1.Advances on Studies of the Seed Chemical Constituents of Iris and Blamcanda chinensis;鸢尾属及射干种子的化学成分研究进展
2.Introduction of Iris and Its Application to Landscape in Urumqi Area;鸢尾属植物在乌鲁木齐地区的引种及园林应用
3.The research and exploitation of Chinese Iris germ plasm resources;我国鸢尾属植物种质资源的研究与利用

1.An iris, especially a white-flowered form of Iris germanica.鸢尾鸢尾属植物,尤指开白花的德国鸢尾
2.The fragrant rootstock of the orris, used in perfumes and cosmetics.鸢尾根茎鸢尾属植物的芳香的根状茎,用于香料和化妆品
3.Any of numerous plants of the genus Iris, having narrow sword-shaped leaves and showy, variously colored flowers.鸢尾一种鸢尾属植物,有狭窄的剑状叶和显著的各色花朵
4.Studies on the Systematic Position of Some Iris Plants in China;我国部分鸢尾属(Iris)植物系统位置研究
5.Research on the Shade Tolerance of Some Iris Species;几种鸢尾属(Iris L.)植物耐荫性的研究
6.Study on Development Biology and Systematic Evolution of Some Species of Iris;鸢尾属部分种发育生物学与系统演化的研究
7.Study on Tolerant Ability of Four Species of Iris L. under NaCl Stress;鸢尾属(Iris L.)4种植物耐NaCl胁迫能力的研究
8.Flower Biology Study on Three Species of Iris in Northwest China;中国西北三种鸢尾属植物的花卉生物学研究
9.Studies on Tissue Culture and Shade Tolerance of the Iris Plants;鸢尾属(Iris.L)部分植物组织培养及耐荫性的研究
10.Studies on the Drought Resistance of Three Species Iris L. from Changbai Mountain Area长白山地区三种鸢尾属植物抗旱性的研究
11.Physiological reaction of two kinds of Iris under aluminium stress两种鸢尾属植物在铝胁迫下的生理反应
12.Research on the Germplasm Resources and Ornamental Medicinal Value of Iris Plants in Guizhou贵州鸢尾属植物种质资源及观赏药用价值
13.Physiological Trait Study of 4 Varieties of Iris L.under Salt Stress盐胁迫下4个鸢尾属品种部分生理特性的研究
14.Effects of Shading on Physiological and Morphological Characteristics of Varieties of Iris遮荫对鸢尾属品种生理和形态特征的影响
15.Study on pollen viability and stigma receptivity of 5 Iris plants鸢尾属5种植物的花粉活力及柱头可授性研究
16.It is proved that Kunming is prospective for the cultivation and application of Iris.经栽培实践证明,鸢尾属植物在昆明地区有较好的引种栽培前景。
17.Studies on the Accumulation, Mechanism and Influencing Factors of Cadmium Absorption of Four Species of Iris L.;鸢尾属(Iris L.)4种植物镉(Cd)积累、耐性机理及影响因子研究
18.Studies on Cu Accumulation、Resistance in Four Species of Iris L. and EDTA Accomodation;鸢尾属(Iris L.)4种植物Cu积累、胁迫耐性及EDTA调节影响研究

Iris L鸢尾属
1.Study on Resource and Application of Genus Iris L.in Nanjing and Hangzhou;南京、杭州地区的鸢尾属植物资源及其应用
2.Analysis of RAPD and ISSR on genetic diversity of Iris L. plants;鸢尾属植物遗传多样性的RAPD和ISSR分析
3.RAPD Analysis on Some Germplasm of Iris L.Plants;鸢尾属部分植物种质资源的RAPD分析
1.A Study on Taxonomy of the Genus Ixiolirion in Xinjiang;新疆鸢尾蒜属的分类研究
4)Iris plant鸢尾属植物
1.In this article the classification system applied in Iris plants and several common classification methods at present in China were briefly introduced.简述了我国鸢尾属植物遵循的分类系统和目前几种常见的分类方法,归纳了鸢尾属植物的景观、生态、药用及其他价值,提出了鸢尾属植物的发展前景。
2.Research advances of main chemical composition and the extraction technique of Iris plants were briefly introduced.简述了鸢尾属植物主要化学成分及其提取工艺的研究进展,提出了鸢尾属植物的利用前景。
5)Subgenus nepalensis尼泊尔鸢尾亚属
1.The Subgenus nepalensis in China is revised.研究报道了国产鸢尾属尼泊尔鸢尾亚属植物,确认国产该亚属植物为三种一变种。
6)orris root鸢尾
1.The yield of orris oil from orris root was 12.本文采用L9(34)正交实验考察了二氧化碳超临界萃取中萃取压力、萃取温度和萃取时间对鸢尾精油提取率的影响。
2.Microwave extraction of orris root,using a reconstructed home microwave oven as main equipment,is studied in this paper.本研究使用经改造的家用微波炉作为主要设备 ,对微波萃取鸢尾香根做了L9( 34 )正交实验。

鸢尾酯 又名紫罗兰酯、鸢尾酯。无色液体。分子量198.31。密度O.936g/cm3。沸点232℃。几乎不溶于水。溶于油和醇。具有类似紫罗兰酮、柏木、水杨酸苄酯的鸢尾的香气。 生产方法:主要采用酯化法。以对叔丁基环已醇和乙酸为原料,进行酯化反应,然后经蒸馏而得。 用途:酯类合成香料。主要用途是与紫罗兰酮、柏木等一起调合作为化妆品及香皂的香料,其在皂中化学性质稳定,因此大量使用。