1.Biological characteristics of recalcitrant-type seeds and evolution of seed recalcitrance.;顽拗型种子的生物学特性及种子顽拗性的进化
2.Based on the relationship between recalcitrance and regeneration strategies, seed storage, dispersal, germination and seedling living, the ecological features and possible evolution modeos are also described in this paper.本文综述了顽拗性种子的生理行为,分类及与生态因子的关系。

1.Seeds Desiccation Tolerance and the Evolution and Ecological Features of Recalcirant Seeds;种子的耐干性与顽拗性种子的进化和生态特点
2.Relationship between browning and soluble sugar of recalcitrant seeds of chestnut in front of and behind maturation顽拗性板栗种子成熟前后褐变与可溶性糖的关系
3.The state or quality of being intractable or hardened.顽固不化执拗,倔强的状态或品性
4.The quality or state of being pertinacious.坚持到底,执拗,顽固坚持不变的特性或状态
5.To manifest or experience perseveration.表现执拗,表现顽梗表现或感受执拗
6.Given to recalcitrant behavior; willful or perverse.顽固的,任性的好与人作对的;执拗的或故意作对的
7.Henry was more than a bigot. He was also a hypocrite.亨利不只是一个顽固执拗的人,他还是个伪君子。
8.Bigotry is bad enough, as I had learned in Allentown.我过去在阿伦敦时就懂得,顽固执拗是够糟糕的了。
9.He has a stubborn,grumpy face,but looks extremely fit for a man of his age.顽强执拗的情态,看起来同他这样年纪的人是极其相称的。
10.Sobriety and Obduracy --Brief Analysis on Beidao s Writing Style;清醒与执拗并存——北岛的创作个性简析
11.Obstinately persisting in an error or a fault;wrongly self - willed or stubborn.执拗的,刚愎的顽固地坚持错误和过失的;错误地自以为是的或倔强的
12.We examined recalcitrant-seeded species of Quercus,Acer,and Aesculus for biochemical changes that might occur during storage or during desiccation at room temperature.笔者测定了栎属、槭属和七叶树属顽拗型种子在室温下贮藏或干燥过程中的生化变化。
13.Comparative Analysis of the Volatile Components from Oils of San-ao Decoction and its Major Constituing Herbs by GC-MS三拗汤及其组方药材挥发性成分比较分析
14.an indolent ulcer; leprosy is an indolent infectious disease.顽固性的溃疡;麻风病是一种顽固的传染性疾
15.The state or quality of being stubborn or refractory.顽固,倔强顽固、固执或倔强的状态或性质
16.Obstinate or contemptuous resistance to authority; stubborn rebelliousness.叛逆性顽固的或藐视性的反抗权威;顽固的叛逆性
17.She knew too much of the obstinacy of men to oppose any of their ridiculous humours.她深深懂得男人那股执拗性子,也就不硬去反对这种荒唐想法了。
18.The Clinical Observation on the Therapy of Wind-cold Attrack Lung Laryngeal Cough Using Sanao Decoction;三拗汤治疗风寒闭肺型喉源性咳嗽的临床疗效观察

recalcitrant seed顽拗性种子
1.Cryopreservation of recalcitrant seed germplasm;低温保存技术在顽拗性种子种质保存中的利用
2.Recalcitrant seeds could acquire germinability during their median period of development, andcouldn t undergo maturation drying, and could continue to germinate after shedding.产生顽拗性种子的植物通常生存在易于比较迅速形成幼苗的生境。
3.Wampee( Clausena lansium ),a typical recalcitrant seed, was chosen as experimental material, and the protein synthesis in seed axes during development and under drying stress was labelled by 35 S Met.以典型的顽拗性种子黄皮(Clausenalansium)为实验材料,运用35S-Met标记黄皮种子发育期间和脱水胁迫时合成的蛋白质。
3)Seed recalcitrance种子顽拗性
4)recalcitrant seeds顽拗性种子
1.This paper summarizes the principles, means and affecting factors of cryopreservation of recalcitrant seeds, and affirms that cryopreservation is the best means for long-term preservation.探讨了超低温保存的基本原理、方法和影响因素等 ,肯定了超低温是一种长期保存顽拗性种子的最佳手段。
2.The ecology of recalcitrant seeds is a constitutive content of reproduction ecology, as recalcitrant seeds are the special group of seeds.本文综述了顽拗性种子的生理行为,分类及与生态因子的关系。
3.The activity of reactive oxygen scavenging enzymes, membrane lipid peroxidation and electrolyte leakage in embryos of wampee seeds during desiccation were measured in order to investigate the physiology of desiccation sensitivity in recalcitrant seeds.以上结果表明 :顽拗性种子黄皮的脱水敏感性与活性氧清除酶相对活性变化有关。
5)Continuum of recalcitrant seeds顽拗性连续谱
6)continuum of seed recalcitrance顽拗性连续群
