1.Paris caobangensis Y. H. Ji,H. Li & Z. K. Zhou(Trilliaceae),a new species from northern Vietnam;高平重楼——越南北部重楼属(延龄草科)一新种(英文)
2.Paris xichouensis, a new combination of Trilliaceae from China;中国重楼属(延龄草科)一新组合——西畴重楼(英文)
3.Studies on Pollen Morphology of Four Genera of Trilliaceae;延龄草科四属花粉形态的研究

1.sometimes placed in subfamily Trilliaceae.有时被归为延龄草科内。
2.Paris polyphylla var. panxiensis(Trilliaceae),A New Variety from Sichuan,China中国重楼属(延龄草科)一新变种——攀西直瓣重楼
3.Any of various North American aroid plants that bloom early in the spring.延龄草一种北美天南星科植物,在早春开花
4.sagolike starch obtained from cuckoopint root.从延龄草的根部提取的西米状淀粉。
5.trillium of central United States having dark purple sessile flowers.美国中部的一种延龄草,花无柄、黑紫色。
6.a low perennial white-flowered trillium found in the southeastern United States.美国东南部一种矮生、开白花的延龄草。
7.Determination of Diosgenin In Trillium Tschonoskii Maxin.By HPLCHPLC法测定延龄草中薯蓣皂苷元的含量
8.any liliaceous plant of the genus Trillium having a whorl of three leaves at the top of the stem with a single three-petalled flower.延龄草属的多种百合科植物之一,三片叶在茎顶端轮生,花单生、有三片花瓣。
9.Studies on Genetic Diversity of an Endanger Species,Trillium Tschonoskii;濒危植物延龄草(Trillium tschonoskii)的遗传多样性研究
10.A Study of Population Space Distribution of the Endangered Plant --Trillium Tschonoshii Maxim;濒危植物延龄草种群空间分布格局的研究
11.Quality Standard and Chemical Composition for Trillium Tschonoskii Maxim延龄草药材质量标准及化学成分的研究
12.European herb with yelow-green flowers resembling and closely related to the trilliums; reputed to be poisonous.欧洲草,黄绿色花类似并和延龄草关系密切;被认为有毒。
13.Having three leaves or leaflike parts, as in the trillium.三叶的有三片叶子或具三个叶状部分的,如延龄草
14.Determination of Diosgenin in Trillium tschonoskii Rhizome by RP-HPLC反相高效液相色谱法测定延龄草根茎中薯蓣皂甙元的含量
15.Effects of Plant Growth Retardants on Dwarfing of Lawn Grasses Gramineae;植物生长延缓剂对禾本科草坪草矮化效应的研究
16.trillium of northeastern United States with sessile leaves and red or purple flowers having a pungent odor.美国东北部的一种延龄草,具有无柄的叶和红色或紫色的花,有刺激性气味。
17.Any of several Old World plants, such as the cuckoopint, of the genus Arum, having basal, arrowhead - shaped leaves.黑海芋任何与延龄草同种的东半球生植物黑海芋属植物,有基生的箭头状叶
18.trillium of eastern North America having malodorous pink to purple flowers and an astringent root used in fold medicine especially to ease childbirth.北美东部的一种延龄草,花粉红色到紫色、有葱臭味,其根具有收敛性、可用作催产剂。

Trillium tschonoskii Maxim延龄草
1.Preliminary Study on Somatic Embryo Inducement of Rare Medicinal Plant Trillium tschonoskii Maxim;珍稀药用植物延龄草的体细胞胚诱导研究
2.Establishment of ISSR-PCR System in Trillium tschonoskii Maxim;适合于延龄草的ISSR体系的建立
3.A study of callus of the endangered plant Trillium tschonoskii Maxim;濒危植物延龄草愈伤组织诱导研究
3)Trillium tschonoskii延龄草
1.Genetic diversity of the rare and endangered plant Trillium tschonoskii in Sichuan Province.;四川省珍稀濒危植物延龄草遗传多样性分析
2.Determination of Diosgenin in Trillium tschonoskii Rhizome by RP-HPLC反相高效液相色谱法测定延龄草根茎中薯蓣皂甙元的含量
3.Trillium tschonoskii Maxim, locally named "a pearl on head" , a perennial herb of Liliaceae, mainly distributes in east Asia and north America.延龄草(Trillium tschonoskii),俗称为“头顶一颗珠”,为百合科延龄草属的多年生草本植物,主要分布在东亚及北美。
1.and Scoliopus Torr.延龄草属TrilliumL。
6)big grass weeds大龄禾本科杂草
