1.Relationship Between Angelica and Peucedanum and the Phylogenetic Position of Angelica decursiva/Peucedanum decursivum Based on the Evidences From ITS Sequences;基于ITS序列研究当归属、前胡属间的关系与紫花前胡的分类地位
2.Systematic of Genus Peucedanum in Southwese of China;西南地区前胡属系统分类学研究
3.Leaf Epidermal Characters of 6 Species in Peucedanum and its Taxonomic Significance六种前胡属植物叶表皮形态学研究

1.Addendum of pollen morphology of genus Peucedanum L. in Southwest China西南地区前胡属植物的孢粉学研究补遗
2.A dried berry of the pepper vine Piper nigrum.胡椒粒干的胡椒子胡椒属
3.Of or belonging to the family Vespidae.胡蜂科的胡蜂科的或属于胡蜂科的
4.type genus of the Osmeridae.胡瓜鱼科的一个模式属。
5.He damned his men right and left.他胡乱地咒骂部属。
6.Any of several plants of the genus Piper, as cubeb, betel, and kava.胡椒属植物任何一种胡椒属植物,如荜澄茄、槟榔子和卡瓦胡椒
7.The Phylogenetic Framework Study of Angelica s.l. from East Asia and the Phylogenetic Positions Study of Angelica Apaensis/Heracleum Apaense, Angelica Decursiva/Peucedanum Decursivum: Based on the Evidences from ITS Sequences of Nuclear Ribosomal DNA;基于ITS序列探讨东亚当归属的系统框架与法落海、紫花前胡等的系统地位
8.any of various trees of the genus Juglans.属于胡桃属的任何一种树。
9.His beard fell to his chest.他的胡须垂到胸前.
10.His beard flows down upon his breast他的胡须飘垂到胸前。
11.He said she used to squander the money.他说她以前胡乱花钱。
12.Expectorant Action of Praeruptofin C and Nodakenin白花前胡丙素和紫花前胡苷祛痰作用研究
13."Any of about 20 species of deciduous trees in the genus Juglans, family Juglandaceae."亦称核桃。胡桃科胡桃属植物,约二十种落叶乔木。
14.Determination of dl-tetrahydropalmatine and imperatorin in Yuanhuzhitong dispersible tablet by HPLCHPLC法同时测定元胡止痛分散片中延胡索乙素和欧前胡素的含量
15.sometimes considered a subgenus of Vespa: social wasps.有时被看成是胡蜂属的一个亚属;群居的黄蜂。
16.Sycyos, a naturalized genus of cucurbitaceae in Mainland China, is reported in the paper.报道了中国大陆葫芦科一归化属——野胡瓜属.
17.It's completely wrong to say that football is boring.说足球没意思,那纯属胡言乱语。
18.any of various shrubby vines of the genus Piper.胡椒属任何一种灌木状藤本植物。

Peucedanum L前胡属
1.Addendum of pollen morphology of genus Peucedanum L. in Southwest China西南地区前胡属植物的孢粉学研究补遗
2.20~26Interspecific relationships of 13 species and 2 varieties of Peucedanum L.利用琼脂板双扩散沉淀反应对我国前胡属(PeucedanumL。
1.Identification of the Commercial Medicinal Materials "Qian-Hu"(Radix Peucedani) and Probing their Genetic Relations by RAPD Technique;RAPD技术鉴别商品药材前胡及其亲缘关系
1.Research progress on quality control of Qianhu;中药前胡质量控制的研究概况
2.Objective: Our aim was to study the effect of endothelin 1 (ET 1) on the development of chronic hypoxic pulmonary hypertension and mechanism of QF 8 (the extract of baihua qianhu, a Chinese traditional medicine) in lowering pulmonary hypertension.目的 :探讨内皮素 - 1(endothelin- 1,ET- 1)在慢性缺氧性肺动脉高压发生中的作用及白花前胡提取物(QF- 8)降低肺动脉高压作用机制。
5)Radix Peucedani前胡
1.Identification of Radix Peucedani and Its Adulterant Radix Peucedani Terebinthaceum;前胡及其混淆品石防风的鉴别
2.Study on Fluorescence Spectrum of Chinese Traditional Herbs Radix Peucedani、Dichroa Febrifuga & Salicylic Acid、Protocatechuic Acid;中药前胡、常山及水杨酸、原儿茶酸的荧光光谱研究
3.Content determining of total Coumarin in wild and cultivated Radix Peucedani in different districts of Zhejiang Province不同产地前胡栽培品和野生品的总香豆素含量测定
1.Determination of Imperatorin in Tongqiaobiyan Tablet by RP-HPLC;RP-HPLC测定通窍鼻炎片中欧前胡素的含量
2.Pharmacokinetic study of imperatorin in rat after oral administration of Extractum Angelicae Dahuricae Siccum;白芷提取物欧前胡素在大鼠体内的药物动力学
3.Content Determination of Imperatorin in Compound Toutong Tablets by HPLC;高效液相色谱法测定复方头痛片中欧前胡素的含量

秦二世胡亥(公元前230~前207)  秦朝第二代皇帝。始皇少子。早年曾从中车府令赵高学习狱法。秦始皇三十七年(前 210)始皇帝病死,胡亥在赵高和丞相李斯的扶植下,得立为太子,并承袭帝位,称二世皇帝。    胡亥即位后,下令秦始皇后宫无子者皆令从死,又将营造骊山墓地下机弩的工匠都活埋在墓中。他怕诸公子和大臣不服,于是与赵高密谋,更为法律,诛杀诸公子、公主二十余人和秦始皇亲信大臣蒙恬、蒙毅等,株连者不可胜数。其后,诛罚日益刻深,群臣人人自危。胡亥又承袭始皇弊政,继续修治阿房宫等,并征调材士五万人屯卫咸阳,令教射狗马禽兽,当食者多,遂下调郡县,以此赋敛越重,戍徭无已。二世元年(前 209)七月,征发闾左戍边,终于激发了陈胜、吴广起义,反秦斗争随即席卷关东地区。秦二世变本加厉,行督责于群臣,以税民深者为明吏,杀人众者为忠臣。于是刑者相半于道,死人堆积于市。又听信赵高谗言,诛杀左丞相李斯,迫使右丞相冯去疾和将军冯劫自杀。随即,任赵高为中丞相,听其专擅朝政,致使众叛亲离。二世三年七月,章邯、王离率领的秦军主力投降项羽,刘邦(见汉高祖刘邦)带领的起义军,攻下武关。赵高恐诛罚及身,与其婿咸阳令阎乐合谋,乘二世斋于望夷宫,诈诏发兵围宫,劫令二世自杀。