1.Advances in the Studies of Glandular Hairs andSecretion in Labiatae Plants;唇形科植物腺毛及其分泌研究进展
2.Analysis on flora and resources plants of Labiatae in Shengnongjia Nature Reserve;神农架自然保护区唇形科植物区系及资源植物分析
3.An addition to the Labiatae in flora of Henan《河南植物志》唇形科(Labiatae)补遗

1.Of or belonging to the mint family Labiatae.唇形科的属于唇形科的或与之有关的
2.An addition to the Labiatae in flora of Henan《河南植物志》唇形科(Labiatae)补遗
3.Morphological Comparison on the Leaf Epidermis and Glandular Hairs in 11 Medical Plants from Labiatae11种唇形科药用植物叶表及腺毛的形态比较
4.Or catmint. Aromatic herb (Nepeta cataria) of the mint family.亦称猫薄荷(catmint)。唇形科芳香草本植物,学名Nepeta cataria。
5.Progress of Researches on Anti-inflammatory, Anti-allergic and Anti-oxidant Activity of Labiates Plants唇形科植物抗炎、抗过敏和抗氧化活性研究进展
6.The resemblance of families such as the Verbenaceae and Labiate is the result of evolutionary convergence.科的相似性,如马鞭草科与唇形科的相似性,是进化上的趋同造成的。
7.Any of similar or related plants, such as the black horehound.唇形科植物任何与夏至草相似或相关的植物,例如黑夏至草
8.Any of various aromatic plants of the genus Monarda in the mint family, such as the bee balm.香蜂草任一种唇形科中薄荷属的芳香型植物,如蜜蜂花等
9.Analysis on flora and resources plants of Labiatae in Shengnongjia Nature Reserve;神农架自然保护区唇形科植物区系及资源植物分析
10.Progress in research on diterpenoids from Isodon species(Labiatae) and their biological activities唇形科香茶菜属二萜类化合物的生物活性研究进展
11."basil:an Old World aromatic annual herb (Ocimum basilicum) in the mint family, cultivated for its leaves, which are a popular seasoning."罗勒属植物:一种东半球的唇形科一年生草本植物罗勒,栽培其叶,可四季生长。
12.Any of various Old World herbs of the genus Coleus in the mint family, widely cultivated for their multicolored decorative leaves.锦紫苏一种东半球唇形科锦紫苏属草本植物,因其多彩的装饰性叶子而被广泛栽培
13.Having lips or liplike parts.有唇的或唇形部分的
14.One of the liplike divisions of a labiate corolla.下唇唇形花冠的唇状分裂物中的一个
15.Evaluation of the effect of maxillary anterior teeth morphology on torque using cone beam dental computed tomography牙科锥形束CT评价上颌前牙唇面形态对转矩的影响
16.families Sphecidae and Stizidae.泥蜂科和大唇泥蜂科。
17.Phylogeny of Rehmannia, Triaenophora and Related Families/genera of Lamiales (Sensu APG Ⅱ);地黄属、崖白菜属与唇形目(sensu APG Ⅱ)近缘科属的系统发育关系研究
18.cleft palate ;deformed condition in which the roof of a person's mouth is split at birth唇裂(出生时唇板裂开的畸形).

1.The Germplasm Resource and Ornamental Character of the Lamiaceae in Beijing;北京地区唇形科野生观赏植物资源及其观赏特性评价
2.The Germplasm Resource and Flora of the Medicinal Plants from Lamiaceae in Henan;河南唇形科药用植物种质资源及其区系分析
1.A Survey of the Research on Antimicrobial Constituents from Labiates Plants;唇形科植物抗菌成分的研究进展
4)Labiatae seeds唇形科种子
5)Labiatae fruit唇形科果实
6)A member of the mint family.唇形科植物
