1.Study on photosynthetic compensatory effects of PEG osmotic stress and rewatering on maize;采用PEG模拟干旱胁迫及复水玉米光合补偿效应
2.Effects of water stress and rewatering at shooting stage of rice on chlorophyll pigments in leaves;水稻拔节期水分胁迫及复水对叶片叶绿体色素的影响
3.Effect of water stress and rewatering on the physiological characteristics of Acer truncatum seedlings;水分胁迫及复水对元宝枫幼树生理特性的影响

1.Influence of Processing Technology and Rehydration Conditions on Rehydration Performance of Dehydrated Carrots加工工艺和复水条件对脱水胡萝卜复水性的影响
2.Study on Aquatic Phytoremediation for Improving Water Quality of Yanghe Reservoir;洋河水库水环境的水生植物修复研究
3.Rural Drainage Rehabilitation Scheme乡郊排水系统修复计划
4.cycling sprinkler重复启闭喷水灭火系统
5.Composite portland cementGB12958-1991复合硅酸盐水泥
6.reconstitute dried milk, powdered soup, etc加水使奶粉、 汤粉等复原.
7.refresh oneself with a cold shower用冷水浴恢复精神。
8.Bioremediation of Mariculture Wastewater by Mixed Microorganisms;复合微生物菌剂在海水养殖废水中的修复作用
9.Watercity Project: The Revitalization of Urban Waterfront Region, Berlin“水城”计划:柏林城市滨水地带的复兴
10.Development of Rehabilitation Device for Water Body-Water Lifting Aerator水体修复装置——扬水曝气器的开发
11.Researching of Underground Water Environment Restoration in Seawater Intrusion Area;海水入侵地区的地下水环境恢复研究
12.Research on the Hydration Characteristics of the Silicate-Sulphoaluminate Compound System Cement;PC-CSA复合体系水泥的水化特性研究
13.Study on Waterproof of Weapon Composite Undewater;水中兵器用复合材料耐水性能的研究
14.Study on Bioremediation and Ecological Restoration in Dishui Lake Diversion Channel滴水湖引水河生物生态修复实验研究
15.Recheck stability of left bank slope at water intake of Baise HPP百色水电站进水口左侧边坡稳定复核
16.Studies on water resistance of the films from waterborne polyurethane hybrid emulsion复合改性水性聚氨酯涂膜耐水性研究
17.Parameter Estimation for Confined Aquifers Using the Cooper-JacobMethod and Residual Drawdowns用水位恢复数据计算承压含水层水文地质参数
18.CT Evaluation of the Abnormalities Duplex Kidney and Ureter in Children积水型重复肾和重复输尿管畸形的CT诊断

1.Modeling of Rehydration Kinetics of Plant Tissue;植物组织的复水动力学模型
2.The microscopic observation of the volume response and the discussion of the rehydration injury about lyophilized erythrocytes during rehydration;冻干红细胞复水时体积响应显微观测及复水损伤机理探讨
3.Gene expression profile analysis of broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) during rehydration after serious drought by means of SSH;糜子干旱后复水过程中基因表达谱的初步分析
1.Effects of Soil Drought During Flowering and Rewatering on Plant Compensative Growth and Yield of Maize;玉米花期干旱及复水对植株补偿生长及产量的影响
2.The Study on Response of Pea to Water Stress and Rewater Effect豌豆对水分胁迫的响应及复水效应研究
3.With pot experiment,the effects of drought stress on tomato growth index and physiological character,the compensation effects of rewater on tomato growth and yield was researched in seeding stage.通过盆栽试验,研究了苗期干旱胁迫对番茄生长发育以及生理特征的影响以及干旱后复水对番茄生长形态和产量等的补偿生长效应。
1.Effects of water stress in tillering stage and re-watering on rice root growth;水稻分蘖期水分胁迫及复水对根系生长的影响
2.Effects of nitrogen on cotton fiber strength formation under water stress and re-watering during the flowering and boll-forming stage氮素对花铃期干旱再复水后棉花纤维比强度形成的影响
3.Effect of different NaCl content on seed germination,seedling growth and seed germination after re-watering of luobuma were studied.研究了不同浓度的NaCl溶液对罗布麻种子萌发、幼苗生长的影响及复水后罗布麻种子的萌发情况。
1.The most favorite parameters for processing Yuxiangrousi are that the thickness of material is 5mm, the pressure of sublimation is 140Pa, the pressure of desorption is 30Pa, the temperature of heating board is 20℃ by orthogonal experiments.通过正交试验得出真空冷冻干燥鱼香肉丝的最佳工艺:鱼香肉丝厚度5mm、升华干燥时真空度140Pa、解析干燥时真空度30Pa、解析时加热板温度20℃,影响工艺的主要因素次序为加热板温度、厚度、升华压力和解析压力;以及复水量在原含水量Aw的140%~150%、复水温度65~85℃、复水时间20~30min最好;最后建立数学模型验证干燥时间。
6)water recovery复水
1.Effect of drought stress and water recovery on endogenous hormone content in leaves of pea干旱胁迫及复水对豌豆叶片内源激素含量的影响
2.Water recovery has a considerable compensation effect on CAT and POD activity,but also leads to over-compensation effect on SOD activity.为探讨不同水分条件对豌豆保护酶系统和膜脂过氧化的影响,采用盆栽人工控水试验方法,模拟干旱胁迫及复水条件,研究了不同水分处理对花荚期豌豆叶片超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性以及过氧化产物丙二醛(MDA)含量和脂膜相对透性(RC)的影响,并对花荚期豌豆抗氧化能力进行了综合评价。
3.Water recovery leads to variations in endogenous hormones ratio.采用盆栽试验方法,研究了干旱胁迫及复水对豌豆根系脱落酸(ABA)、吲哚乙酸(IAA)、赤霉素(GA)和玉米素(ZT)等4种内源激素含量的影响。

复方水杨酸甲酯乳膏(原名:曼秀雷敦摩擦膏)药物名称:复方水杨酸甲酯乳膏(原名:曼秀雷敦摩擦膏)英文名:Compound Methyl Salicylate Cream汉语拼音:主要成分:水杨酸甲酯、薄荷、桉油、松节油等。性状:乳剂型基质的白色乳膏;气芳香,有清凉感。药理作用:经药理研究,本品具有消炎和镇痛作用,同时能透入皮肤而吸收。 经皮肤刺激性、急性毒性、致敏性和透皮吸收等毒理试验证明,本品皮肤外用是比较安全的。药代动力学:适应症:消炎、止痛、消肿之外用药。用于扭伤、拉伤、挫伤、捩伤、劳损等引起的肌肉筋膜炎、创伤性关节滑膜炎及韧带损伤等引起的肿胀、疼痛之对症治疗。用法与用量:外用,摩擦于患处,每天2~3次。不良反应:个别病例皮肤可发生瘙痒或轻度红斑,若出现这些情况,应即停用,必要时请教医生。禁忌症:注意事项: 1只宜外用,避免与眼睛接触,严禁口服。 2适用于无破损皮肤表面,忌用于皮肤损伤或开放性伤口处。 3妊娠期及哺乳妇女慎用。 4 15岁以下儿童请遵医嘱使用。 5 必须妥为贮放,免被儿童误取。 6 在使用本品过程中,若出现红斑或皮肤过敏,应即停用,必要时请教医生。规格:(1)35g;(2)95g。贮藏:密闭,在阴凉处保存。有效期:暂定3年。处方药:是