1.Effects of Ultradrying Treatment and Storage Temperature on Vigor and Physiological Changes of Salvia splendens Seeds;超干处理与贮藏温度对一串红种子生活力与生理变化的影响
2.The Physiological Mechanisam Study of Ultradrying and Aging Sunflower Seeds During Germinating;超干老化向日葵种子吸胀萌发过程生理机制的研究
3.Effects of ultradrying storage on vigor and antioxidase activity of Cichoriun intybus seeds超干贮藏对菊苣种子活力与抗氧化性的影响

1.Studies on Ultradry Storage and Mechanisms of Desiccation Tolerance of Rice Seeds;水稻种子超干贮藏及耐干性机理研究
2.The Studies of Ultradry Effect on Seed Germplasm Preservation and Physiology and Biochemistry Basis of Seed Desiccation Tolerance;种子种质超干保存及其耐干性的生理生化基础
3.Study on Ultra-dry Storage of Four Forest Seeds from Arid and Semiarid Areas of Northwest China;西北干旱半干旱地区四种林木种子超干保存研究
4.Physiological Studies on Ultradrying Storage of Sunflower、Collard and Pansy Seeds;向日葵等草花种子超干贮藏生理研究
5.fringe counting ultrasonic interferometer条纹计数式超声干涉仪
6.superconducting quantum interference magnetometer超导量子干涉磁力仪
7.Prepare SiO_2 Utrafine Powders with Supercritical Drying;CO_2超临界干燥制备SiO_2超细粉体的研究
8.Application of Dry-type Slag Removal Technology at Supercritical Boile干排渣技术在超超临界锅炉上的应用
9.Tone Jamming on UWB System and Its Effect Analysis音调干扰对超宽带通信干扰效果分析
10.Analysis and Risk Control on Wet-dry State Transfer Process for 1000 MW Supercritical Unit1000MW超超临界机组干、湿态转换过程及风险控制
11.clothes-drying machine, each of a dry linen capacity not exceeding 10kg衣物烘干机,每台干亚麻布容量不超过10kg
12.Research on Imaging Technique and Interference Suppression of Ultra-wideband Random Noise SAR;噪声超宽带雷达成像及干扰抗干扰性能研究
13.drier ,clothes (excl. centrifugal driers) of a dry linen capacity, not exceeding 10kg衣物烘干机(不包括离心烘干机)干亚麻制口容量不超过10㎏
14.drier ,tumbler-type, for textile yarns, fabrics or made-up articles, of a dry linen capacity not exceeding 10kg转鼓式干燥机,用于烘干纱线、织物或坯品,干亚麻布容量不超过10㎏
15.In 2000, there were over 50, 000 ethnic minority cadres in the Tibet Autonomous Region, and Tibetan cadres accounted for over 70 percent of the total number of cadres there.2000年,西藏自治区有5万多名民族干部,藏族干部超过干部总数的70%。
16.The superpowers should keep hands off in the internal affairs of other countries.超级大国不应当干涉别国内政。
17.Hanley was a bright man, intellectually superior to Jones.汉利是个聪明的人,论才干超过了琼斯。
18.Researches on Interference Cancellation and Coexistence for Ultra Wideband Wireless Communication Systems;超宽带无线通信抗干扰与共存性研究

1.Effects of Ultradry Storage on the Stability of Antioxidation System of the Seed of the Seed of Brassica caulorapa Pasq.;超干贮藏对苤蓝种子抗氧化系统稳定性的影响
2.Ultradrying treatments reduced V.以耐干的菜心种子和不耐干的豇豆种子为材料 ,研究了超干对其活力和水分吸附等温线及热力学参数(ΔS、ΔH、ΔG)的影响。
3.The previous studies suggested that seed ultradry in favor of conservation of germplasm resources.研究表明,种子超干有利于种质资源的保存。
3)ultra-fine dry powder超细干粉
1.On design of ultra-fine dry powder fire-extinguishing device for industrial coating workshops;涂装作业场所超细干粉灭火设备设计
2.Application of ultra-fine dry powder extinguishing device on industrial coasting workshop;超细干粉灭火设备在涂装作业场所中的应用
4)ultra dry超干燥
5)Dewatering by leading level超前疏干
6)ultra-dry storage超干保存
1.Effects of ultra-dry storage on the vigor and physiological characteristics of Zygophyllum xanthoxylon seed;超干保存对霸王种子活力和生理特性的影响

超干燥碳酸钙超干燥碳酸钙颗粒、干燥碳酸钙颗粒的方法以及所述碳酸钙的应用。根据本发明,碳酸钙颗粒使用微波进行干燥。干燥可以在连续带式设备、箱式设备或旋转管式设备内进行。可以制备干燥程度为含0-0.1%h2o的碳酸钙颗粒。【 权利要求 】 超干燥碳酸钙,具有含0-0.1%h2o的干燥程度