1.Study on the relationship between the phenophase of Prunus persica var.nectarina Maxim cultivated in solar greenhouse and the changes of air temperature;日光温室油桃物候期与气温变化规律研究
2.Determination of Amylase Activity of Paeonia Lactiflora Pall. in Different Phenophase;不同物候期芍药根淀粉酶活性的变化
3.Correlation between phenophase and some agricutural traits of wheat;小麦物候期与主要农艺性状相关性的研究

1.4. Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon have not obvious difference during veraising stage,the other phenology, Cabernet Franc is prior Cabernet Sauvignon to 1-2 weeks.4.品丽珠、赤霞珠的转色期差异不大,其它物候期普遍较赤霞珠物候期早1~2周。
2.Studies on the Nutritive Substance of Phenological Period and Different Growth Stages of 4 Species of Allium Phenophase葱属4种植物物候期观测及不同生育期营养成份的研究
3.The results showed that the phenophases of Prickly Rose was basically consistent with that of Dahurian Rose.结果表明,刺蔷薇、刺玫蔷薇物候期基本一致;
5.Studies on Phenological Phase and Physiological Characteristics of Flowering and Fruiting to Hybrid Hazel杂交榛开花结实物候期及生理特性研究
6.The Relations between Phenophase and Environmental Conditions and Organic Nutrition in Pistachio阿月浑子物候期与环境条件及有机营养的关系
7.Effect of Temperature Regimes on Phenophases of Flowering of Sweet Cherries Cultivated in Glass House温度对设施栽培甜樱桃花芽物候期的影响
8.Investigation on Phenophase of Blackberry and Raspberry in Nanjing Area黑莓与树莓品种在南京地区的物候期观测
9.Study on the Method of Crop Pehnology Detection and Crop Types Discrimination Based on Modis Data;基于MODIS数据的作物物候期监测及作物类型识别模式研究
10.Studies on the Dynamic Variation Rule of Nutritive Substance and the Phenological Periods of Pugionium Cornutum (L.) Gaertn in Second Year.;二年生沙芥物候期观察及不同生育期营养成分分析
11.The grey correlative degree analysis on the relationship between grassland productivity and climate factors in temperate steppe of Gonghe Basin共和盆地温性草原物候期草地生产力与气候因素的灰色关联度分析
12.When is the deadline of the loading period for our consignment?我们的货物装期什么时候截止?
13.The relationship between a periodic biological phenomenon and climatic conditions.物候关系周期性的生物现象与气候条件之间的联系
14.The scientific study of periodic biological phenomena, such as flowering, breeding, and migration, in relation to climatic conditions.物候学,物候现象研究与气候条件有关的周期性生物现象的科学,如开花、繁殖和迁移
15.A plant adapted to climatic conditions in which periods of heavy rainfall alternate with periods of drought.湿旱生植物适应大量降雨期和干旱期交替性气候的植物
16.Blooming Phenology, Reproductive Modules and Pollen Characteristics of Betula Alnoides;西南桦花期物候、生殖构件和花粉特性的研究
17.Florescence Phenology and Techniques for Promoting Blossom and Fruiting of Corylus spp.;榛子花期物候与开花结实促进技术研究
18.Investigation Study of Weather Conditions at the Crop Growing Season in Jinzhou District in 20082008年金州区农作物生长期气候条件调查研究

