixation Procedure on Aroma Compositions and Alcoholic Precursors Distribution of Huangdan Oolong Tea;做青对黄棪乌龙茶香气与醇系香气前体分布的影响
2.Studies on Aroma Composition of Huangdan Fresh Shoots and Distribution of Its Aroma Precursor of Glucoside;黄棪原料香气与糖苷类香气前体的分布研究
3.Effect of Fertilizer on Growth and Quality with Tea Garden Organism s Habits of Huangdan;肥料对黄棪生长与品质及茶园生态的影响

1.Effect of Fertilizer on Growth and Quality with Tea Garden Organism s Habits of Huangdan;肥料对黄棪生长与品质及茶园生态的影响
2.Effect of fertilizer on growth,quality and occurrence of tea pink mite of Huangyan施肥对黄棪生长与品质及茶橙瘿螨发生的影响
3.Yellow, yellow. it's yellow.黄色,黄色,它是黄色的。
4.capucine orange金丝雀黄(嫩黄色)
5.gum dragon=gum tragacanth)黄耆胶, 黄耆树胶
6.fool's gold【矿】黄铁矿, 黄铜矿
7.pigment, chrome yellow and chrome-orange铬黄和铬橙黄(染料)
8.To make of or decorate with brass.用黄铜制或用黄铜装饰
9.Brown bread and butter.棕黄色面包和黄油。
10.Of a light olive brown or khaki color.浅黄褐色的或土黄褐色
11.absinthe yellow苦艾黄(暗绿光黄色)
12.The wood of the box plant.黄杨木黄杨树的木头
13.International Jute Organization国际黄麻组织(黄麻组织)
14.Conference on Jute and Jute Products黄麻和黄麻产品会议
15.Butter to butter is no relish.黄油加黄油,令人倒胃口。
16.hard yellowish wood of a yellow pine.黄色坚硬的黄松木料。
17.degree of xanthation黄酸酯化度,黄化度
18.And the yellow half-moon large and low;黄黄的半轮月又低又大;

3)Research on "Yan"棪木求索
4)Huang Wei黄
1.Huang Wei’s Peng Xuan Lei Ji is the precious material,which studies the social vicissitudes in the south and north regions, Suzhou in particular, during the transitional period from the early to the middle stage of Ming Dynasty.明人黄的《蓬轩类纪》是研究由明前期向中期过渡阶段南北地区特别是苏州地方社会变迁的珍贵材料。
1.Because the Chinese people worships the lands,cereals, and gold,being influenced by the sayings of the five elements and religion as well as paying great respects to King Huang and his descendants in the feudal times,consequently they regard "yellow" as the most noble color in China.在封建社会中 ,由于人们对土地、五谷、黄金等物质的崇拜 ,受阴阳五行说及宗教的影响 ,对黄帝及后代帝王的遵从 ,在中国大地上黄颜色成为一种极为尊贵的色彩 ,象征着权力、社稷、尊贵、吉祥 ,具有丰富的文化内涵。
2.The first chapter was the introduction; The second to sixth chapters were about the research of Black(黑)、White(白)、Red(红)、Yellow(黄)and Green(绿)in Chinese, in the light of historical and comparative theories and methodologies, and the early sound and etymon of these f.本课题利用语义场理论和历史比较语言学的理论,对斯瓦德什《百词表》中跟“颜色”有关的5个核心词(“黑Black 91位”、“白White 90位”、“红Red 87位”、“黄Yellow 89位”、“绿Green 88位”)进行了系统的研究。
1.Rhetorical Meaning of Character "Huang" and Their Generation颜色词“黄”修辞义及其生成

福建黄棪福建黄棪  原产地福建安溪,亦名黄旦,为无性系品种,小乔木型,树势半开展,稍直立,分枝较密,节间较短,叶片近水平着生,大都为椭圆形,叶缘略向内卷,齿深稍锐,叶端稍长,叶基稍钝圆,叶面隆起,略呈肋骨状,侧脉显而密,叶色较黄,有光泽,嫩梢较短小柔软,色黄绿,发芽率高,芽头密,为早芽种。主要产于安溪。其他乌龙茶区也有少量种植,适制乌龙茶。