山核桃,Carya cathayensis
1)Carya cathayensis山核桃
1.Bacteriostasis and fungistasis with extracts from Carya cathayensis leaves;山核桃叶片提取物的抑菌作用
2.Growth and development of the Carya cathayensis nut;山核桃果实生长发育规律

1.1 Ecological studies on Carya cathayensis and C.1 山核桃与大别山山核桃生态学研究
2.AFLP and SSR Analysis of Pollinated Generation between Carya Cathayensis and C.illinoinensis;山核桃×薄壳山核桃授粉子代AFLP、SSR分析
3.A hickory tree(Carya cordiformis)of eastern North America, having thin - shelled nuts with bitter kernels.心果山核桃,山胡桃一种北美东部的山核桃树(心果山核桃山核桃属),有薄壳坚果,果核苦味
4.Karyotype of Carya illinoensis and Carya tonkinensis薄壳山核桃及云南山核桃染色体核型分析
5.The hard, tough, heavy wood of such a tree.山核桃山核桃树坚硬、结实、厚重的木材
6.trees having usually edible nuts: butternuts; walnuts; hickories; pecans.乔木科通常具有可食用的坚果;灰胡桃;胡桃;山胡桃树;美洲山核桃树。
7.Studies on the Triglyceride Compositions of the Kernel Oils from Juglans Reagia L.and Carya yensis Sarg. in China Cakya我国核桃和山核桃油的甘油三酯组成的研究
8.Effect of Carya tonkinensis Rootstacks on Surrival Rate of Grafting and Growth of C.illionensis东京山核桃砧对美国山核桃嫁接成活率及树体生长结果的影响
9.A seedling raising trial was given to Carya illinoensis,some of seeding raising techniques were summarized.通过簿壳山核桃育苗试验 ,总结出一些簿壳山核桃育苗技术
10.dabieshanensisOn Carya cathayensis: The environmental conditions were obviously different in Carya cathayensis distribution areas.山核桃生态学研究:山核桃分布区内环境条件差异较大。
11.Analysis of Fruit,Seed and Juvenile Traits Resulting from Reciprocal Crosses between C.cathayensis and C.illinoensis山核桃与美国山核桃正反交种实及苗期性状的分析
12.A walking stick or switch made from such wood.山核桃木制成的手杖或鞭子
13.The wood of either of these trees.光滑山核桃木这两种树任一种的木材
14.Occurrence Rhythm and Control of Phylloxera notabilis Damaging Carya illinoensis薄壳山核桃瘤蚜的发生规律及其防治
15.The hams were cured over a hickory fire.火腿在山核桃树枝燃起的火上薰制。
16.Preliminary Study on Seedling Cultivation of Carya cathayensis by Different Grafting Techniques山核桃嫁接育苗技术研究与造林试验
17.Traditional Space Management and Its Efficiency of Carya cathayensis Forest传统山核桃林分的立体经营及其效益
18.Analysis on Physiological and Biochemical Traits of Survival of Carya cathayensis Grafted Seedling山核桃嫁接成活的生理生化特性分析

carya cathayensis sarg山核桃
1.The Utilization of Carya cathayensis Sarg Resource in the Western of Zhejiang and Southern of Anhui Province;浙西皖南山核桃资源及其开发利用
2.The Natural Stands Conditions of Carya Cathayensis Sarg. in Lin an County of Zhejiang Province;浙江临安山核桃立地环境研究
3.Study on the Species Diversity in Different Carya cathayensis Sarg. Plantations山核桃人工林生物多样性研究
1.Study on the process of walnut milk;山核桃营养乳加工工艺研究
2.Effect of different types of packaging on lipid oxidation of walnut (Carya cathayensis Sarg.) during storage;不同包装对山核桃脂肪氧化的影响
3.Consumption of walnut(Carya cathayensis Sarg.山核桃营养丰富,是深受消费者喜爱的干坚果产品;由于其油脂含量较高易氧化酸败,加工过程对山核桃的品质有重要的影响。
1.Optimization of the technology for peeling hickory kernel by lye;山核桃仁碱液浸泡法去皮工艺的研究
5)Carya Cathayensis Sarg (CCS) oil山核桃油
6)Hickory leaves山核桃叶
1.To determine the content of heavy metals in Hickory leaves,the sample was assayed by UV method.采用紫外分光光度法测定了山核桃叶中重金属的含量,分析波长为299 nm。

山核桃【通用名称】山核桃【其他名称】山核桃 (《浙江中药资源名录》) 【异名】山蟹(《中国树木分类学》),山核(《浙江天目山药植志》)。 【来源】为胡桃科植物山核桃的根皮、外果皮、种仁。 【植物形态】山核桃 落叶、乔木,高达30米,髓部实心。单数羽状复叶互生;小叶5~7,对生,披针形或倒卵状披针形,长10~18厘米,宽2.5~5厘米,先端渐尖,基部楔形,边缘有细锯齿,下面有橙黄色鳞片状毛茸;小叶柄极短或几无,花单性,雌雄同株,雄柔荑花序3条成一束,腋生,长10~15厘米;花下有1苞片和2小苞片,花被3~6裂,与苞片贴生,雄蕊3~10;雌花序穗状,直立,花序轴密生腺体,有花2~5朵;雌花有4裂的花被,和子房贴生。果实核果状,核倒卵形或椭圆状卵形,外果皮密生鳞状腺体。成熟时4瓣开裂,长2~2.5厘米。花期3~4月。果期9月。 生于山麓疏林中或山谷中。分布浙江、安徽、湖南、贵州等地。 【功用主治】《浙江天目山药植志》:"种仁:滋润补养;微炒;黄洒送服,治腰痛。鲜根皮煎汤浸洗,治脚痔(脚趾缝湿痒)。鲜外果皮捣取汁擦治皮肤癣症。"