1.The technique of cloning Paulownia tomentosa with high efficiency by using placenta as explants;以胎座为外植体高效克隆毛泡桐的技术
2.Pappi are hollow and the wall of basal pappi(inserting on placenta) is stoutest in the whole pappus,with placation and transverse.通过对黄花柳、五蕊柳、小叶杨、加杨、山杨和小青杨等6种杨柳科植物成熟果实冠毛的观察,发现:杨柳科这几种植物的冠毛外型差异不大,冠毛为中空,基部(着生在胎座上的一端)壁较厚,是整个毛中壁最厚的部分,具明显的褶皱与横纹;基部略向上一些,壁开始逐渐变薄的地方,冠毛的内径有一明显增大,是整个冠毛直径最大处;接近尾部时,毛的直径逐渐变小,成为一个实心的芒端。
3.In the process of distinguishing the category of angiosperm,writing an accurate program of flowers and differentiating the type of placenta are basic experimental abilities that students must acquire.在鉴别被子植物种类的过程中,准确地书写植物花程式和判别胎座类型是学生必须掌握的基本实验技能。

1.Starch grains present in the embryo sac and placenta are utilized by the embryo.存在于胚囊和胎座中的淀粉粒为胚胎所利用。
2.The part within the ovary of a flowering plant to which the ovules are attached.胎座开花植物子房内的某部分,胚珠可附于其上
3.A stalk connecting an ovule or a seed with the placenta.珠柄与胚珠或含胎座的种子相接的叶柄
4.used in former classification systems; approximately synonymous with order Caryophyllales.用于原来的分类系统中;与中央胎座目基本同义。
5.Green Gram s ovary consists of singe carpel, one locule, cantaining9-13 campylotropous ovules bearing at the marginal placentation.绿豆子厉由单心皮构成,1室,有9—13个弯生胚珠着生在边缘胎座上。
6.Four new species of the genus Begonia L. (Begoniaceae) from Guangxi, China are described and illustrated.描述了广西秋海棠属 (秋海棠科 )的侧膜胎座组和秋海棠组 4新种。
7.Funicle (funiculus) The stalk attaching the ovule (later the seed) to the placenta in angiosperm ovaries. Nutrients pass through the funicle to the ovule and seed.珠柄:被子植物子房中连接胚珠(之后的种子)和胎座的柄。营养物质通过珠柄传递到胚珠和种子。
8.bead seat optional contours可选择的胎圈座轮廓
9.Like a monument to a bygone age the factory lies in front of my 'window.这座轮胎制造厂犹如一座古代纪念碑屹立在我的窗前。
10.Influencing Factors on Tire Life of Straddle Type Monorail Trains跨座式单轨列车轮胎寿命的影响因素分析
11.Alrnost always, investigators say, the thieves puncture the right rear tire, the furthest one from the driver's side door.探员们说,窃贼们几乎总是扎破汽车右后方的轮胎——也就是离驾驶座的门最远的一个轮胎。
12.A flat tire slows the transport of a bok choy tower through the streets of Kunming in Yunnan Province.云南昆明的街头,轮胎漏气让这座“白菜塔”的运输停缓了下来。
13.Options are sun roof, alu-minium wheels, six-way speakers with CD player, leather seats, etc.额外的有开窗、合金轮胎、六向扬场器镭谢唱机、皮座痊等。
14.It is best suited to glazing and protection of household appliances, vehicles instrument panels, tires, leather seats, furniture and plastics.最适于家用电器、辆仪表板、胎、革座椅、私、料制品的上光及保护。
15.At a church rap session a few hundred women came to talk about their abortions.在一次教会举办的专题座谈会上,有数百名妇女出席讨论堕胎问题。
16.But as the driver inspects the flat, a third thief snatches a purse or briefcase on the front seat.正当车主检查漏气的轮胎时,第三个贼偷走了车前座上的钱包或者公文包。
17.tyre-lock chain胎锁链(轮胎防滑)
18.Have / Take a chair, ie Sit down.入座[就座](坐下).

3)Spare wheel seat备胎座
4)bead seat胎圈座
5)laminal placentation层状胎座
