1.Study of relationship between the serum viral load and ALT level and response to interferon therapy.;乙型肝炎病毒载量及ALT水平与干扰素应答关系的研究
2.Wild Rice Gene Expression in Response to Brown Planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stl) Feeding and Whitebacked Planthopper (Sogatella furcifera Horvath) Feeding;药用野生稻应答稻飞虱取食过程中基因表达的研究
3.Challenge of the learning society and response of higher education;“学习型社会”的挑战与高等教育的应答

1.make no response不回答,不回应,不应答
2.Transponder CNM transponderRF 模块 应答
3.automatic calling and answering unit自动呼叫和应答设备自动呼叫应答
4.Remove the transponder, if it is installed.如果安装了应答器,则取下应答器。
5.We carry a transponder.( We have a transponder on board.我们携带有应答机(机上有应答机)。
6.To speak, write, or act as a return, as to a question.回答,应答对问题以说,写或做的形式回答
7.antibody response抗体应答,抗体反应
8.Check your transponder, I do not get your reply.检查你的应答机,我没有收到你的回答。
9.answer back mechanism振铃应答机构,自动回答机构
10.He promised to put in a good word for them.他答应答他们说几句好话。
11.He got the answer on the third take.在第三次应答时他答对了
12.promise (sb.) an immediate reply答应(某人)即刻答复
13.He promised me a quick answer.他答应我从速答复。
14."And did Chao Po-tao promise him a loan?" Wu Sun-fu asked.“老赵答应了他么?”
15."Madam would never agree.“太太一定不答应。
16."Did the Chamber of Commerce let him have it?"“商会答应了么?”
17.But it doesn't matter whether Ma agrees or not.我的事情妈答应不答应,也没有关系。
18.'I give the promise,' said the Doctor, 'without any condition.“我答应,”医生说,“无条件答应。

1.Then we cut the distrustful link by IP trace-back, and renew the server by the answer-response principle.通过对现在网络上流行的DDoS攻击的特征进行分析,提出通过流量异常机制来检测是否遭受攻击,通过IP源回溯技术切断可疑链路,通过应答响应机制来恢复服务器的正常运行。
6)Low and no immune responses低应答和无应答

应答1.对答。 2.指答话。