1.Sunburn is a kind of fruit diseases caused by physiological maladjustment such as strong light,high temperature etc,which occurred in most deciduous fruit trees.日灼病是在水果上广泛发生的、由强光照射及果面高温诱发的生理失调症。
2.The experiments were conducted in 8 years old grape Red Globe,studied the effect of sunlight,air temperature,wind speed and other factors on grape berry sunburn.以8年生‘红地球’葡萄为试材,从诱发果实日灼病发生的阈值温度(临界果面温度)研究入手,探索气温、光照、风速等对果面温度的影响。

1.Analysis of the Main Factors and Threshold Temperature on Vitis Berry Sunburn葡萄日灼病阈值温度及主要影响因子分析
2.Analysis of the Main Factors and Threshold Temperature on the Sunburn in Vitis C.V. Red Globe红地球葡萄日灼病阈值温度及主要影响因子分析
3.Study on the Pathogen and Occurrence Conditions of Tobacco "Sunburn Spot Disease"烟草“灼斑病”病原及发病条件初探
4.Singe the small focus with 2.5% tincture of iodine at early phase,big focus at middle or late phase.5 %碘酊小病灶早期烧灼 ,或大病灶的中晚期烧灼 ,一般不超过三次。
5.The tropical sun glared down on us all day.热带的太阳整日灼照着我们。
6.He got sunburn and his skin began to peel .他被日光的灼伤后,皮肤开始脱落。
7.Causes, Mechanism and Prevention of Apple Fruit Sunburn;苹果(Malus domestica Borkh.)果实日灼原因、机理及预防
8.Lamellar cauterization of cornea for the treatment of bullous keratopathy角膜板层烧灼术治疗大泡性角膜病变
9.Clinical Observation on Treatment of non-gonococcal Urethritis by Xiaozuo Decoction消灼汤治疗非淋病性尿道炎疗效观察
10.The glow remained in him, the fire burned, his heart was fierce like a sun.他内心激情尚存,火焰中烧,象炎日一样灼热。
11.The Reflection: Politics and Humanity --A Comparison Between Hibiscus Town and Scorching Sun;反思:政治与人性——《芙蓉镇》与《烈日灼人》比较
12.In severe or refractory cases, cauterization of the individual lesions with nitrate has been used.在严重或顽固性病例中,个别的可用硝酸盐烧灼。
13.To destroy(abnormal tissue, for example) by electric current.电灼治疗用电流消除(如发生病变的组织)
14.Research of Skin Burn in the Course of Monitor Operation关于监护仪使用中灼伤病人皮肤的研究
15.Use of Antibacterials During Different Periods in Burn Wards不同时期灼伤病房抗菌药物的使用分析
16.Early lesions can be successfully treated with irradiation or cautery and curettage.早期病变可以有效地用放射线或烧灼术和刮除术来治疗。
17.We reported an occurrence of hemocholecyst in a patient 6 months after undergoing radiofrequency ablation for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).我们报告一例病患于肝癌射频烧灼术后六个月发生的胆囊出血。
18.The act or process of cauterizing.烧灼烧灼的行为或过程

sun burn日灼
1.It finds out that sun burn is one of the main reasons of death of Seabuckthorn grown in the same year through tests and observation of Seabuckthorn growing.通过在毛乌素沙地进行沙棘种植试验观测,发现日灼危害是沙棘种植当年死亡严重的主要原因之一。
2.The prevention of sun burn on red globe grape has been investigated.在2002年5~7月,用塑料反光膜作外袋、白色葡萄套袋为内袋制成双层反光葡萄套袋,进行红地球葡萄防日灼病的试验研究。
1.Studies on Artificial Induction and Threshold Temperatures of Apple Fruit Sunburn;苹果果实日灼人工诱导技术及阈值温度研究
2.Causes, Mechanism and Prevention of Apple Fruit Sunburn;苹果(Malus domestica Borkh.)果实日灼原因、机理及预防
3.The bagged kyoho grape is more easily be sunburn than those non-bagged due to the high temperature inside the bag .巨峰葡萄套袋后,袋内温度升高,比不套袋葡萄更易发生日灼;巨峰葡萄套袋后发生日灼与气温高低、套袋时间、袋型种类、袋体通气性、遮阴条件等因素有关;套袋时避开高温期,选用色调较浅、通气条件较好的袋型,日灼较轻;创造良好的遮阴条件,可有效地减少日灼。
4)Fruit sunburn果实日灼
1.Development of computer model for prediction of apple fruit sunburn;苹果果实日灼预测预报计算机模型
5)Utomlyonnye Solntsem (Burnt by the Sun) [Russia]烈日灼身
6)Burn wards灼伤病房

日灼(sun scald)  日灼(sun scald) 强烈日光直射果树所引起的组织灼伤。夏秋高温干旱季节,日光直射裸露的果树枝干和果实,使表面温度达40℃以上时,即可引起灼伤。受日灼伤害的树皮,严重时脱落,或干枯开裂。果实表皮受日灼,先变白,继而褐变。在天气极度干旱,持续高温,空气相对温度在50以下,地下供水不足,蒸腾作用减弱时,直射的强光,也能引起苹果、梨等果树的叶片灼伤。冬季幼树枝干的日灼,与树皮温度剧变、冻融交替有关,因此都发生在向阳面的枝、干上。 防止日灼,可喷2%石灰乳,也可在喷波尔多液时,增加石灰量,或涂白;修剪时向阳面多留辅养枝,适当多留内膛果,少留梢头果,以避免枝干、果实裸露在直射的阳光下;干旱季节,应适时灌水,保证叶片正常进行蒸腾作用。