1.Chemistry and Biological Activity of Diterpenoids from Genus Euphorbia in China;中国大戟属植物中二萜成分的化学及生物活性
2.Karyotype in fifteen populations belonging to thirteen species of Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae) in China;中国大戟属13种15个居群的核型报道
3.Sequence analysis based on ITS region of nuclear ribosomal DNA and comparative anatomy on the leaves of five species in Euphorbia;五种大戟属植物nrDNA的ITS序列分析及其叶的比较解剖学研究

1.A plant of the genus Euphorbia, which includes the spurges.大戟属植物大戟属植物,其中包括大戟树
2.Studies on Fungistasi, ITS Sequences and Micromorphology of Euphorbia in Anhui Province;安徽产大戟属植物抑菌活性、ITS序列及微形态学的研究
3.Analysis of Total Lipid Contents and Fatty Acids Composition of Three Species of Euphorbia in Jiangsu Province江苏3种大戟属野生植物总脂含量及脂肪酸组分分析
4.The Distribution, Development and Ultrastructure of Laticifers in Euphorbia Kansui and the Comparative Studies of Six Euphorbia Species甘遂乳汁管的分布、发育与超微结构以及6种大戟属植物的比较研究
5.Any of several weedy plants of the genera Mercurialis or Acalypha.山靛任一种山靛属或大戟科的草本植物
6.Genetic Relationship and Diversity of Mallotus in Hunan;湖南大戟科野桐属遗传多样性及其亲缘关系研究
7.HPLC simultaneous determination of euphol and tirucallol in Radix Kansui甘遂中大戟二烯醇和表大戟二烯醇的含量测定
8.Toxicology Study on Compatibility of Euphorbia Kansui and Fructus Jujubae大枣配伍大戟类药材甘遂的毒性研究
9.a hard brown wax that occurs as a coating on candelilla shrubs.一种棕色硬蜡,覆于蜡大戟灌木的表面。
10.Study Advances on Casbane-type Diterpenes from Euphorbiaceae Plants大戟科Casbane烷型二萜化合物的研究进展
11.Well,is it with small crescent lance or halberd?对啊,这种带小月牙的究竟是属矛还是戟呢?
13.Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Daphne Tangutica and Euphobia Wallichii唐古特瑞香和大果大戟的化学成分研究
14.Systermatic, Classficatic and Phlogenetic Study of Euphorbieae (Euphorbiaceae) from China;中国大戟族(Tribe Euphorbieae)的系统分类与进化研究
15.Effects of Morinda Officinalis How Oligosaccharide on the Proliferation and Differentiation of Neonatal Rat Myoblasts;巴戟天寡糖对大鼠成肌细胞增殖及分化的影响
16.Morinda Officinalis Oligose on Myocardial Ischemical-Reperfusion Injury in Rats;巴戟天寡糖对大鼠心肌缺血再灌注损伤的影响
17.The Study on the Mechanism of Lymphocyte Leukemia by Euphobia Ebracteolate Hayata;月腺大戟抗淋巴细胞性白血病机理的研究
18.Study on Fungicidal Components of Euphorbia Ebracteolata & Derivative Synthesis;月腺大戟杀菌活性成分及其衍生合成研究

Euphorbia L大戟属
1.ITS sequence analysis on medicinal plants of Euphorbia L. in Anhui and Jiangsu Provinces;苏皖产大戟属药用植物rDNA的ITS序列分析
2.Survey of resource of medicinal plant of Euphorbia L. in Gansu Province, China;甘肃大戟属药用植物资源
3.Advances on Researches of Medicinal Plants in Euphorbia L.;大戟属药用植物的研究进展
3)Knoxia L红大戟属
1.Studies on Fungistasi, ITS Sequences and Micromorphology of Euphorbia in Anhui Province;安徽产大戟属植物抑菌活性、ITS序列及微形态学的研究
6)Euphorbia pekinensis大戟
1.Effects of Endophytic Fungi and Different Mediums on Growth and Transplanting and Exercising of Tube Seedling in Euphorbia pekinensis;内生真菌和培养基对大戟组培苗生长和炼苗的影响
2.Correlation between inhibition activity of endophytic fungus from Euphorbia pekinensis and its host.;大戟内生菌的抑菌活性及其与宿主相关性研究

大戟属  大戟科最大的1属。一年生或多年生草木,稀为灌木或仙人掌状的肉质植物,植株各部有丰富的白色乳汁。单叶互生或对生,有时轮生,全缘,稀有锯齿。顶生或腋生的杯状聚伞花序,稀单花。总苞辐射对称或稍偏斜,顶端4~5裂,稀6~8裂,裂片全缘或撕裂,裂片弯缺处通常有宽大的腺体;无花被,常具大而鲜艳的花瓣状附属体;花丝短,并有明显的关节;雌花生于花序的中央,有长的子房柄伸出总苞之外。花瓣状的附属体3~6裂,子房3室,每室有胚珠1颗,花柱3枚,离生或部分合生,顶端2裂或全缘。蒴果成熟时分裂为3个2瓣裂的分果爿;种子小,常有扩大的种阜,表面光滑或有各种疣状突起或横沟;子叶线形或卵形,花粉近球形,具 3孔沟,沟长,内孔横长;肉壁两层,外层厚于内层,表面具明显的网状雕纹,网脊上具颗粒。染色体基数 x=6~9。虫媒传粉。鲜艳的总苞和大型的腺体,蜜腺产生的分泌物,都起着诱惑昆虫采蜜传粉的作用。子房柄很长,子房、花柱和柱头,高高地伸出总苞之外,从而避免自花授粉。约2000种。主要分布于亚热带至温带地区。中国约产100种,广布于全国各地。    本属植物的种子化石,在第四纪和上新世的地层中已被发现。    大戟属植物大多数种类可药用,如甘遂、大戟、续随子等;大多数种类有毒,如狼毒、猫眼草等;有些为观赏植物,如绿玉树、一品红等。续随子和绿玉树在北美西部的荒漠地区已广泛种植作能源植物。