1.Advances on Trollius;金莲花属植物的研究进展
2.Anatomic study of the Carpels in Trollius and Adonis;金莲花属成熟心皮的解剖学研究
3.Floral morphogenesis of Caltha and Trollius (Ranunculaceae) and its systematic significance;驴蹄草属和金莲花属(毛茛科)花器官的形态发生及系统学意义

1.Trollius buddae f.dolichopetalus,A New Form of Ranunculaceae金莲花属(毛茛科)一新变型——长瓣川陕金莲花
2.Any of several plants of the genus Trollius having palmately lobed leaves, solitary, usually yellow flowers, and many follicles.金莲花一种金莲花属的植物,具有掌状裂片叶,球形黄色花,许多骨突
3.Comparative Study on Morphological Characteristics of Caltha and Trollius;金莲花属和驴蹄草属(毛茛科)的比较形态学研究
4.any of several plants of the genus Trollius having globose yellow flowers.具球形黄色花的金莲花属中许多植物的任意一种。
5.Primary Study of Heavy- metal Contamination of Soil in Abandoned Mine of Lianhua Mountain莲花山矿山土壤重金属污染初步调查
6.any plant or flower of the genus Lobelia.半边莲属的植物或花。
7.A revision of Clematis sect. Meclatis (Ranunculaceae)铁线莲属黄花铁线莲组修订(英文)
8.any plant of the genus Pulsatilla; sometimes included in genus Anemone.白头翁属的任何一种植物;现在常归入银莲花属。
9.The Study on Effective Substance and Evaluation of Quality of Trollius Chinensis;金莲花药效物质基础及质量评价研究
10.Study on material basis for the efficacy of Trollius chinensis Bunge and its extraction technology;金莲花药效物质基础及提取工艺研究
11.erect clematis of Florida having pink to purple flowers; sometimes placed in genus Viorna.佛罗里达直立铁线莲,开粉色至紫色的花;有时归为铁线莲属。
12.small genus of perennial herbs of north temperate regions; allied to genus Anemone.北温带地区一个多年生草本植物小属;与银莲花属同属一系。
13.Floral Organogenesis of Brasenia, Nymphaea and Euryale and Its Systematic Significance;莼菜属、睡莲属和芡属的花器官发生及其系统学意义
14.any of various ornamental climbing plants of the genus Clematis usually having showy flowers.任何铁线莲属的观赏攀援植物,通常开美丽的花。
15.Comparative Studies on Flowering Biology of 5 Agapanthus Species百子莲属五个品种开花生物学特性的研究
16.Flower Germplasm Resources of Clematis in Yunnan Province and Their Developmental Foreground云南铁线莲属花卉种质资源及开发利用
17.Any of numerous plants of the genus Lobelia, having terminal racemes of variously colored flowers with a bilabiate corolla.半边莲一种半边莲属的植物,有带顶生二唇花冠的总状花序,花为各种颜色
18.Studies on the Phytochemical Constituents and Pharmacological Activities of Trollius Ledebouri Reichb and Croton Tiglium L.;短瓣金莲花、巴豆叶植物化学成分及药效学研究

1.A new section with a new species of Anemone (Ranunculaceae) from Mt. Xiaowutai, China;银莲花属一新组和一新种
2.New Medical Advances of Anemone;银莲花属植物药用新进展
3.Anemone is an important genus which distributed widely and used to folk medicines in China.本文简要综述了银莲花属植物的化学和药理研究。
3)Anemone L银莲花属
1.Study on Resources of Medicinal Plant Anemone L. in Chongqing;重庆银莲花属药用植物资源研究
4)trollius chinensis bunge金莲花
1.Study on the stability of yellow pigment of trollius chinensis bunge;金莲花黄色素稳定性的研究
2.Study on the antibacterial and antiviral activity compositions of Trollius chinensis Bunge.;金莲花抑菌抗病毒活性成分的初步研究
1.Testing of Alkaloid Derived from Trollius with High Performance Liquid Chromatography;高效液相色谱法测定金莲花中的生物碱
6)Nymphoides indica (L.)O.Kuntze金银莲花
1.Studies on the Effect of Hg~(2+) Pollution on Leaf's Ultrastructure of Nymphoides indica (L.)O.Kuntze;汞污染对金银莲花叶片细胞超微结构的影响
