1.Progress in the structure and composition of plasmodesmata;胞间连丝结构与组分的研究进展
2.Study on section making technique of plant stone cell and plasmodesmata;植物石细胞、胞间连丝制片技术的研究

1.Fig.7 Yellow apex stage, note intercellular channels.图7黄梢期,示由胞间连丝转化成胞间通道。
2.Studies on the Change of PD and the Appearance and Function of Ectodesmata-like Structure in Garlic Scape during the Domancy Development;蒜鳞茎休眠前后胞间连丝变化及类外连丝显现与功能的研究
3.Fine strands of cytoplasm, the plasmodesmata, extend through these pores, connecting sieve-tube cells that lie side by side.细胞质细丝即胞间连丝通过这些侧壁上的穿孔而延伸,以连接并列的筛管细胞。
4.The plasmodesmata in the primary pit fields indicate that a synplastic pathway is present between parenchyma cells.初生纹孔场内有胞间连丝,显示细胞间已存在物质的共质运转。
5.Fig.6 Yellow apex stage, note the numerous plasmodesmata and vesicles.图6黄梢期,示较薄的细胞壁上丰富的胞间连丝和两端的小泡。
6.The Study on Secondary Modification of Plasmodesmata during the Sink-Source Transition in Vicia Faba Leaves;蚕豆叶片库源转换过程中胞间连丝次生变化的研究
7.Studies on the Composition of Plasmodesmata--Immuno-gold Labeling of Actin and Myosin;胞间连丝组分的研究——肌动蛋白和肌球蛋白的免疫金标记
8.Interaction between Movement Protein of Cucumber Mosaic Virus and Microfilaments: Mechanism of Microfilament-mediated Regulation of Plasmodesmata Permeability;黄瓜花叶病毒运动蛋白与微丝作用关系及胞间连丝通透性调节机制的研究
9.Fig.1 Boot stage, note the swellen plasmodesmata and numerous ribosomes.图1孕穗期,示中部膨大的胞间连丝和游离在细胞质中丰富的核糖体。
10.Each lobe contains two pollen sacs that produce very large quantities of small pollen grains.左右两侧花粉囊之间是薄壁细胞构成的药隔,药隔中的维管束与花丝维管束相连。
11.2. The bridges between the microtubules and the plasmalemma havebeen observed (Fig.6.arrows indi-cate).(2) 周质微管与质膜之间有密切联系,两者之间有连丝结构(“桥”)相连接。
12.Differentiation of Bone Mesenchymal Stem Cells into Neuron-like Cells by the Filum Terminale.;终丝诱导骨髓间充质干细胞分化为神经样细胞
13.The protoplasts of attached cells are connected and integrated by plasmodesmata.接触的细胞的原生质体通过原生质连丝连接成一体。
14.Gap junctions serve as pathways of intercellular communication.间隙连接是细胞间交流的途径。
15.The infection rate of AM.老感染区细胞间的菌丝顶端也可见泡囊形成。
16.Progress in the Research of D-serine on Neuron-glia CommunicationD-丝氨酸在神经元-胶质细胞间通讯的新进展
17.Thic coat serves as an adhesive between cells and as a protective layer.这一层负责细胞间的连接,并作为细胞的保护层。
18.Overexpression of E3 Ubiquitin Ligase CHIP Induces Mitotic Catastrophe in K562 Cells;过表达E3泛素连接酶CHIP诱导K562细胞有丝分裂灾变

1.Cytoskeleton in plasmodesmata and cytoplasmic channels of onion pollen mother cells;洋葱花粉母细胞中胞间连丝和胞质通道内的胞质骨架(英文)
2.Electron microscopic observations revealed that there were at least 4 types of plasmodesmata existed in the cell walls of wheat young leaf tissues:(1) Straight channel of plasmodesmata with an appressed endoplasmic reticulum (ER, central desmotubule);(2) “neck type” plasmodesmata, e.胞间连丝是植物细胞间物质运输和信息传递的直接通道,对植物的生长与发育,以及植物对环境的反应与适应等诸多方面起着十分重要的作用,是当今细胞生物学中最活跃的研究领域之一。
4)Secondary plasmodesmata次生胞间连丝
5)Open plasmodesmata胞间连丝开放态