phenological period物候期
1.Study on the relation between the dynamic accumulation of secondary metabolites and the phenological period of Eucommia ulmoides Oliv.;杜仲次生代谢物合成积累与物候期的研究
2.The physiological effect of the different phenological period Ledum palustre subsp. decumdens on low temperature stress;低温胁迫对不同物候期细叶杜香的生理影响
3.Study on phenological period and main agronomic characters of Triticum dicoccoides populations from Israel;野生二粒小麦物候期与主要农艺性状特征研究
1.Effect on Cold Resistance and Phenology of Flower Bud of Red Fuji Apple with Plant-growth Regulators;生长调节剂对红富士苹果花芽抗寒性及物候期的影响
2.Study on the relationships between carbon isotope discrimination and yield,harvest index and phenology of wheat planted in different ecological areas of Ningxia;宁夏不同生态区小麦碳同位素分辨率与产量、收获系数和物候期的相关研究
3.A Process-based Model for Simulating Phasic Development and Phenology in Rice;基于生长过程的水稻阶段发育与物候期模拟模型
4)Phenological phase物候期
1.Study on the polarized reflectance characteristics of simple corn leave in different phenological phase;不同物候期的玉米单叶偏振反射特征分析
2.Difference analysis of phenological phases of Zoysia Willd.;结缕草属(Zoysia Willd.)植物物候期的差异分析
3.The rhythm of growth and development of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi in Yaozhou of Shaanxi Province was studied based on observing phenological phases of one-year-old and two-year-old plants and analysing dynamic growth changes of two-year-old plants.通过观测陕西耀州产1年生和2年生黄芩(Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi)的物候期及2年生植株生长的动态变化,对黄芩的生长发育规律进行了研究。
5)phonological phase物候期
1.Relationship between phonological phase and thermal conditions for alfalfa紫花苜蓿物候期与热量条件的关系
2.The morphological character,phonological phase,geographical distribution,propagation and garden use have been introduced in detail.详细介绍了鸡树条荚蒾的形态特征、生物学特性、物候期、地理分布、繁殖栽培及园林用途等,充分利用现有植物资源,推广和发展新树种,为西部城市园林绿化提供丰富的林木种质资源。
3.Through the three-year serial observation on phonological phase of nine varieties of Caragana in Huhhot Arboretum,their phonological characteristics have been understood preliminarily,which provides basic materials for introducing other varieties of Caragana continuously on the basis of preserving the available varieties.通过3年来对树木园锦鸡儿属9个品种物候期的连续观测,对其物候特性有了初步的了解,为在保存现有品种的基础上,继续引种本属其他品种提供了基础资料。
6)flowering phenology花期物候
1.The flowering phenology,flowering dynamic of single plant,inflorescence and flowers of Syzygium hancei populations as well as components of single flower were observed.对红鳞蒲桃种群的花期物候,单株、单个花序、单花的开花动态进行系统的观测研究,详细测量并记录花部构件,同时调查红鳞蒲桃种群的同花期植物。

物候期(phenological period)  物候期(phenological period) 植物器官受一年内季节气候条件制约而发生相应的动态变化。多年生果树每年从春季开始萌芽后,随着季节气候的变化,有规律地进行着蘖芽、抽梢、开花、结实以及根、茎、叶、果等一系列的生长发育活动,这种年复一年的规律性变化,即为年发育周期。 在生长期间,果树各器官随着每年气候变化,在形态上和生理上表现出显著的特征,即表现出不同的物候规律。因此物候期既反应了果树器官发生的动态,又反映了当时的气候条件与过去一段时间光热的积累情况。 果树的物候期,一般选择在形态上有明显标志的阶段,如芽膨大期、萌芽期、新梢生长期、开花期、果实成熟期、花芽分化期、根系活动期等。但不同果树观测的物候期不尽相同,如落叶果树有落叶、休眠等期,葡萄有树液流动期。常将物候期细分为若干物候分期。各物候期和物候分期的标志是: ①萌芽期、芽膨大、鳞片绽开到幼叶分离时期。 ②开花期。花蕾迅速膨大、开花到花瓣脱落时期。 ③新梢生长期。新梢开始生长到顶芽形成时期。 ④花芽分化期。芽出现到芽内雌雄蕊形成时期。 ⑤果实发育成熟期,即从花受精、果实肥大到果实成熟时期。 ⑥落叶休眠期。即开始落叶到全部叶片落完的时期。 ⑦根系活动期。果树根系在年生长周期中没有自然休眠现象,但一年中一般有2-3次生长高峰。 影响物候期的因素:纬度、海拔高度、海陆分布、地形。 果树物候期的特性主要有:①物候期的顺序性。即每一个物候期都是在前一个时期通过的基础上进行,同时又为下一个时期作准备。②物候期的重叠性,即在同一树上可以同时表现出几个物候时期。 果树物候期代表了果树在一年中生长发育的进程,同时也反映了一年中气候的变化。